You were right about the Goblins Sean

As soon as the timer went off, the door opened wide and Erin and his classmates went out in different directions. Unlike most who headed for the school exit, Erin, Jared, Marvin and Sean stayed inside one of the men's bathroom.

"Ok Erin. do you need to take a dump or something? Why are we here?" Marvin said with little patience left in his voice. Erin looked around before finding a mop and a blade.

"Here you take the mop Jared and you can take the blade and Sean keep that pen sharp." Sean hugged his pen as he heard this.

"This is a limited edition snow lovers kiss fairy pen. I would never damaged it in a million years." Erin scratched his head.

"Maybe on earth but this is the "New World" remember? With Goblins and shit."

"Can we stop talking about Goblins please?" Marvin whined. Jared broke his mop in two and which gave Marvin a fright.

"I don't care whats coming, I am not dying tonight. " Jared looked at Erin seriously and they both nodded at each other. There was only one door so everyone faced the door as they readied their weapons.


Suddenly, they heard the sound of the ground shaking but it was not coming from outside, It was coming from one of the bathroom stalls.

"Hey Erin, What are the chances that there are millions of monsters with thirsts for human blood in that stall?" Marvin asked nervously.

" I'd say about 100%" Erin remarked.

"Ok, I think its time we run." Sean suggested.

"No... We run, We are most likely dead in this situation. Its time to do a little hiding."

A few seconds of shaking later and the second stall to the door slammed open and instead of a bathroom a murky aura surrounded the inside and hundreds of small scrawny, screeching green creatures came out of the bathroom. They quickly went out of the conveniently opened door with sounds of screeching and blood curdling screams following along the way.

As the last few stragglers rolled out of the stalls, The murky aura disappeared and a stall could be seen again. The 4 goblins who were about to follow the others suddenly heard a sound.


"Shit!" Sean whispered before closing his mouth again.

At the last stall in the corner of the bathroom, the 4 had quietly stayed as the goblins ran out of the bathroom to where noise was most prevalent. As Erin had hoped, the creature that came from the stalls had very low IQ's and were not very observant of their surroundings. This saved them from the most likely possibility of them being mauled at.

Unfortunately, Sean had dropped his pen when relaxing at the sounds of what he thought was the last batch of goblins.

The Goblins closed in as they sniffed around the anime pen with curiosity. While their heads where turned, Erin opened the door and slammed the closest Goblin with his heavy hole puncher. The Goblins head made a cracking sound and it drops its dagger on the ground. Erin picked up the dagger in order to stab the Goblin a few more times.


~ You have killed a common Goblin~

~Congratulations on being the first to kill a Goblin in Area [Highschool #3]~

Erin did not listen to the notification as he tried to dodge the incoming attack from the second and third goblin while the fourth goblin is distracted by Jared. Erin smiles as he sees his friend back him up. After the first few seconds of fear faded, Marvin Tries to alleviate some of Erin's burden by facing up the third goblin. While the two sides get on an all out brawl, Sean slowly crawled to get his pen. As he finally retrieved it he realized that the painting on the pen had been scratched.

At this realization another scream is heard as Erin gets a notification that he had killed another common goblin.

A few seconds later Jared gets the same notification as well. They see Marvin struggling and were about to help when they see Sean screaming wildly as he stabs the last Goblin in the eye. With the pen still in the goblins eye, Marvin stabs the goblin where he hoped a heart would be.


~ You have killed a common goblin


~ You have assisted in Killing a common goblin

After the battle was over, they were finally able to read the messages. Marvin collapsed as he dropped the blade on the ground. Erin handed all of them a blade.

"Take em we still got some hunting to do." Erin said as he caught his breath.

"But we just killed 4 of the fuckers is that not good enough?" Marvin whined. Erin shook his head.

"How many of these portals do you think appeared in our school? Its better to run to them before they prey on us." Jared nodded in agreement as he wiped the sweat on his face.

" Lets kill those Goblin motherfuckers!" Sean yelled as he held on to his pen now covered in blood.

Erin smiled as he saw their determined faces even Marvin unwillingly stood up as they all prepared for a 2 hour battle of bloodshed.

They were on the 2nd floor of a 3 story build and were in the middle of a hallway filled with many doors and escape routes. Marvin was an expert at escaping from his time peeking at girls locker rooms. He knew the school in and out. Erin was the fastest of the bunch and was also the quietest. He would hide in plain sight and spot small groups of goblins to kill.

Him and Jared would mostly do the killing while Marvin and Sean assisted when necessary. Sean's loud scream could draw goblins for miles and distract them from two quick dagger wielding teenagers on the other side.

Erin looked at the timer on his screen. 35 minutes left. Only 1 hours and a half ago they were scared little teenagers who were dazed and confused. After this little time they had adapted oddly very well. They did not have much time to rest, They had to secure their safety first. Only 35 more minutes to go.

So far Jared had the most kills with his double dagger wielding ways. He had killed 56 goblins. Erin was not far behind with 55 kills. Sean had killed 22 Goblins so far while Marvin had killed 15. Although his kill count was the lowest he had helped the group escape multiple times in the last hour or so.

Erin was out again to search for goblins. He saw 10 goblins huddled around eating the corpses of a girl in his grade. Erin was not shocked at the scene. He had seen this a couple of times already and although he knew this would probably traumatize him in the future, he had no time to feel anything. He just needed to survive and block out the emotions as long as he could.

Erin gave Jared the go signal and they both started to attack the goblins on both sides. Since this was a bigger raid, Marvin and Sean joined in on the kills and after a brutal 15 minutes of back and forth, Marvin stabbed the last goblin in the heart. They caught their breaths as Erin scavenged for any good supplies. As he scavenged for supplies Marvin laughed.

"Yo dude your covered in goblin blood." Erin paused as he looked as his school uniform which cost his mother a weeks worth of work to buy.

"Yeah and some of it is my blood too. Ha. Look at yours. Its all ripped and mangled Marv." Marvin laughed tiredly as he saw his barely recognizable school logo on his vest.

"Marv were you even wearing the school uniform this morning? I don't believe you if you say yes." Jared remarked.

"That's all your mom was saying last night." Marvin said as he flipped Jared off. They all had a laugh before going back into silence. The pain was starting to hit them. They could not hide it through killing or jokes... They were scared.

"So were you guys able to text anyone from outside?" Sean asked. Jared shook his head.

"Nope. It like everyone outside of this school is in another planet or something. Nothing works calls, texts it all goes to voicemail." Jared lemented.

"I wonder if the police station is actually getting these call or if they are all automatically going to voicemail." Erin guessed.

"Well I bet it is much smoother for them. Just shoot a few rounds and their good. We have to stab these fuckers like 10 times before they go down." Marvin ranted and he made the stabbing motion.

" I just want to go home." Sean said silently. Everyone sat silently around a pool of dead bloodied goblins. Erin was the first to snap out of this state.

"Ok everybody, only 10 minutes left guys. Don't get your hopes down now. We can survive, ok?"

"Ok. " Jared said with a smile.

" Yeah maybe." Marvin answered.

"O-ok!" Sean said enthusiastically.

As Sean gets pumped up, they suddenly the screams of a few students heading their direction. It was their classmates. They had not seen them in 2 hours but it felt like years.

Before Erin could ask what was going on, They suddenly saw it a 8 foot tall dark green goblin looking thing.


~Dungeon boss has entered

~ Goblin chief kubalo