The Goblin cheif is dead!

The last image they saw of these two were their horrified faces as the monster cut them in half with his saber.

The four quickly stood up and readied themselves as they saw the chief coming for vengeance. The chief swung his saber with low precision but large strength. The four were able to dodge the saber as he cut through bricks like paper. The four quickly spread out with Jared and Erin taking his front and back respectfully. The double attack did its job and confused the chief while Marvin and Sean attacked from the side.

Unlike what Marvin had previously remarked, 40 stabs later and the chief was still not down. Erin started to become more precise as he aimed for spots he had observed as were weak points. The chest, the eyes and the knees. It took time but the 4 together slowly took him down. Right as Marvin was about to go for the kill, The chief had a burst of adrenaline and pushed Marvin to the side.


~Kubalo has entered Berserker mode~

"Shit!" Erin yelled as he saw Marvin Fly. This one push had so much force that it caused dents on the door that Marvin's head hit a few meters away. The goblin screamed wildly before Erin finally ended its life by cutting his throat. The boys did not take a moment to rest and quickly ran to Marvin's side.

They moved him to the ground and tried to wake him up.

"Marvin! Marvin! Please respond to me! Are you there?" Erin asked frantically as he tried to check his head.

" Yeah, yeah I'am fine." Marvin said weakly. Erin sighed in relief as he tried to hide tears that were almost visible to the others.

"Sorry I took the L back there." Marvin said slowly.

"Dude. You took that hit like a frickin champ man" Jared laughed as he said this.

"Damn I think I will be down for a while guys. Go without me" Marvin says as he smiled widely.

"No we are safe." Erin stated firmly. A few seconds later, thunderous sounds of Goblins heading their direction could be heard.

"What the heck is that?" Jared asks in confusion.

"C-Could it be that that yell at the end was calling his subordinates in order to avenge him?" Sean asked in fear.

"Shit. We can fight a few but not a damn army!" Jared yelled angrily as he brought out his two daggers.

"You guys have to go" Marvin stated.

"No. We are safe" Erin says again. This time with a smile.


~5 Seconds remaining until trial one is complete.

Jared spots the horde

~4 seconds remaining until trial 1 is complete

Sean arms his dagger and kisses his pen for good luck.

~ 3 seconds remaining until trial 1 is complete

Marvin turns and sees the Goblins getting closer

~2 seconds remaining until trial 1 is complete

Marvin looks at Erin and sees his smile go wider as a Goblin reaches out to grab him



As the timer went to 0 all the Goblins that were filled with pent up rage froze and turned into dust. Even the dead Goblins from before turned into a black dust and vanished to who knows where. Everyone sighed in relief. It was finally over. It was finally over.


~ Congratulations you have survived Trial 1!

Exp and rewards will be calculated and all injuries will be healed

All survivors in Area [High school #3] will be transferred to the auditorium until further notice

Before Erin could finish reading the notification carefully, he felt a odd sensation run down his body. Before he could even blink twice, he found himself and his friends in their school auditorium. Other than him, he could see teachers and students looking nervous, scared and jumpy. This was a big school that had over 3 thousand students and from what the eyes could see, there were only around 800 people left.

Marvin sat up as he rubbed his head to find no pain. Although their clothes were still tattered and bloodied, Marvin and the others felt good.

"Damn I feel healthier then before this whole shit happened." Marvin exclaimed. Jared nodded in agreement.

"I don't even feel this good after a day of running."

"Running makes me feel sick" Sean commented.

As the 4 huddled up, Many other groups began to form. There was the teacher group, The football team group, The chess club group who were some how still alive and many more. As groups began to form, The four were reunited with William and Mary again.

Mary looked a lot less prideful and looked as if she just came from a long fought war. William looked as if he had just come back from a hunt and was whistling as he wiped goblin blood off his knife.

"So how did your trial go?" Marvin asked in hopes of making conversation.

"Everyone died...I- I had accepted my fate when suddenly they stopped attacking and went of somewhere.... I I" Mary stopped there as she looked down in memory of her friends who had all been killed by those monsters.

"This is why you should have gone on your own Prez. Those 'friends' of yours were dragging you down and made you feel hopeless. This is all probably the work of space aliens trying to test our capabilities and see if earth is a good place to invade. We have to show them how strong we really ok." Williams said this as he put his knife back in his pants pocket. Mary looked at Williams angrily with tears streaking down here face.

"Earth? What Earth? Is this what you would call Earth!? Look closely Will at where we really are!" Will froze a bit as he heard this. Not only their group but many other groups started looking at Mary who was on the edge of insanity.

"Well... Sorry I asked." Marvin said softly.

After everyone got settled in and met with what friends they had left, the auditorium became peaceful. They were quietly awaiting for the sound they had grown accustomed to during the trial.


~World message~

~Congratulations survivors you have all done well and will be awarded as such

~ You will all be getting something Known as a status which will show you your level, skills, attribute and other important information

~ Your level will determine a rough estimate of your power. The higher your level, the stronger you become

~Your skills are special abilities you have which may or may not be linked to your acquired attribute. They also have levels which will increase the more you use your skills

~ Attributes are elements you are most linked to this will help you harness mana which is the magic of this new world

~The 7 possible attributes are Fire < Water < Wind < Lightning < Earth < Fire and Light <> Dark The arrows point to what the attribute is strong against.

~You will be given 3 Skills that are most useful for your personality along with a skill known as [Examine] which will help you examine objects and creatures around you

~ You will also receive your start up stats which will be between 1 and 10 dependent on your current body composition. These stats will grow as you grow

~ Your Mana will also be received that will start between 100 and 1000 dependent on you capability with magic

~ As you defeat creatures you will gain experience, do with them as you wish

~ To view your Status say Status

~As you grow in this new world, more features will be added, enjoy

Just like that, almost synchronized 800 people yelled 'status'

Erin took a second before he took a breath and said 'Status' in his head. Suddenly a gray hologram screen appeared in front of him. Before he could read it, hundreds of dings rang.


~You killed a common Golbin 20 exp

~ You are the first to kill a goblin in this area. You have gained the title 'Goblin slayer'

~You killed a common Goblin 20 exp

~You assisted in killing a common Goblin 5 exp


~You killed Chief Goblin Kubalo 800 Exp

~ Your start up wisdom is the max of 10 you have obtained a high tier version of [Examine]

~ You have more than 1 start up stat at the max of 10 You are allowed to choose another attribute other than your own

After obtaining these notifications, Erin was finally able to see his status

Name: Erin Silvers Species: Human Age: 16 Level 1(80 Exp to reach next level)

Titles: GoblinSlayer (Strength increases by 30% when fighting against goblins)

Attribute: Wind Constitution: 8 Mana: 982

Ag: 10 Str: 6 Int: 8 Rec: 7 Def: 6 Wis: 10 Lck: 6


[Stealth] lvl 1

when using this skill, your presence is erased and you become one with the shadow

[Examine] lvl 1

When using this skill, you will be able to read the information of objects and creatures around you

You have acquired the rare skill [Examine to the Heavens] Your skill has no barrier. It can see anything and learn about anything.