Was Will always this crazy?

Erin looked at all his stats and skills carefully. He realized that they all seemed to be pretty accurate. After looking at his status he finally read the last notification

~ Pick an attribute other than your own

Erin thought about it for a while. 'Things are looking dim, I don't know what will happen next. What I need...what I want is light to guide me through.' As he thought this, the Light attribute suddenly appeared in his status and he felt a warmth in his heart.

He did not hesitate before he used the skill he was most curious about. [Examine] As he thought of this and looked at Mary, he was able to see some of her information.

Mary Evans Species: Human Age: 16 Level 1

Att: water



~Ding your Skill [Examine to the heavens has leveled up]

As Erin heard this, he examined the distracted Mary once again

Mary Evans Species: Human Age 16 Level 1

Att: Water Const: 7 Mana: 781


Examine lvl 1

Erin smiled softly as he saw this. Just as the notification said, his skills leveled up the more he used it and with the level up, he was able to see more information. Erin was about to continue examining things around the auditorium when he saw Marvin about to say something. He quickly shushed Marvin. Marvin looked at him oddly before he heard a ding, this time from his phone.

You have been added to a group will you accept the invitation?

Marvin quickly accepted. As Marvin continued to look at Erin oddly, Erin quietly asked for Mary, Sean and William's phone numbers. Everyone unhesitatingly gave their phone numbers to him and like Marvin they all got an invitation to a group chat along with Jared.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Ok, whats the big deal?

ErinBerry: I just wanted to stop you from saying too much.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Too much? I just wanted to tell you guys about this stat thing I got.

JaredIsAwesome: Oh I see. Good call Erin.

MaryEvans16: Indeed a wise decision.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Sorry, still lost here

WillAgainstCorruption: You were leaving yourself open idiot. What if you got carried away and said hey guys these are all my stats and oh this is my skills and others heard you. We don't know what others are thinking and what the next trial will be. It is better to be conscious.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Oh shit now I get it. Thanks man.

ErinBerry: No problem dude. I just thought it would be better if we talked about this privately.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: I agree. We must not let strangers in to our plans and know our strengths and weaknesses.

ErinBerry: ...

JaredIsAwesome: ...

MaryEvans16: ...

WillAgaonstCorruption: ...

Holy shit Sean is that your username?

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Umm yes?

MaryEvans16: I though Marvin's was bad....This...

SnowLoversFairyPrince: I see you all are not well versed in the anime scene. I f you were, you would not look lightly at my name!

ErinBerry: We can talk about the lore of your name letter. Time is very vital right now. I'll just go first. I have a wind element and my highest stats are Agility and Wisdom. My lowest is Defense. My mana is around 900

Although Erin had trust in his friends, he was still a little wary of new faces and so he did not divulged too much about all his stats. The others understood and went along with the same information.

WillAgaisntCorruption: I'll go next. Dark element, Highest stat is luck. Lowest is Agility. My Mana is shit compared to that. 600

SnowLoversFairyPrince: I got Lightning element which in my opinion is probably the best after water in usefulness. My Mana is pretty high around 900 and my highest stat is Intelligence and my lowest is constitution.

MaryEvans16: Well, I have the useful water attribute. My highest stat is Intelligence as well and my lowest is Recovery. My Mana is around 800.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Shit everyone has higher magic than me mine is only around 400. My highest stat is constitution and my lowest is Agility. My attribute is also wind. Lets go wind squad!

JaredIsAwesome: Mana around 500. attribute lightning. Highest stat : Agility Lowest stat: luck

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Why so formal dude?

JaredIsAwesome: I looked at my luck and felt like crying. Don't feel like saying anything sorry.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: It can't be that bad and when we level up I am sure our states will increase as well.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: I was actually gonna ask about that. Why are we still level one after getting experience?

ErinBerry: I think we are allowed to manually level up when we want to.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: isn't that just more work. This is not what happens in video games...

ErinBerry: Well this is not a video game. Maybe there are more uses for experience and we don't know it yet.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Maybe its like some games where your health is filled when you level up so in dangerous situations you can level up and heal up again.

ErinBerry: Yeah that is a possibility

WillAgainstCorruption: Or this is another way for the government to learn how to control us...

JaredIsAwesome: Dude...I am not sure there even is a government.

Along with this message, Jared attached a headline from an online new outlet.

President Jacobs no where to be seen. Is he hiding or is his mind blown to bits? Government has not responded yet. Social status around the world are in disarray. Communication is limited and boxed. Is this the end of Earth and human civilization as we know it?

JaredIsAwesome: Your theories are cool and all but we have to face the facts. The government and whatever their plans were are nothing compared to what's happening right now.

WillAgainstCorruption: We will see who has the last laugh.

ErinBerry: Anyway... I think we should all level up ourselves until we have have enough experience for another level up. Ok?

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Sure.

MaryEvans16: Ok

Erin then started to add experience to his level.


~You have leveled up

~ Agility and Wisdom increase by 2, All other stats increases by 1 and you have gained 5 stats points to allocate anywhere you want. Mana has increased by 50

~You have leveled up

~You have leveled up

~ You have leveled up

Erin then looked at his status again

Erin Silvers Species: Human Age: 16 Level: 5 ( 1,280 until next level up)

Title: Goblin Slayer

Att: Wind, Light Const: 12 Mana: 1182

Ag: 14 Str: 10 Int: 12 Rec: 11 Def: 10 Wis: 14 Lck: 10

Points: 20

Erin decided to leave the points aside since he did not know what the future held yet. Marvin looked around and whispered [Examine]. He was about to say something when Erin quickly reminded him again. Marvin blushed as he nodded.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Sorry goldfish memory lol

You two are crazy man I only got to level 3 haha.

ErinBerry: Did you just observe all of us?

MarvinCarvinYourMom2night: Yeah first i could only see your names but later, i could see your levels as well and Erin how did you get to level 5?

JaredIsAwesome: Yeah I only got to level 4. Could it be the dungeon boss?

ErinBerry: Yeah 800 exp man

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Shit! that would have been my 800. I only got 200 for assisting.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: I am not complaining 200 is plenty. I put all my extra points into strength haha

WillAgainstCorruption: Wait Dungeon Boss?

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Oh yeah you weren't there. We fought the Dungeon boss. Kubaroo or something.

MaryEvans16: You guys must be really strong to have done that... I was running the hole time and barely did much. I could only level to 2.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Its ok Mary now that you are with us, there is nothing to worry about.

WillAgainstCorruption: hmm I guess in the case of you guys, teams may be better than soloing

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Can someone punch his face for me?

WillAgainstCorruption: I rather keep my face handsome thank you very much.

As time went by, The 6 continued to talk about their findings and Erin taught them about making commands in their heads instead of outside. Some of them decided to use their extra points like Sean going all strength and Mary who chose a more balance route. Marvin chose to put his stats into constitution and defense while Jared put a few points into Luck and kept the rest for later use. Erin and William were the only ones who kept all their extra points. As time went on they started to talk about their experience with the Goblins. Unlike Mary who did not have much to give in this aspect, William's experience was both interesting and shocking.

It turns out his family were avid hunters and he sneak attacked many of the single goblins he met by driving a dagger into their necks from behind.

As they heard of his ventures, Sean and Marvin gave each other a horrified glance at what they were hearing.

"Yo, was Will always this crazy?" Marvin asked to Jared in a whisper.

" He had a conspiracy theory club and brought a hunter's knife to school." Marvin nodded as he heard this. Indeed William was a psycho. Unlike their organized and careful raids, Will's was more chaotic, spontaneous and brutal.

Erin listened attentively in awe at Will's speech. he had always thought that Will was just a conspiracy nerd but now he realized that this may actually be is fantasY come true. Unlike most people who looked anxious at what to come, Will seemed almost excited as if he was saying "What's next? I can't wait!".

Almost instinctively, Erin started to grow a bit more wary of William. He acted normal at times but he felt like something was off.

As time went by, everyone began to get a little irritated. Lunch time had long past and everyone was hungry and tired. Each group still stayed in their own place and shared whatever snacks they had in their bags or pocket. Marvin luckily was a known foodie and had enough snacks to share for the 6 of them. After a few more minutes of small chats someone finally broke the silence.

"Ok everybody, I would like us together please!" It was the gym teacher, Mr Smith. He was a fit man in his early 30s with blonde hair and blue eyes. He always liked to amp everyone up for gym and he was very buff. He was a very active figure in the school and many students respected him so it did not take long for everyone to gather together in front of him and the rest of the remaining teachers.

Unsurprisingly there was not a lot of teachers left. Not counting those who might have died, a lot of them most likely died right at the beginning from head explosion. The 300 or teacher staff had dwindled to a measly 30 and the ones who were alive were mostly fit young teachers like the art teacher, Mr Kit and the home economics teacher miss Spencer.

These two were standing beside Mr smith with faces hiding anyvfear or uncertainty they might have. As Mr Smith saw the last few strangler reluctantly coming in, he started his speech.

"As you are all well aware, the world has changed in the last few hours and It is very unlikely to go back to the way it was. This.. is not a dream. This is reality. Class time is over. Since the principle and vice principle have sadly past away, I will be the one to send you off. You have now graduated from childhood. Sorry but there will be no graduation ceremony or prom. This is it. School is over."

As the students listened in. Many faces grew solemn and regretful. Their time to goof off had only just begun and now they will have to fend for themselves in an unfamiliar world. Erin just nodded as he heard this. He had already come to terms with the fact that there will not be any high school romance happening to him any time soon and he would probably not get to wear his graduation gown. He did not know when he realized this. Was it when he fought the goblins, when heads started to explode out of nowhere or was it when he had said yes to that message? Either way, he had already come to peace with this fact.

After waiting a few minutes to let everyone's emotion calm a little Mr Smith continued.

"We don't know what this new world is. As teachers... we cannot help you or teach you how to survive. All we can say is you must remain sane. Don't give up. Fight!" Mr Smith lifted up his hands in a fist as he said this.

"Fight!" All the students said in unison. Their faces which had begun to dull and their mind which had started to unstable were completely straightened by his speech. There was hope. They would survive. They had made it so far and they would continue to triumph. Suddenly,

~ Ding ~

~ The second trial will commence in 30 minutes. You have 30 minutes to get in a group of 5 to 10 people. Create a party name which will be determined by the person with the largest strength stats in the group. Instead of the doors being opened, You will enter the doors and face adversaries together. What will you give to the team? Good luck. ~

~ Party now available

~ difficulty: F

~ Rewards

Main Class

Start up survival kit

Mana and element book for dummies

exp dependent of performance~

~Warning if you are not in a team in 30 minutes you will either be put in a team that is not full or put together into a new team~