Trial 2

The auditorium went into a frenzy. The groups of people started to judge each other and weak links were ruthlessly kicked out in fear of becoming a burden. People like Mr smith who were examined as level 5 the highest level from the bunch were invited by multiple factions. No one bothered to examine poor or weak looking people like Erin and his friends so they escaped the frenzy.

Mr Smith sighed as he realized that his hope of calming the students was all for not. Unfortunately for many, Mr Smith also was not ready to just go into any party, he decisively made his own with other strong teachers and some select athletes he had been training. Some students tried to get in but were ruthlessly rejected.

As the chaos ensued, Erin and his group quickly slipped from the chaos. Their group was one of the only ones that was less than 10 and they quickly added each other in a party and observed the chaos.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Well that took a turn.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: This is why I can't stand this school. Everyone is so quick to kick the weak looking ones out. We may be small but that does not mean we can not offer something to the team!

JaredIsAwesome: Sadly that is just how life is.

WillAgainstCorruption: Survival of the fittest.

MaryEvan16: ...

ErinBerry: Don't worry guys. Everything is going to be ok. I for one believe that everyone has something to offer in this party.


~ Party name has been changed to [Snow Lover's Fairy Prince #1 Party]~

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: ...

MaryEvan16: ...

ErinBerry: ...

WillAgainstCorruption: ...

JaredIsAwesome: ...

~ Ding ~

~ Sean Myers has been kicked out of [Snow Lover's Fairy Prince #1 Party] by multiple people in the party~

SnowLoversFairyPrince: WAIT PUT ME BACK IN!!!!

JaredIsAwesome: Sorry I have to change something first....

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Ah the internet is acting up again

MaryEvan16: Who has the highest strength? Can someone change the title please?

WillAgainstCorruption: Already on it


~ Party name has been changed to [Will & Co] ~

MaryEvans16: ...


~ William Black has been kicked out of [Will & Co] by another party member~

WillAgainstCorruption: Hey what the problem? I thought the name fit quite well.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Can you guys please stop rejecting my requests?

ErinBerry: Sigh... I will add you guys back I just want to make sure the party name is not something stupid.

JaredIsAwesome: Don't worry Erin I got this.


~Party name has been changed to [The Gladiators}

~ The party name cannot be changed again for the next month~

WillAgainstCorruption: Gladiators, I like it.

JaredIsAwesome: Phew luckily I got to write it and not Marvin.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Hey what do you mean? My naming sense is exquisite.

JaredIsAwesome: *MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night*

ErinBerry: *MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night*

WillAgainstCorruption: *MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night* quite exquisite.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: None of you understands real artistry.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Or how cool Fairy Prince or Snow lover kiss fairy is in the Anime.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: I am sorry to say this but that anime is for girls. like 7 year old girls.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Entertainment can be viewed by anyone. There is no limit to who can enjoy it. Bronies will be respected and so will Brovers !!!

WillAgainstCorruption:....You have lost me...

MaryEvans16: Me too...

As they continued to chat, multiple fights began to ensue in the middle of the room.

"Did you just reject me Tom? We have been friends since elementary!"

"Yeah...and I have been pulling through school ever since we met. I am done have you tightly holding my thighs."

" You piece of shit!!!!"


"Why are you doing this? Aren't you my boyfriend?"

"Sorry Jess but it is you or the football team."


"Please Minnie join us. Your the best Quarter back this school has." This came from Mr Smith as his very string little group surrounded a tall fit girl with curly black hair.

" Sorry coach but i am not joining a team even if it is yours." The girl coolly said this as she looked Mr Smith right in the eye.

" Minnie you know the consequences. You will be put in a team with weaklings."

" Then how about you leave a space open and try your luck?" Mr Smith looked at her with a poker face. He could make any girl swoon for his handsome face and even had a thing with the principle's wife yet this little girl was tough to crack.

"Hmmph well suite yourself" Mr Smith said this as he went to find the next best person to fill his spot. Minnie sighed as she saw them leave. She had never liked Mr Smith. He came off like a nice guy but he was actually quite a shady and perverted guy.

Other than Mr Smith, Minnie was getting messages from multiple parties but she rejected them all. As she expected, as 2 minutes were left the messages stopped.

"Ah finally. Peace. I don't care where I end up. Even if it is a bunch of losers, I can hold my own." Minnie smiled as she said this softly to her self. Finally the time was up.


~ All parties have been finalized

~ There are 34 people without a party. 3 parties will be formed and the people in the party will be decided randomly. The extra 4 will be put in parties with less than 10 people.

~ The gates will open in 5 minutes to a random F level dungeon

Suddenly a halo appear in front of every party with the party's name glowing above them. Those who were left out were moved into 3 empty halos by an invisible hand. other than that, 4 other people were pushed to separate places.

Minnie looked in wonder as she was pushed to a group of unfamiliar faces along with another girl. She was finally stopped when she was face to face in front of a scrawny tall boy with mysterious grey eyes. They stared at each other for a second before he decided to speak first.

" Hi I am Erin Silvers. It is an honor to make your Acquaintance." Erin brought his hand to shake Minnie's. Minnie accepted without hesitation.

" Hello I am-"

"Minnie Fern. 2 time athlete if the year. Top student nationwide and the first daughter of the ferns family which has a history in the sports field. We know. Me and Erin are big fans." Jared said as he took Minnie's hand and shook it enthusiastically. Minnie quickly took her hand back before it was ripped off and took a few steps back. Erin smiled wirly at the situation. He had tried to keep his cool but Jared blew his cover.

As Athletes, it was not a surprise that they knew who Minnie was. Star Quarterback in the girls football team and would be too for the boys football team if she had one. In order to divert the attention away from Jared, Erin turned to the other girl who was silently weeping.

"Umm it's nice to meet your acquaintance miss." The girl tried ti wipe her tears away as she looked at Erin sadly.

"Its Jessica. " Marvin turned as he recognized her 3 numbers.

"Jessica perks 42 28 38 .... Hey aren't you Clarke's girlfriend?" Jessica was about to ask what he meant by those numbers but her face quickly became sour as she heard that name.

"Ex....He dumped me for the football team." Marvin quickly shut his mouth as he saw the girls face go cold.

"Um can I get your phone numbers for um our group chat?" Erin quickly changed the subject again and got their numbers. Along the way, The others introduced themselves to the girls.

ItsJess: Hello?

MFerns36: This is Minnie

MaryEvans16: It is so nice having girls in the chat room. I feel less lonely now.

JaredIsAwesome: Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats Please do not read the previous chats

WillAgainstCorruption: We get it Jared...

ErinBerry: Anyways for information sake what are your attributes?

Although Erin could easily see them, he did not want suspicion to foster in the group. He knew that having the ability to examine more private information will cause others to suspect somethings and if they knew he had 2 attributes they would realize that he gained a bigger advantage than they did. This could cause a rift in the team before it even became a team.

ItsJess: Well I got Lightning.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: That's three Lightnings now. Welcome to the club m'lady


MFerns36: I have the Fire attribute.

JaredIsAwesome: As expected your moves in games are like a phoenix descending to battle. A fiery goddess...

WillAgainstCorruption: Ok, stop.

ErinBerry: Anyway... There is 10 seconds left. Lets huddle up. We don't know what will happen once the timer is off.

MarvinCarvinYourMom2Night: Your right. I'll stay next to the girls for protection.

MaryEvans16: Thanks but i think we are good on our own....




~ Parties will now be transferred to a random F level dungeon. Good luck~

Erin suddenly felt the feeling he had when he was being transferred to the auditorium. When he blinked he found himself in a dusty dark cave looking place with a long hollow path ahead. He looked around to see that Marvin, Jared and the others were still with him.


~ You have entered the F level Dungeon Arachun's nest. Arachun is a large queen spider who has built a small army of spider like creature. These Creature main attributes is Earth. Good luck [The Gladiators] ~

Everyone's face tensed up. Erin felt a shiver going down hid spine as he heard the sounds of quick foot steps getting closer and closer. As they got closer, Erin realized that they where much to loud to be coming from little spiders.