Tutorial mode has ended

"Gahh" Erin stood up and gasped for air. He looked around in disarray to see his teammates surrounded around him.

"Holy shit you had me scared. We could not wake you up." Marvin released his breath as he sighed in relief.

"Good no one died." Mary smiled as she saw Erin's pale but healthy expression.

"What- what happened?" Erin asked in confusion.

"Well I think we took the endurance trial which was to test how long we could last before we are killed." William explained.

"I lasted only 100 or so rounds before I was stabbed and thrown in the river..." Jessica shivered as she remembered it.

"River? where were you transported?" Erin asked.

"A forest like area. " Jessica answered.

"When I woke up again, there was a few people that were awake. As time past, more people started to wake up. You were the last one. " Erin nodded as he heard this.

"So we were just in a dream....that was why there was no experience gained no matter how many times you killed the puppet." Everyone turned to Erin in confusion.

"Puppet? What do you mean puppet?"William asked.

"The shadowy figure was a puppet. The puppet master was hiding in the woods." William paused as he heard this. He chuckled to himself. 'I admit defeat' He thought. He looked up to see that Minnie was also dumb founded.

"I did not even sense another person..." Minnie trailed. Erin scratched his head.

"Well I did not notice him till the end and I never saw him either so I have nothing to gloat about."


~ World message~

~ Congratulations survivors for enduring the last trial.

~ This trial was to test your endurance. In a blind situation, how would you react? How long would you last? And was what you were doing meaningful in the end?

~ This is the last message you will receive as from now on, tutorial mode has ended.

~ The world is different now. Everyone starts similarly but who will prevail in the end? The old earth has expanded to maintain this new system.

~There are new lands to discover, New skills to gain. Work hard and you will reap what you sow.

~ There are shops found all over the world that uses only coin currencies. In this new world you may find that the paper money you hold on to dearly will devaluate quickly.

~ You will receive a reward for your troubles. The barriers surrounding your area will open in 30 minutes

~ Good luck~


~ You have done the unthinkable and have killed one of Angel Andrea's minion. She looks upon you with curiosity and has given you the S rank skill [7 lights align]

Erin looked at the name again Angel Andrea. Was she with the people that the girl who masqueraded his sister was talking about? Was she one of the people clapping as he faded away from the dream?

He looked at his skill closely.

[7 lights align] When this skill is activated you borrow a percentage of the power of a crowned light dragon. ( Level too low. Can only be used once a month)

Erin also put crowned light dragon in his memory.

'This seems a bit op.....' Erin thought as he heard dragon. Aren't dragons like top tier in rpg's? Why am I borrowing their power? Hey system? What happened to everyone starting at the same level?

Erin asked others what rank skill they had gotten.

ItsJessica: I will go first since I woke up first. I received a C+ class skill [Sad Melody]. The system said I was a little above average.

MaryEvans16: I am next. I received a B- class skill [ Sea of hope]

MarvinCarvin: I got the B class skill [Wind barrier]

SnowLoversFairyPrince: I got the B+ skill [Storm]

JaredIsAwesome: I got the A- skill [shock blow]

WilliamAgaintsCorruption: I got the A+ skill [Steal]

MFerns36: I got the A+ skill [Vengeance]

ErinBerry: I got the S class skill [7 Lights align]

ItJessica: I feel defeated

MarvinCarvin: I don't feel that good either.

SnowLoversFairyPrince: Erin how did you get S? Could it be because you caught the puppet master?

ErinBerry: I guess so haha

The team continued to chat as they waited for the timer to end. In that time, they had all decided to separate in order to reunite with their families.

With the time slowly getting to 0, all the survivors crowded the exits in the school.

"Only two minutes left." Mary said excitedly. Erin smiles in anticipation as he started to release his aura. He planned to rush towards where his sister and mother were. Especially his sister. He wanted to make sure that nothing had actually happened to her.

As Erin stared at the door, he was patted on the back by William.

"So we will meet back here in two months yeah?" Erin smiled and nodded.

"The gladiators are not disbanding William." Williams facial expression turned dark as he heard this.

" How the future turns out... is beyond our control. That is what I have learned these last 4 days. I just hope I can trust your word Erin." William mumbled it lowly but Erin could hear him clearly.

" William, don't trust me. Trust your gut." As he said this, the timer went down but instead of a notification, they just heard the sound of the doors opening. Erin and the team huddled together as they saw hordes of people running outside. The students and teachervwere quick to smell the fresh air and bask in the sunlight.

That was at least what they wanted to do but, what was waiting in front of them was a world completely different from their own.

As the gladiators stared off into the outside world they could not help but express amazement. The nicely cut grass had grown 5 feet in 4 days. The school flag was nowhere to be seen, the bus stand was on the other side of the road and the roads were twisted and the buildings were mostly wrecked.

"What is happening?" Marvin asked in wonder.

"The world has expanded. Everything is twisted..." Minnie answered slowly.

"Do you think anyone we knew got hurt?" Jessica asked worriedly.

" I will be heading first. " Erin said as he started to think of his family especially his sister. He hugged his friends before he separated from them in the end. He did not waste time as he face turned serious and he activated his wind attribute. When using it, he felt like the flash as he ran through broken buildings and twisted roads.

Through continuous use, he was able to get to the area in which the two should have been but the land was so convoluted that Erin could not even understand where he was.

Suddenly he heard his phone ring. In his excited state he had forgotten that phones existed. He saw the name of the caller, Picasso.

"Picasso is that you?" All he heard on the other side was the sound of crying and laughing mixed in a sad melody.

" Why did it take you so long to pick up you douchebag! " Erin laughed as he heard this.

" I am sorry. I could not get your calls. I was kind of stuck in my school. Where are you?"

"I don't know! I have been trying to get home but I don't know how to get there..."

"Well I guess we are in a pickle cause I am lost to haha" They both laughed at each other.

"Don't worry Picasso I will find you." Erin said as he started to look for a tall tree to look out from.

"Sorry I think you are a little too late." Erin's face froze.

"You.... why what?"

"Haha I got you this time huh? You are quite a participant Erin. For you, I had to do some actual research on this girl you know."

"Where...where is my sister."

"Oh your sister? Well she is dead of course. I am sorry Erin but she left me no choice. In order to trick you I needed her memory. It takes too much energy to use a skill that would not damage her. And honestly, I care about you Erin. You are a fascinating character but this ' asthetic' kid with a 'quirky' personality was just not interesting. "

" I said, WHERE IS SHE!!?"

" Geez Erin, you have quite the volume. You can turn a person deaf."

"Stop using her voice." Erin demanded.

"Oh? Do you like this one better dear?" Erin dropped his phone as he heard the voice. It was his mother.

"What is wrong dear? Oh wait she called you deary right. Hahahaa" Erin dropped to his knees as he heard the sound of maniacal laughter. The voice continued to ridicule him with his mother and sister's voice. Erin sat there for a long time.