Year 5 of the apocalypse

A couple of kids were running around an abandoned area. This was one of the many small towns that have been abandoned in the past 5 years due to the earth expansion.

Cities were more likely to protect people from monster attacks so many rural and small towns became desolate.

Earth which had 7 continents had increased to 30 in which only 17 have been explored. The other 13 were currently far to dangerous for human warriors to venture and live to tell the tale. Although 17 continents have been explored, only 11 were viable for humans to survive in. This includes the 7 originals continents. North America, Africa, South America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica and Europe.

Although these original lands have changed their shape and form, they are still much safer as most of the monsters living there are just mutated beasts of monsters that humans know. The other 4 are Mysadinia, Ares, Mars and Crescent.

Each continent has a specific element they are attached to.

Water- Antarctica and Asia

Fire- Africa and Mars

Earth- Europe and South America

Lightning- North America

Air- Ares and Australia

Dark- Crescent

Light- Mysadinia

As these kids were looking around, they discovered a big screen TV. They quickly turned it on and watched in excitement. A women appeared on TV nicely dressed. The logo on the screen read North america's national report station.

"Today a world wide statement has been imposed finalizing the declaration of banks around the world closing off old money. Banks will now only except gold, silver and copper gained from expeditions. This new decree has been signed by all the political powers who are a part of the 11 great nations movement and the biggest guilds in each continent.

Signing for North America is the leader of one of the most recognized guild in the world the Gladiators. Minnie Ferns and the next in command William Black. They have contributed time and money into expanding safe centers around the world for children who have lost their homes due to monster raids.

It is 12:34 pm Sunday November the 6th 005 and you are watching-" The TV suddenly turned off. The children froze when they saw this. After the apocalypse began, it did not take long for low leveled dungeons to let out some of their monsters every blue moon. When cases like this occurred, the monster's element would begin to act up. The most obvious was lightning monsters who would disturb the electronics in their areas.

The 3 slum kids ran as quick as they could. Although the slums did not have many safe havens like in big cities, there were still some barriers made to stop the situation.

This slum was lucky enough to have a class D member. A person with a main class calculated as being D leveled. He was a earth mage and was able to create a dome for everyone in their little town to hide in while the monsters strolled around.

All the man asked was for people to give him 1 copper. Although this was a lot to these poor folks, monster raids did not happen often and their life was much more important than the money. The children tried to reach their village fast enough but by the time they got there, the dome had already been created.

They banged and banged for help but no one answered.

"Please don't leave us here! We have money!" The shorter of the three cried.

"Damn it Brook, this is all your fault! You said there was a big tv a little ways from town but look at where it has gotten us!" The largest one yelled at the red headed boy who looked awfully guilty.

"I am sorry guys. I did not mean to honestly. I did not know that this would happen. If I could sell all my possessions and save you two, I would."


Thunder suddenly struck as they heard a screech nearby.

Brook closed his eyes as he awaited his end. He had lived most of his life in this new era. It was all he knew and the slum children in this new world knew death very early. Many were waiting for the moment like this where their luck would finally run out.

Boom boom boom

The three boys heard the sound of a footsteps coming their way. As the footsteps got closer Brook recognized the sound as that of a normal person.

He turned his head up to see the sight of a tall young man with facial hair and messy hair coming close to them. He had been warned not to talk to strangers and so he kept his mouth shut as the person stared daggers at him.

As the man got closer, Brook could see that he had dark skin and black messy curly hair that was barely hidden over his grey hood. The man only stopped as he was right in front of the children. He got to their level and stared at them with his soft eyes.

" hmm Did you say all of your possessions? " Brook choked as he heard this. Then he saw the faint black residue dust around the man.

"You killed the monster?" Brook screamed. The man smiled amused.

"Hey boy don't change the subject." Brook scratched his head as he tried avoiding the mans eyes.

" Oh I get it. I look a little intimidating but that was only because I was in the woods these last few weeks... well months." The children laughed as they heard this. They were used to the repulsive smells coming from abandoned sewer systems and carcass. The man was not repulsive in the slightest.

"Now is that dome there where you village resides?" The man asked as he pointed at the dome. Brook and his friends nodded.

"Tsk tsk tsk they forgot you guys, how heartless. Don't worry, I will break this for you guys. The faces of the children lit up as they saw the man exude a grey aura. A powerful web of wind began to form in his right hand.

Suddenly, he punched right through the thick dome. The web of wind started to spread through the dome before it cut through the dome until it was fine dust. The village people screamed as they saw this happened from inside.

"What happened to your dome great mage!?" A Middle Aged man said worriedly to a young man.

"I don't know... something broke it and it's not a lighting monster. It's a wind one and a strong one at that." The man said nervously.

"As the two began to worry about what had happened, they heard the sound of a few familiar rascals."

" We are alive!" The taller kid Dean said happily.

" Barely" Chi mumbled.

They were quickly caught by their worried parents with hugs and kisses before the middle aged man who was the chief of the place and the young mage appeared.

"You three... How many time have I told you three to stay close to the village at all times!!! This time we need to run we don't know who destroyed the dome but we need to leave this area before the creature comes back to finish what it started." The chief said this as the crowed of villagers gathered.

"But he is right here. " Brook said as he pointed to the scruffy shady looking man behind them.

"You...who are you?" The chief asked.

"Oh me? I am just a wanderer." The young man said with a cheeky smile. The chief examined the man.

Erin Silvers Species:Human. Age: 21

"Erin Silvers is it? You are younger then you look." Erin's smile widened.

"Why ask if you are going to Examine me anyway Luther Macdonald?" The chief looked at the man with suspicion.

"What are you doing in a slum like this Young man?" Erin smile slowly faded as he remembered the the hardship he had faced these last 5 years.

"I was supposed to get back together with my teammates 5 years ago. We had a time set and everything. I thought it might be time to keep my promise." The chief looked at him oddly. His heart softened as he heard the man.

"Son this is a harsh world. I had a party too and I am the last member of it. It is very unlikely that they are still alive." Erin shook his head as he heard this.

"I know for a fact that they are. Just need to find the direction to high school #3" Everyone stared at the man .

"High school # 3 well everyone in the nation knows about that school. It is past the slums. You head to the great yellow bridge, turn right and then left before heading right again at the red pole." Erin quickly thanked the man. He turned to the boy Brook's and took out his hand.

" I am actually short on cash right now do you have a copper." The boy quickly gave him his last copper as he looked in awe at the man.

"Thanks. I'll pay you back later" Erin said this as he pocketed the copper and started walking the way the chief sent him. Suddenly Brook ran up to Erin.

"Sir I haven't given you all my Possessions." Erin looked at the boy mysteriously.

"Don't lose your life close yet boy. You owe me all your possession I just can't take it now so make sure you stay out of trouble before I come back for them." Erin said this jokingly before he walked off coolly.

Brook's eyes sparkled as he saw the man leave. He turned to his mother who was still a little angry about what ruckus the boy causes.

"Mom is that man one of the adventurers?" He asked curiously. " The mother smiled as she shook her head and sighed.

"He is a wanderer."

"A wanderer?" Brook asked.

"Yes. A adventurer without a guild. A solo player if sorts. Now Brook don't start idolizing this man. Wanderers are one of the most tragic people in this world." Although Brook heard this, he could not help but idolize him. Brook's eyes continued to sparkle as he saw the tall man's figure become smaller and smaller.