I haven’t been here in a while

Erin sat in a bench beside the front of his school. The place that started it for him was now a common place for people to visit. Erin smiles as he saw people take pictures beside the school and walk inside it.

"If Someone was not thinking clearly and saw this scene they would not realize we are in the apocalypse right now." Erin watched the crowd for a good few minutes as he sat on a bench. He had bought a newspaper with the copper he had gotten.

He past through the boring stuff and went to the Guild news of the day. The page spent most of its time talking about the great things done by the top guild the Gladiators. Erin found it surreal how he was on a party that later became such a big name in the world.

He stayed for a few more days before smiling sadly at the school.

"I guess I was too late huh?" Erin quickly wiped his tears off and went for a walk around the city which was renamed Gladiator city After the reconstruction of many land sites on North America occurred. It was also around the time that the many countries of North America combined and became 4 countries. Spade, Heart, Club and Clover country.

Erin was currently in Clover country which was once called Canada. As Erin walked around, he suddenly spotted a Dungeon pass building. Erin had been to these types of places many times and walked in. The place was empty as it was currently night time.

When the women at the front saw him, her fresh happy associate smile vanished. She knew the type of Adventurer he was with a glance.

"I am sorry but we do not accept wanderers here." The lady said quickly.

"Yeah, yeah just hand me the dungeon list." The girl hesitated before handing the list to him.

"Going alone will only increase the chance of death. It is unnecessary waste of life."

"Geez, all of you. Robots I tell yah. Can you at least change the script a bit? Here I want the pass for this one and this one."

The associate looked at the Dungeons in surprise. The items circled were all B ranked dungeons. Only the top guild could beat them and that was with thousands of participants and the chances of all of them surviving surviving is slim.

"Sir... are you looking to die?"

"Not yet mam I have a lot to do before then." The lady sighed and reluctantly gave the passes to the man.

"These passes will allow you to go to these three dungeons. If you finish using the dungeon within 7 days the cost is only 5 Silvers. If you go beyond that, it is 15 Silvers. If you die well the passes automatically return 29 days after it has left this premises." Erin nodded as he put the passes recklessly in his pocket.

"Thank you young lady. I'll be back in a week." The lady sighed as she saw this scene. They never come back especially foolish ones like Erin.

The office lady quickly forgot about the man as the building became busy later that day. As the days came and went, the office lady had warned 10 others similar to Erin. None of them listened of course.

7 days after Erin left the building, the office lady saw Erin come back looking completely healthy. The face suddenly clicked when she saw his soft eyes smile at her.

"It has been exactly a week. Here is 15 Silvers for 3 passes." The girl could not even believe her eyes.

"You are the wanderer....from a week ago. You survived?" Erin smiles as he saw the lady. Seeing their shocked faces never gets old.

"What? Is this the first time seeing a wanderer come back?" The women continued to look at him and then she quickly nodded.

"Well I am known to be full of surprises haha. Here are the passes. You must be happy. You don't have to wait a month to get them." The lady blushed as she took the passes from his hand.

"Oh by the way, are you guys able to switch silver for copper." The lady looked confused when she heard this.

"If you go to the Clover Nation Bank of America-"

"No no no. I don't really want to interact with banks now. Someone once told me they are the center of evil." The girl tilted her head as she heard this. Erin laughed to himself.

"Never mind thanks for your cooperation. I got a bit of things for my troubles." He said this happily as he pointed at his ring.

"Be careful wanderer. You will attract the wrong attention that way."

"Really? I should do it more often then." Erin waved goodbye to the clerk as he headed out of the building.

In the corner of the building, a group of people looked at each other as they watched Erin leave. They quickly sneaked out of the line they were in and started to follow the unassuming wanderer.

They followed the man for 20 minutes before they found him cornered in an ally way scratching his head. He took out the map from his ring and read it careful. As he tried to pinpoint his destination, he could not help but get flustered.

The 4 men smiled evilly at each other when the saw this. The man in the front walked towards Erin.

"Young man do you happen to be a traveler?" When Erin turned around, the first thing he saw was the sparkle of lovely iron armor. The 4 men were covered in it.

"Well yes. I haven't been to North America in more than 4 years before the reconstruction occurred. I am kind of confused on where to go and this map is not helping." Erin laughed shyly as he admitted this. The front man smiled wider once he heard this.

"Well we are members of the crude party and we have been here for many years. We can show you around." Erin looked both surprised and grateful when he heard this.

"Oh thank you thank to-" suddenly, the front man pointed a sword at Erin.

"We are happy to show you to your death I mean. It seems like you got your self lucky and raided an F dungeon. What is the point of living if you are able to easily corner yourself like this?" Erin tried to step back but at his back was one of the other men looking at him menacingly. Erin looked around to see that all his paths were blocked by the men.

"We can see that you are a wanderer easily since you have no affiliated guild beside your name when we Examine you. Haha no need to examine us. We are much stronger than you. You are only level 10 while we are all level 40 and above. You stand no chance." As the man got closer to Erin, Erin just stood there silently.

"Now if you want to live long, hand over the rewards in your ring. If you don't... haha well I have another way of getting it." The man moved his sword closer to Erin's neck.

"Heyah!!!" One of the men fell to the floor as his face became pale.

"What are you doing Clarence!" The man in front yelled. Erin's face turned into a little smile as he saw this.

"His- His level..." The man stuttered.

The man examine again and could not see anything wrong with his Examination. There was a 10 right there.

"The colour..." Suddenly, the Man's expression changed. He suddenly remembered the news that ran across the world 2 years ago. The first man to break a hundred had gone back to level one but the colour of his level was different.

Instead of black, the number of his level had turned to green. This was when people started to theorize that there was a rank up every 100 levels. Since then, no one had ranked up to the third rank. Many theorized that the next colour in ranking would be blue. As the man saw the blue level 10 on the man's status, he could not help but fall backwards as well.

"Well you have an observant one old man. I also see that you all have a bounty on your heads." The men shrank down as they saw their bounties on the back of the map he was holding. It was then that the man in the front realized that Erin was never cornered. He had cornered them from the beginning.

Erin whistled as he walked out of the police station. He had gotten 18 Silvers for his troubles. Although this was a lot for the common adventurer, Erin was not a common adventurer. He had solo raided 3 B ranked Dungeons in a week. In the lowest dungeon alone, Erin acquired 8 gold and 50 Silvers. The amount of C and B ranked equipment he acquired was already more then 100.

Erin whistled to himself as he went to the adventurer donation center. He made sure to cover himself in his hood as he donated most of the equipment away for poor and homeless adventurers and guilds to acquire.

He had done this swiftly so by the time the workers came to retrieve the donations, he was already gone. The workers almost fainted when they saw the items in the donation box. If it werent for the fact that they were under strict contracts, they would have taken the equipment for themselves.

"Who would do something like this?! Are they crazy?" The female worker asked in confusion.

"Wait....could it be..." Suddenly the male worker who was scratching his head in confusion remembered something.

"What is it?" The female worker asked.

"Remember on Guildtube there was a Gtuber who talked about the mysterious ace tier good Samaritan who gives away C and B ranked equipment in donation centers? He travels all over the world and he appears in centers with a robe hiding his face."

"Oh my gosh! You mean The Black Robin Hood? He is my idol! He finall came to America!?" The femal worker screamed.

"I think so but lets look at the security cameras to be sure. Cameras!" Suddenly, a hologram screen appeared on the wall. The male coworker turned the recording back. It almost looked like the boxes of equipment appeared there. He quickly slowed down the camera to the slowest possible point.

The female worker gasped as she saw a dark shadowy figure flash in and drop the box off before leaving.

"It is him! Robin Hood!" The male worker smiled widely as he realized this as well.

"We have to call the news station now!" The female worker nodded as she grabbed her phone.