Entering Mac City by accident

Erin yawned as he got up from his long nap. It had been about a week since he left Wellington in search of a dungeon. As Erin was stretching his legs, he felt as if he was imbalanced somehow. The rocky feeling he had only grew stronger the more awake he was. Finally he stood up to realize he was in a completely different location. Erin scratched his head as he tried to figure out where he was.

"That's odd. I swear I was just minding my own business sleeping on a nice big log in the middle of the forest. Why am I now surrounded by mountains and killer monkeys...." Erin froze as he thought about what he just said. He looked down again from his log and indeed there were killer monkeys climbing up the log and looking pretty hungry.

"Dammit, I hate these guys. Why are they in Clover?!" Erin took out his Spear in annoyance as he jumped down from his sleeping spot. He twirled his Spear around as several Killer monkey's surrounded him.

"Ugh, I don't have time for this![7 lights align]" As Erin chanted this, His eyes glowed a golden hue. The monkey's who were drooling a second ago were now pissing their pants in fear, Behind the raw meat, they could see the faint silhouette of a large dragon looking down on them.


~ Intimidation was activated.

While the monkey's were frozen in fear, Erin used one slash to cut their necks straight through.

~ Killer monkey has been killed 3000 exp

~Killer monkey has been killed 3000 exp

~Killer monkey has been killed 3000 exp

~ You have leveled up

Erin grumbled as he heard this.

"It took me almost 3 months to level up 5 times. If this continues, I won't reach rank 4 until I am 30!" Erin groaned as he saw the dead bodies laying on the ground. Since he was not in a dungeon, he could not even get item drops from the monsters. As Erin was grumbling to himself, he suddenly paused.

"Wait! How did I get here again. Ok, I slept on a log around a vast forest area, I woke up in a different forest with mountains and B level monsters roaming around, then I killed them and now the log is staring at me...." Erin paused again. He stared at the log which now was blinking at him.

"Ah. A talking log that's new." Erin quickly examined the creature.

Mevern Species: Fairy Att: Earth

Health: High Str: 12 Ag: 13 Def: 12000 Int: 290 Rec: 900 Wis: High Con: 300 Lck: 100

Description: An odd woodling fairy who has the tendency to shape shift into a plant.

"That's pretty neat. I have seen fairies turn into animals but never plants. You must have a lot of patience to do such a thing." The log turned red and gestured a nodding movement. Erin slowly nodded as he saw this. He looked around before asking the big question.

"So uh...where am I?" Erin asked. The log just stood still as if it were innocent.

"Come on Mevern I literally just saw you turn red and move around. I saw eyes Mevern, Eyes. Now tell me where we are." Again Erin was given the silent treatment. Erin folded his arms as he turned serious.

"I guess I will have to get the information out of you the hard way." Suddenly sweat started to perfuse out of the log as it tried to roll away.

"You get back here!" Erin ordered as he chased the log down.

In the same rocky forest, a man and a woman were patrolling the area. They two had blue uniforms on and a golden badge on their chest reading "North America National Police Force" or NANPF.

The man groaned as he waved his flashlight around.

"Why do we always get the sucky jobs ?" The women rolled her eyes as she grabbed the flashlight from his hand.

"You get the sucky jobs, I am forced to go on them due to the unfortunate decision of becoming your partner." The man felt daggers go through his chest as he heard this. He coughed awkwardly as walked ahead of the woman.

"Jasmine, I will say it once and I will say it a thousand times. I did not know that was the head chief's daughter!" Jasmine rolled her eyes as she heard this.

"Even if you knew, I don't think that would stop you Kalvin. Actually, you might have been even more tempted to date her and then dump her after the chase was successful." Jasmine said matter of factly. Kalvin scratched his head in frustration.

"It was one date! It not like I fucked her or anything! This is frustrating! These are not even real missions! These are just prank calls that the station usually does not even respond to. Like what are the chances that wild killer monkeys have appeared in Rocky forest?" Kalvin kept fuming as he thought of the call that came this morning. The head chief was about to refuse the person until he saw his face.

Jasmine continued to search around the area aimlessly.

"Even if the call is false, we will search every inch of the forest like the chief has instructed and we will only come back when we are done." Kalvin sighed in resignation.

"Fine let's just get this over with. " The two policemen walked around the forest for hours as they made sure to search every inch of the forest. They had met wild animals/ monsters throughout the mission and had to fight a few stronger monsters along the way. Restless and hungry they were almost done making their rounds when they suddenly heard the sound of a struggle.

"Dammit! Don't think for a second I will let you go! I am not leaving until you tell me where we are!" The two police personnel looked at each other before nodding and grabbing their guns. They slowly made their way to the struggle.

As they got closer, Kalvin could sense the residue of mana, He charged up his gun as he got closer to the sound. The two held their guns up as they looked at each other solemnly before facing the rocus.

"This is the police! Any and all magic activity must be paused and all weapons must be drop. You have the right to-" Jasmine stopped her speech as she tried to understand the situation she was seeing.

What the two saw was a young man hugging a branch of a tree in all fours like a cat. The man looked at the police and the police looked at the man. Jasmine slowly took out her walky talky.

"Jasmine Rain of Mac City police. There appears to be a young man in his early 20s fighting...a tree. It is unknown the state of his mental health and whether he is under a spell or not. The area has not been detected to be cursed currently. " Erin was speechless at the women's comment.

"I'll have you know that I am quite mentally sane!" Erin said this confidently as he stared daggers at the tree.

"Uh huh. Whatever you say. Can you show us your Id sir?" Kalvin said this coldly as he brought out his hand. Erin sighed as he grabbed out a red Id card.

Kalvin brought out his scanner to make sure it was a real card. The first thing that got the man's attention was the continent.

"Asia?" Kalvin asked.

"Mother's side." Erin joked. Kalvin looked up and down at the obviously black fellow before continuing his scan of the Id.

Erin Silvers Species: Human Age: 21 Level: 52 [Rank 2] Nation: Asia [Red Kingdom]

Title: GoblinSlayer, MonkeyHunter, FairyWhisperer, [Private]

Class: Ranger Job: Teacher, Spearman, [Private]

Att: Wind

Str: 235


Stealth lvl 89

Examine lvl 96

Wind casting lvl 99

Intermediate Archery lvl 56

Basic Spearmanship lvl 95


Kalvin's expression froze as he read rank 2. Suddenly his demeanor changed as he looked at Erin with a new bright light. This confused Erin as he slowly backed away when the man tried to shake his hand.

"Sir it is an honor to meet you! Sorry for my partner's rudeness. She is a little rough around the edges hahahaha." Kalvin was all smiles as he shook the unwilling Erin's hand. Jasmine looked at Kalvin oddly.

"What is wrong with you? Is this some kind of contagious lowering of the IQ illness?" Kalvin quickly shusshed his partner as he gestured for her to look at the results from the scanner.

Jasmine's eyes also widened as she saw this.

"A rank 2? You are one of the 5%?" Jasmine asked. Erin's brain finally connected the dots.

He looked around his ring to see 2 other red id cards.

"Shit! Wrong Asia!" Erin swore silently to himself. Unlike the other continents which joined to become 1 nation, Asia split into 3 nations. This was due to the two heavy population countries China and India wanting control of their nation. With their population still at large after the mass extinction, no other country could really stop them at the time since everyone was still recovering. Asia's 3 nations are known as Red Kingdom(China), Green Kingdom(India) and Blue Kingdom. Although their continent's Id cards are all red like how North America's id cards are all blue, since they are different nations, you need to get an Id card for every nation.

Erin had visited Asia multiple times and so he had ended up getting all 3 id cards in the last 5 years for convenience sake. He tended to use the Green Kingdom card since he had not renewed that in 3 years when he was still Rank 1. Erin sighed as he realized that he had put himself in another predicament.

"This scanner must be broken..." Jasmine mumbled to herself. Erin laughed and agreed quickly to her guess.

"Yep, yep. Me, Rank 2? No way!" Kalvin's face changed as he realized this possibility. He started smacking the scanner as his face turned sour.

"Dammit...I thought it was the real deal. I got my whole hopes and even shook hand with the looner. Ai!!" Erin just picked his ears as he had grown tired of the police's attitude. As Kalvin complained to himself, Jasmine suddenly noticed a shadowy figure behind the tree. It looked oddly similar to a human body.

Jasmine tried to get closer but she was blocked by the Erin's smiling face.

"Young man can you move so that I can identify the figure lying over there?" Jasmine demanded. Erin shook his head lightly.

"No need." Jasmine raised her eyebrows.

"What did you say?"

"Well I am just trying to be on your side. You seem more logical than the other guy." Jasmine turned to her partner.

"You are right about that and as the logical one, I would say you have 10 seconds to move or I wil consider you hostile." Erin sighed as he moved away. Jasmine went around the tree expecting a dead body but instead, she found a beheaded killer Monkey. Jasmine froze for a second as she saw this.

"A...Killer....Monkey." Kalvin quickly went to look when he heard his partner say this.

"Holy phoenix....the scanner was right..." Kalvin commented. Suddenly the both turned to Erin who was innocently whistling to himself.

"The scanner.. was right. Only Rank 2 adventurers would be able to kill a monster of this caliber." Jasmine said hesitantly. Kalvin's face began to show admiration again.

"Sir, you are so young yet you have reached my goal, are you taking in disciples?" Kalvin's face expressed hope and respect as he held Erin's unwilling hand again.
