Shut up

Kalvin's face dropped down as he heard this.

"No? Well are you staying in Mac City for a little while? I would be happy to show you around." Jasmine face palmed as she saw the situation. Kalvin was quick in changing his demeanor when it suited him. This was one of the many reasons why many people hate him and love him and not much in between.

"We are sorry sir for the confrontation. It appears that you have helped us with our mission. Would you mind us taking the body for evidence? It appears that someone had introduced these high ranked monkeys here." Jasmine said this politely. Erin sighed as he yanked his arm from Kalvin's grip.

"First of all, I am not staying...were ever this is. Secondly, I did not help you. The monkeys were in my way so I killed them that's all. Since these monkeys aren't of any use to me so you can have all of them if you want." Jasmine raised her brow as she heard this.

"All of them?" She went a little farther into the bush and saw 10 more bodies laying around with their heads a few meters away. " Jasmine gulped as she turned back to the young man.

"I-I see. Thank you for your service. We will be on our way now." Jasmine was quick to gather the bodies and push the unwilling Kalvin aside.

"Hey! I was done talking to the 2 ranker!" Kalvin said angrily. Jasmine continued to drag Kalvin without batting an eye.

"Look forward and walk normally." Kalvin looked at Jasmine oddly.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you not look at the age? No one gets that strong on their own. He might be from a guild with other 2 rankers." Kalvin's eyes brightened as he realized this.

"That is great! We should go back an-"

"No it not great!" Jasmine interrupted.

"Have you ever heard of 'Erin Silvers'" Kalvin thought about for a second and shook his head.

"Exactly. 2 rankers are a rare part of our civiliazation and rarely would you find one that is not in the top guilds or being recruited to top guilds. If they are hiding themselves, it only means one thing. This guy is not good news." Kalvin's eyes finally grew serious as he heard this.

"Then what should we do." Kalvin asked. Jasmine sighed as she thought of this.

"We can't do anything. We have no proof if he is truly bad news or not. We can only inform the police of our prior impression of him fighting a tree and put him on the watchlist. We can't make such assumptions in this day and age." Kalvin nodded at Jasmine analysis as they both headed to the city.

Erin sighed as he saw the two leave.

"I can hear you guys you know..." Erin thought about the whole situation sadly.

" I don't even know how to feel about this situation. This is the first time I have been seen as a psycho then 2 ranker then a looner then a 2 ranker and then a bad guy... well at least in that order. And now I am probably going to be on their watch list." Erin face palmed as he thought of this. He slowly looked at the now Bush beside him.

"You know this is all your fault right? Fairy whisperer my ass...." Erin grumbled as he took out the map of Clover country. He had only been a sleep for a few hours and he knew that the name of the city was Mac so with little effort he pinpointed his location.

"Ah ha there we are! Huh, I am actually heading to my destination. Good job Mevern!" Erin said elated as he patted the bush's head.

"Your welcome." A soft childish voice answered. Erin smiled froze as he head this. Almost mechanically he turned to the bush beside him.

"So you can talk?" Bush turned red and gestered a nod.

"Um...Why did you not talk before? Would have saved me a lot of time and self esteem." Erin asked.

"I was waiting." The voice said softly.

"Waiting for what?"

"For you to break your promise." Erin tilted his head as he heard this. Suddenly the bush transformed into a little fairy with short cute green hair and green eyes. She smiled gratefully at Erin as they locked eyes. This statement only made Erin even more confused.

"What?" Mevern cleared her throat as she prepared for her memorized speech.

"Well umm, in ancient relics there speaks of a woodling fairy who camouflages with nature and Whe-"

"Your losing me tree girl. Get to the point." Mevern nodded as her face turned red again.

"Well in summary, woodling creatures are given a test. They must collect 10000 of something meaningful and or precious. I was assigned broken promises."

"Ok... and what promise did I break?"

" Almost a month ago you promised yourself that you would not help anyone next month and you just helped the police officers finish their mission." Erin blinked twice as he realized this.

"Um no. I gave it to them because it was not useful to me." Erin said defensively. Mevern smiled softly and shook her head.

"Either way, you still help them." Erin sighed as he heard this. He sat down on the ground while Mevern sat down on his knee.

"So do you say thanks to everyone who has broken a promise?" Mevern shook her head as she chuckled slightly.

"No silly. If that were the case, many people would know about us and fairies would not be so mysterious. I am thanking you because you have made this mission easier for me. In fact, this was the last broken promise I needed to collect." Erin looked at Mevern oddly when he heard this.

"Congrats? What do you mean by easier anyway?" Erin asked lazily. Mevern cleared her throat again as she began another long speech.

" I was tasked this job over a century ago and I have been wandering the infinite planes to find them. I have seen many sad tragedies due to this, and more than broken promises, I have collected many tears. By the time I ended up here, I only needed 800 more broken promises. Once I was transferred to this plane, I only saw more tragedies. When I came upon you it was the same.

5 Years ago..."

"Shut up." Erin immediately stood up from where he sat. He did not even give Mevern a glance as he walked away with a chilling expression spread all over his face. Mevern was surprised by his sudden pace and flew to chase him.

"Wait! I was not finished. I truly do thank you. You were the person who has broken the most promises in my whole time taking missions."

"That's great, now leave me alone." Erin said quickly as he covered his face with a hood. Not taking the hint, Mevern continued.

" Some of those promises...they were very precious to you... and when you hold something in your heart you are always unwilling to let it go."

"Shut up."

"That is why it saddened me when I had to collect those promises."

"Stop talking." Erin whispered coldly under his breath,

"Whether it was your promise with your friends, or finding your sister or being selfish, You have never kept any of these. All around you there are people that love you but none ever stay." Large drops of tears started to fall from the little girl's eyes as she thought of this.

"I said, SHUT UP!" Erin confronted the tearful girl as his vein started to burst. The girl gasped as she saw his expression.

"Oh no, did I say something wrong?" Erin just looked at her for a good second before turning away.

Mevern did not follow Erin this time as she tried to wipe away her tears.

"Wait, you did not let me finish..." Mevern said tearfully.

Erin just continued to walk quickly as his mind started to wander into a dark place. Before he was even aware of his surroundings, a man tapped him on the shoulder.

"Uh sir?" Erin suddenly came back to the real world.

"Oh um what?" He turned to see a man looking at him weirdly.

"Your blocking the road.." The man answered. Erin looked behind the car to see the latest Red Rover. He could tell by the sweet mana storage facility that the man was rich. He got out of the man's way and watched him go into Mac city. As the car disappeared Erin started to make his way to the gate.

This time, he made sure to bring out the right Id card and so there was no more commotions for the day. He was too tired to interact with people and so he ended up sleeping on a comfortable roof.

As he saw the stars begin to appear in the sky he started to count them.

"One star, two star, three star..." In a few minutes, with the help of the nice whether and subtle nature sounds, Erin fell asleep.

Mevern watched fondly as Erin slept. She was still thinking carefully about what she had said.

"Did I say something upsetting?" She thought this for a second before she decided that it was too late. She shape shifted into small tree and rested beside Erin.