Arrested for sleeping

It was the next day and things were finally looking better, for Kalvin. He had gotten on his knees and apologized to the head chief's daughter with some coaxing from Jasmine which allowed her to forgive him. This was the first day in weeks that the head chief had recognized his existence other then to send him to horrible missions. The department was also impressed and surprised by their findings and put them on the case to search for the group that did this.

Jasmine was quick to put Erin on their watch list as she was very suspicious towards him. The watch list was a list of odd or suspicious people who are living or have visited Mac city before. It is a holographic screen constantly appearing on a white wall in the police's main department. Kalvin looked carefully at the picture of Erin they had taken yesterday.

"Nope. I don't see evil." Jasmine sighed as she stopped typing.

"It does not matter what he looks like. It is his actions. They are odd." Kalvin nodded as he heard this. He looked even closer.

"Damn, I don't like this picture. Do you have another one?"

"Why? What is wrong with it?" Jasmine asked.

"He looks too handsome here. Its annoying." Jasmine rolled her eyes as she continued typing.

"Come on Jasmine. Don't ignore me..." Jasmine sighed as she looked through her webcam. She turned to Kalvin and smiled. The picture on the watch list wall suddenly changed.

"Is that better your highness?" Jasmine said sarcastically. Kalvin examined it for a bit.

"Eh....I will except it I guess." Jasmine gawked at his behavior before going back to her report. Kalvin looked at the report a bit before Scratching his head.

"This is a big case. Someone brought a B+ level monster and multiple of them from Asia all the way to here. First of all, to get a plane ticket in this new era is hard enough but with strict policies it would be impossible to bring 10 fricken killer monkeys with you. But imagine, buying pet tickets for monkeys..." Jasmine stopped typing as she heard Kalvin say this jokingly.

"Indeed, and to just be able to bring them here instead of killing them... How strong would you have to be?" Jasmine asked slowly. Kalvin stopped laughing as he thought of this.

"Well, it would need a group of 2 rankers to do..." Kalvin paused as he said this.

"And who do we know that just happened to have an Asian id card?" Jasmine asked.

"Holy shit. Now that I am looking at him, he does have an evil eye." Jasmine smiled as she heard this.

"Lets get the whole team. We will first find this man and then see where his friends are hiding." Kalvin nodded seriously as he put on his cap and got out of his office desk. Just as he got up, he heard the ring of the department phone and sat back down to pick it up.

"This is investigations department."

"Hello, um I am calling because there is a man sleeping on my roof." The voice came from a middle aged woman.

"Umm ma'am, you can call the general department about such an incident, I will transfer you to them." Kalvin searched for the general lined when he heard the lady continue.

"No no no. I came from general department. They said they would switch me to this department since the man was just put on the watch list. His name is Erin Silvers." Kalvin's hand froze from the switch button.

"Ma'am this is not a suggestion, this is an order. For your safety please refrain from disturbing this man. Tell me your location and we will be on our way to solve the problem." Jasmine looked curiously at her partner who looked more serious.

"What is it?" Jasmine asked as Kalvin got his coat on.

"Tell Abby and Daniel to go to this location. We found our guy." Jasmine nodded as she took out her walkie talkie.

"Abby, Daniel we are heading out. Meet Kalvin and I at the main door, we will tell you the details of the mission when we meet up." Jasmine put on her coat and left with Kalvin.

A few miles away, Erin yawned and rubbed his eyes as he felt something tap his head. He opened his eyes to see Mevern looking at him with a huge smile on here face. Erin's mood quickly soured as he lifted his head up from the ceiling. He turned to Mevern and gave her a cold look.

"Why are you following me?" Mevern Paused for a second before she talked.

"First, I would like to apologize if I offended you. I had hoped to sincerely thank you for your help and I had not finished my thank you speech." Erin sighed as he heard this.

"I don't really care enough right now to get butt hurt so apologies accepted." Mevern face brighten as she spread out into smiles.

"Oh thank you for accepting my apology. Well like our saying later I-"

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Erin quickly cut here off. Mevern's mind became sidetracked as she realized this.

"Oh, that's right. I also wanted to ask you a favor." Erin turned to the girl as he raised his eyebrow.

"What now?"

"Well... Hide!" Before she could put her sentences together, Mevern suddenly changed here demeanor and turned into a little bush. Erin tilted his head as he saw this.

"Oi, Mevern." Erin snapped his fingers at Mevern only to get the silent treatment again. He looked at his stats again to confirm his title.

[Fairy Whisperer] Your charisma increase 15% when speaking with a fairy.

"Is my charisma normally shit?" Erin questioned. Suddenly he heard the sounds of sirens heading his way. Erin watched as the police car parked in front of the house he was sleeping on. The woman who own the house quickly went to greet the 4 police officers. Erin could not help but shake his head.

"The house owner must be bad news. Tsk tsk what a shame. You must be some type of a loser to get arrested so early in the morning." Erin looked at the 4 police men. One was a tall buff black man with sun glasses on. Another one was a petite blonde women with a calm expression written across her face. The other women was more mature looking and looked to be of Mexican ethnicity. She was leaking a cold aura around her. The last man looked to be of Asian descent. He seemed the least serious of the 4.

As Erin was nonchalantly watching the scene, the owner suddenly pointed to hid direction. The 4 looked up and turned towards him.

"You!" Jasmine said coldly as she pointed towards Erin. Erin quickly recognized the Mexican women from the night before.

"Hi cutie!" Erin said sweetly as he waved at her. Kalvin face grew dark when he heard this.

"Sir you do realize you have trespassed on this lady's house?" Erin nodded.

"The hotel was too far away." Kalvin was speechless at his answer.

"The closest one is only 10 minutes away. What stopped you from going the extra 10 minutes?" Jasmine demanded.

"Too lazy." Erin said nonchalantly as he picked his ears. Kalvin looked as if he was ready to punch the kid, then he remembered the kid's level and his anger quickly cooled down. While this discussion was going down, the petite girl, Abby scanned the area.

"There is no one else here." Abby quickly reported to Jasmine. Jasmine nodded and turned to Erin.

"Erin Silvers, you are charged with trespassing, and are suspected of smuggling monsters and possibly endangering civilians. If you want this to go smoothly, it would be better if you cooperate." Jasmine said this without expression or fear present in her face. Erin smiled as he saw this. He stretched his arms for a bit before jumping off the ceiling.

Erin walked right in front of Jasmine. The other three got out their guns as Erin got closer and closer to Jasmine face even bending a bit to get to her level.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Kalvin said angrily. Erin paid Kalvin no attention as he stared straight at Jasmine's eyes. Jasmine did not hold back and stared coldly at Erin. Suddenly, yellow magic could faintly be seen appearing on Kalvin's arm the longer the staring contest lasted. Erin smiled as he saw this and brought out his arms.

"This is where I get handcuffed right?" Jasmine only breathed a sigh once Erin moved away from her face. Kalvin was quick to bring out his handcuffs and restrain the young man.

"Yep you are right and you have the right to remain silent but it will probably benefit both of us of you talk." Kalvin said this while activating intimidation with no affect. Erin just looked at him while he laughed.

"Sorry dude but I don't crack easy." Kalvin's face turned red with embarrassment as he failed to restrain him. Daniel patted Kalvin's back.

"He is more than 50 levels higher than you. Don't waste your mana." Kalvin only became more annoyed as he heard this. The 4 drove Erin and the lady in for questionings. Daniel and Abby investigated the lady while Kalvin and Jasmine got Erin.

Erin sat in the dark room with a happy expression on his face. The two looked at him coldly.

"What do you know abut the incident yesterday? Why did Killer Monkeys suddenly appear in North America and Mac City of all places!?' Jasmine went straight for thr fact. Erin just shrugged.

"I don't know." Jasmine smirked coldly.

"Really? You don't know? How about your guild mates, do they know?" Erin shook his head.

"I don't have teammates. Its just me, myself and I." Jasmine paused for a second as she heard this.

"That is impossible. A wanderer?" Before Jasmine could say anything else, Kalvin slammed his hand on the metal table.

"Don't make me laugh. Wanderer's could never get to this level. Now where are your teammates!" Kalvin yelled could. Erin shook his head as he heard this. ' Oh how shallow your world views are.'

"Oi Kalvin, I think you should just Kalvout of here. Jasmine is better at the whole bad cop interrogation thing." Kalvin's face froze as he felt a huge knife stab at his ego. Jasmine pushed her partner away as she continued her role.

"Tell me, are you really a wanderer." Erin smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Yep. Scouts honor." Jasmine nodded as she heard this.

"Ok, I will believe." Erin and Kalvin both looked surprised at this statement.

"If" Jasmine suddenly pulled out Erin's ring.

"If allow me access to your ring." Erin shocked face suddenly changed as he began to laugh.

"Sure sure, go right ahead." Jasmine smiled coolly as she heard this. She looked into the ring only to be met with disappointment. There was nothing of value there. Kalvin took a look as well and was shocked at the view of a 2 ranker's storage space. There were only books,common clothes, a dusty bag and some robes in there. There was also a few silvers but nothing very eye catching.

"Is this actually a mid 2 ranker's storage ring? I am almost a high 1 ranker and my storage ring looks like a gold mine compared to this." Erin just shrugged as he heard this. The two police officers left the interrogation room after a few more questions.

"Nothing. " Kalvin said with a sigh.

"It appears like the man was truly at the wrong place at the wrong time but...he is still odd. He is a wanderer yet he is a 2 ranker, and as a 2 ranker, his storage ring is far too empty. If he was jsut the average wanderer it would make sense but the fact that he killed all those Killer Monkeys and his Id showed otherwise...." Kalvin heard to here before banging the door.

"Damn! So we got nothing?" Jasmine sighed as she nodded.

"I guess we are back at phase 1. Abby and Daniel will be done interrogating the lady by now. Lets throw Erin in for the night at call it a day on his case." Kalvin nodded as he saw his partner massage her temple in frustration.

Had they wasted a whole morning on nothing?