detective time!

The two went back in the interrogation room to see Erin whistling to himself. He turned around and smiled when he saw the two.

"Ah so there you are. Now that you know that I am not a monkey smuggler, can you let me go?" Jasmine did not even look at the man. She and Kalvin dragged Erin away.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Erin asked.

"Trespassing on private property. That is 1 week to 6 months of jail time unless charges are dropped. Until we see what the owner says, we will be holding you in a temporary cell." Jasmine said this emotionlessly as she continued to drag Erin by her arms.

"Wow, how ruthless and I was on your side this whole side." Erin pouted. Kalvin humphed as he heard this.

"I am on her side, your on the side of criminals." Kalvin stated.

"For napping?" Erin asked. Kalvin puffed again.

"Napping can be an offense." He tried to say seriously. Erin just rolled his eyes as he entered the cell. He held unto the bars as he saw the two grab their coats. Kalvin, looked awfully cheeky.

" Don't think you can escape these bars. They had been rebuilt with Dillianium. Even 2 rankers can't get out of it easily." Erin tilted his head as he heard this.

"When did I say I was going to escape?" The two were speechless as they heard the man talk. He was acting innocent but they could tell that he had been testing the strength of the bars.

"I got my eyes on you Mr. Silvers." Jasmine said coldly before they left to find their partners. Erin waited until they were completely out of sight before sighing.

"Geez. I slept there in order to avoid human interaction and in the morning I had to get interrogated. Life sucks..." Erin grumbled as he bent the bars open with ease. He made sure to bend it back in place before digging around the room to find his ring.

When he finally found it, he quickly went to grab a dusty old bag. Inside the bag was a fiery red ring with a dragon embroidered around it. Erin smiled to himself as he stared at his ring.

"Hi loser!"

"AH! Jeez!" Erin's screamed as Mevern popped out of no where. Erin caught his heart as it almost popped out of his chest.

"Why are you still following me?!" Erin whined.

"I still haven't-"

"Finished your stupid speech? Just forget it and go home. Gosh! Wait more importantly, When did I become loser?!" Erin suddenly asked. Mevern tilted her head.

"You are the type to get arrested so early in the morning." Erin face palmed as he heard this. He suddenly pointed his finger at the little fairy as he grew a little irritated.

"You know what? You can-"

"Hide!" Suddenly, Mevern camouflaged herself among the plastic plants in the office.

"Damn it Mevern!" Erin looked around as he tried to find some place to hide. He decided to hide under one of the desks as he heard the sound of someone opening the door.

The person who walked in looked around before scrummaging through documents. Erin took a peek at the person while the person was snooping around. When he examined him, he realized that he did not have a police job.

The mysterious man was still looking at files when Erin walked quietly behind him. Finally, the man stopped at one file. He looked excited as he picked up the file. Suddenly the file was taken from the man's hand.

The man turned around in surprise as he saw Erin looking through the file.

"Year 4 December 3rd. Why is this file so special to you?" Erin asked nonchalantly. The man looked at him angrily.

"Give that back!" He hollered. The man tried to grabbed the file only to fly across the room with one wave of the hand. The man only stopped once his head made contact with the wall. The man groaned as he slid to the ground.

"Now what type of guy just strolls into a- hey I have seen you before." Erin suddenly states this as he got a good look at the man. His face suddenly turned mischievous. The man's face started to sweat a bit as Erin came closer.

"Sta-stay away. I don't know you." Erin nodded his head.

"I agree. I don't know you either. But, I am sure I saw you yesterday." Erin bent down to his level.

"Red Rover?" He asked. The man's face widened as he suddenly remembered the man.

"The man wondering around the road." Erin face brightened when he heard this.

"Oh you remember me! I feel special now." Although Erin acted like he was harmless, his action spoke differently.

"What do you want with this file?" Erin asked calmly. The man looked at him hesitantly. Erin sighed and crossed his arms.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way and I am not in a good mood right now to be patient." The man only looked more frightened when he heard this, but he still remained silent. Erin shrugged.

"Fine, the hard way it is." The man suddenly looked surprised. He started to hold on to his neck and gag as he tried to breath. Erin grabbed a chair as he saw the man struggle.

"You know, there is this interesting skill that I obtained a while ago. It really helps me get what I want. Its called [Struggle]. You feel as if your losing air and you can't breath." The man continue to gasp as his face started to turn blue.

"Its a real annoying spell since it drains mana every second it is used but its worth it. You see, unless you can last longer than my mana without air...I don't think you can make it." The man's face took a turn for the worse as he started to hack, gasp and struggle but he was still stuck in what seems like a hundred years long torture. The man felt as if something was gripping on to his lungs and not letting go. The grip pulled him up from the ground as he began to squirm in the air.

"It would be very easy for me to just kill you now but," Suddenly the man gasped for air as his throat was finally let go.

"Gah ack ha." The man swallowed the air greedily as he was drop on the floor.

"I am still curious about the file." The man looked at Erin differently as he held on to his throat. The man could feel a dark aura coming from Erin. It was the darkness affinity, it was something much more sinister. Erin tapped his leg impatiently as the man was still coughing and settling his heart.

"I am not a very patient person...Andrew. I have had a not so good start to the week and your not making it better. Maybe I should allow you to struggle a bit more..." Andrew felt shivers down his spine hearing his name being called.

"Please no more!" Andrew pleaded.

"I..I will tell you all I know." Erin smiled sweetly as he heard this.

"Perfect!" Erin said. From there Andrew did not hesitate to say everything he knew. He did not want to die in such a way.

"December 3rd...that is tomorrow. It has been almost a year since 50 thousand people's lives were sacrificed. Good people just trying to adjust. Mac City used to be much bigger but now there is a huge wall separating the city. The other half was destroyed by an A rank dungeon." Erin's face scrunched as he heard this.

"Rank A? So it has appeared here too..." Andrew nodded slowly.

"Once it raids suddenly started to appear at a larger rate then military could stop. Mac City is one of the 15 cities in Clover that is government run only. Not willing to allow adventurers to help, 50 thousand people died unnecessarily. To make it worse, they had evacuated the richer part of society out of the area first and had left the neediest people to become food for the monsters to stall time." Erin listened quietly as Andrew's face turned angrier by the second.

"My father, my brother, my mother... they are all dead. But you never heard their names in the newspaper...All that was showcased was how brave the military had fought the raid... Liars all of them. The military who hid away cowardly, the newspapers who completely falsified the results of the monster raid and the government system that is so fucked in the head yet no one is doing anything about it!"

"So you decided what? You were going to get some Killer monkeys and hatch your revenge with them." Andrew was a little surprise but he quickly cooled down again.

"You are only a first ranker. There is no way you smuggled a bunch of monkeys here." Andrew smile twisted as he heard this.

"I am not the only one against the government's control in Mac City. The Monkey's were supposed to be the beginning of our plan but, it seems like the police department had brought in some experts. But, that would not changed anything. There is still much more to come." Suddenly a loud sound erupted from an area close by.


Andrew smile grew as he heard the sound of screams and crumbling walls.

"It seems like plan two has already been successful." Andrew chuckled as he said this. Erin nodded as he heard this.

"I see." Suddenly Andrew felt his Throat tighten again. He looked at the cold man in front of him with despair.

"I think its time for you to leave in peace. Sorry to say this but, this is not revenge anymore. Your anger and lose has already twisted into something else. This thing you call revenge is nothing more than foolishness." Andrew stared at Erin with hate in his eyes but he was not able to speak them out loud but Erin knew that if he did, it would be something along the line of,

"My revenge will be done by others even if I am not around." Erin ended his life quickly. He had gotten what he wanted. He turned around to see that the Mevern was looking at him curiously.

"I don't get you. You hide when other humans are around but for some reason you like to chit chat the night away when its just me. Shouldn't you be hiding from me the most?" Mevern tilted her head when she heard this.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently. Erin paused for a second. He never knew what to do with this girl.

"Never mind. Do whatever you want." Erin grabbed a paper and pen from his ring and wrote something before sticking it unto the dead man. After positioning the man in a obvious place, he opened the window of the department and jumped out.

Mevern flew down in a hurry to catch up.

"Wait Loser! Where are you going?" Mevern asked hurriedly.

"Suddenly, I feel like playing detective...and its Erin..."