I am an aspiring actor

Erin smiled happily as he put on his uniform. He looked up confidently as he practiced his stern looks and common phrases he had heard in his time as a crimi- good natured wanderer.

Actually the uniform belonged to Kalvin. Luckily the two were around the same built and so the uniform fitted him well. He took of the badge that said 'Kalvin Soo' and replaced it with a smiley face sticker.

Kalvin shook his head as he saw this.

"This is going to fail." Erin acted offended as he heard this.

"Well I'll have you know that I am a very well respected officer in this station." Kalvin was speechless when he saw Erin's change of demeanor.

"Are you mocking me?" Erin reacted the same way.

"Are you mocking me?" Erin showed a devious smile as he said this. The next second Kalvin turned to Jasmine irritatingly.

"I really don't like this idea." Jasmine just rolled her eyes as she she heard this.

"The plan is perfect. We don't know exactly what steps the new leader is taking next. All we know is that they want to take control of this city. When the investigators and officials from the higher ups come, they will definitely show themselves. That is why we must get close to them before they do something.

Erin seems to be good at acting so he will squeeze himself in with the other officers that will guide the government men.

We will stay back and watch them as they Investigate the area. We will have three eyes on the officials so if the terrorists strike, we will be able to confront them better." Erin thought seriously as he heard this plan.

"Why don't we just tell the other police about this so that they can assist us?" Jasmine got a headache when she heard this.

"It's not that easy... we are not that high ranking in this station. We are only the investigation department and we are now down to 2 officers... the headchief does not take us seriously." Kalvin felt irritated as he remembered the old man.

"He did not even want to connect the Killer Monkey incident with the first bombing! The man is too stubborn."

"It probably did not help that he was listening to the asshole who dumped his daughter."

"..." Kalvin stuck himself in a dark corner after hearing this. Erin tried to hold his laughter as he did not want to upset the officer too much in one day.

"Well, I will just stay were I am supposed to be. You guys can warn anyone that listens." Erin quickly changed the subject and like that, they began their wait.

While they waited for the high officials to come, Erin started to interact with the police men from the combat department. He was told they would be the ones guiding the officials. Erin was able to blend in with them easily and adapted to their mannerism quickly. If not for the smiley face on his chest, one would think the group were from the same department.

Jasmine continued to help rescue people from the building which was now in a more stable condition. Kalvin grew mushrooms in the corner.

It was only after the sun had completely gone down that the officials finally arrived. They exited from their government authorized jet and where greeted by all the police men from the combat department, Erin and the headchief Gaten. Erin quickly took off his sticker once the men arrived.

5 officials came down from the jet along with 2 body guards. Erin was impressed with their strengths most of them were low to mid level 2 rankers except for the one in front who was a high level 2 ranker. The one in front of the other officials was a cold domineering woman. Although it was dark, it was impossible for the Mac policemen to avoid her sharp gaze. It was even harder to not notice her brilliant silver hair which shined in the moonlight. As she gazed upon the Mac city officers she came upon Erin and her face froze suddenly.

Erin could only laughed internally when he saw this. Mevern hid tightly inside Erin's chest pocket in hopes of not getting seen by the women. The women only lingered on Erin for a second before turning to the man she knew was the headchief.

"Hello Chief Gaten, It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Linda Morrison, General of the north Clover army. This is Jacob Milferd the leader of one of our highly esteemed investigations unit and his teammates." Linda turned to a stern middle aged men who also greeted the Headchief. The headchief was greatly alarmed by the positions of the two standing in front of him and quickly said his greetings.

"H-hello General Morrision and Chief Milferd. It is a great pleasure to be at your presence."

"I apologize for our late entry. The team that was supposed to go turned back once the news of the entire station blowing up was received. Lately there has been a lot of criminal activity in Lincoln which has led to a revolt. We hope to settle issues here before such an occurrence happens again." Headchief was surprised when he heard this.

"Lincoln..last I heard, things were going fine in Lincoln." General Morrison shook her head.

"Riots have been going on for half a year now. Most of the gates are being secured so word does not get out. I am only telling you this since I worry that the same situation is beginning to rise in Mac City." Headchief nodded slowly as he listened to the women. He realized that this situation was more dangerous then he originally thought.

"Headchief...could you tell us what you know about this situation."Head chief Gaten was quick to oblige.

"Yes well-" Headchief retold the story the way he had heard from the bomb department. 2 officers from the investigations department were interrogating someone when a man wearing a police uniform knocked on the door. One of the officers opened the door only for the man to detonate a bomb and destroy the area. Many departments came in order to access the situation. Only an hour later, another bombing occurred outside the station at a larger scale followed by multiple more bombs at other corners of the station.

Linda listened to the story carefully while sometimes looking back at Erin who acted oblivious to her stares.

"How did the man obtain your office uniform?" Linda inquired. Gaten sweated as he heard the question.

"W-well that I don't know. They could have stolen it from our laundry room or they might have gotten it from the other 2 stations since we all have the same uniform." Gaten was quick to try and defer the blame from himself. Linda only nodded slightly.

"And that is all you know? There is nothing else? " Headchief sighed and shook his head.

"I have sent most of my men out to try and find some information but sadly, we have not found any solid leads yet." Erin just smirked coldly as he heard this. The man did not even know what was going on.

"I see.... well I will leave the investigations up to Milferd and his crew. I will head out around the city to see if I can spot any suspicious activities." Gaten nodded and bowed many times as he thanked the General and the investigators for coming. The police men guided the investigators and their bodyguard to what was left of their police station. As Erin was also going along with the flow, Linda suddenly spoke.

"Richard, you follow Milferd and his team. I will get one of the police men to guide me around Mac City." Erin froze as he heard this. He could tell that the women was walking toward him. She lightly tapped on his shoulder and Erin turned around with a stern look.

"Yes ma'am." Erin asked quickly. Linda smiled as she saw this.

"Headchief, I will take this one." Gaten tried to see who it was but, he did not have the best sight for the dark and so he could only nod and give the man to her care. Erin could only cry in his heart. 'How are you even a Headchief!"

"Shall we?" The lady asked. Erin nodded and began to guide her farther away from the station. As they kept walking, Jasmine and Kalvin were on their tails cursing their luck. Linda began to knit her brows the more they walked.

"Aren't you going to guide me?" Erin turned to look at the women.

"I am ma'am."

"Well, then this is the worst guide I have ever had. Aren't you going to tell me about these buildings we are passing and the history of Mac City?" Erin suddenly realized his mistake.

"Ah, my apologize General. This is a building, this is another building and that building over there is called 'Donuts by Dre' it probably sells pizza. Oh look another building." Linda stopped after hearing her guide for a bit. Erin stopped as well and faced the women.

"I already know you caught me so why continue the charade, yeah?" Linda's face only grew more cold.

"Hmmp, at least you know your limit. You do not have a government ring nor a name badge. Who are you exactly Erin SIlvers?" Linda drew out a large saber as she asked this. Erin smirked as she saw the women's weapon. He really hated Saber users. He took out his own spear.

"Can't you tell? I am an aspiring actor." As their two auras started to clash, Jasmine got out from her hiding spot along with Kalvin.

"Please General Morrison!" Linda paused as she saw the two. She had known that two people were following them but she did not guess that they would be real police officers. Suddenly, she became confused.

"Aren't you the leader of this terrorist activity?" Linda asked as she pointed the saber at Erin. Erin acted offended as he heard this.

"Do you think I would cause trouble willingly? If it was up to me, I would still be napping on top of a ceiling right now." Linda looked at Erin oddly when he said this. Jasmine quickly cleared her throat as she pushed Erin aside.

"I apologize for this. We are not criminals. In fact, we are a part of the investigations department. I am Jasmine Mendez and this is Kalvin Soo. We were working with this fellow Erin Silvers in investigating this case." Linda nodded slowly as she heard this.

"I see... So, can you tell me what is going on then?" Linda inquired. Jasmine smiled and told the women everything from the Killer monkeys to the possibility of the previous Leader already being killed. Linda was in deep thought as she heard this.

"Just as I expected. The same thing is also happening here...." Jasmine was surprised by how calm the women was acting.

"You believe us?" Linda smiled as she heard that.

"She does not believe you, she believes her lie detector skill." Erin suddenly commented. Linda smiled wider as she heard this.

"As expected, your Examining skill is much higher than mine." Jasmine and Kalvin were both surprised when they heard this. Erin only shrugged.

"What do you mean General?" Kalvin was shocked, he could not believe that the criminal they took off a ceiling could have better skills than a General.

"Your Examining skills are both weak but you should both still be able to see his level." The two officers examined Erin for the first time and were left confused.

"level 13? How can that be? The Id showed that he was level 52 and a 2 ranker." said Kalvin as his mind wandered. Jasmine also tilted her head for a seconds before it suddenly clicked.

"Impossible." Jasmine stated. Linda shook her head.

"The number of known people of this rank are less than a hundred but, it is possible."

"What? What is?" Kalvin asked as he tried to understand what was going on.

"A...a third ranker?" Jasmine whispered. Erin could only scratch his head as everyone stared at him.


Yep, I am at chapter 30... can't believe I have lasted this long and am still being pretty consistent. I am very thankful for all the power stones and comments. I appreciate all the questions and critics.

I still kinda wish I hadn't beheaded the douchebag and underlings so early but alas they were getting on both mine and Erin's nerves.

Erin: Hey author don't try and blame me for your incompetence.

Eh? You're supposed to be on my side Erin.

Erin: Why would I be on your side? Dear viewers, continue to critic this guy so that she can one day make me into the awesome Main character I am supposed to be.

Wait bu-

Erin: Make sure to comment 'Let Erin sleep.' or 'Give Erin a portable sleeping bag.' Thanks.
