Expectations and realizations

"No way." Kalvin gasped as he realized this. Suddenly he felt really small. He had tried to intimidate a third ranker.

Linda sighed as she saw their reactions.

"This is why I don't like the ID system. It only gives you a general gist of another person's skill level. If you have your [Examine] skill at level 45 you will be able to see more and unless the person updates their ID frequently, you can easily underestimate them. " Erin agreed with Linda's statement.

"That's true but, it makes it easier for me to get around. Hehe." The general looked suspiciously at Erin. She still felt like there was something off about him.

"How did you even get here Erin?" Erin thought of a little fairy but quickly put on a casual expression and shrugged.

"I am a wanderer, I just go with the flow." Linda raised her eyebrow when she heard this.

"A wanderer you say?" Erin just smiled at the women.

"Well second ranker or third ranker, with more people we can find who this leader is." Jasmine suddenly commented as she tried to stir the conversation back to the terrorists.

"Well first we should figure out who the old leader was. Although it is unknown whether he is still alive, we must figure out how this Macfire guild originated." The others nodded at Linda's statement.

"The only problem is that all of our files are in the wreckage and it is unlikely that the headchief would give us the back up go-" Suddenly, Linda took out a hefty laptop looking gadget from her ring.

"Uh... what is that?" Erin asked curiously.

"A large database server with billions of bytes worth of data." Linda said lightly as she opened the server and started typing away. The others gaped in surprise when they heard this. Linda turned to them calmly.

"I am in control of a dozen cities. If I don't have their files inputted in my computer continuously, that would be quite inconvenient." Kalvin nodded as he tried to comprehend the huge gap between him at the women In front of him.

"What was his name again?" Linda asked as she typed on her Server. Jasmine quickly snapped back to reality and looked at the master plan.

"Victor Macdavids." Jasmine said. In just one click, Linda gained all the data she could find on the man.

"Victor Macdavids, 26, son of Melanie and David's Macdavids. The parents owned a grocery store on The now desolate part of Mac City. They were killed by the 3rd wave of monsters and Victor was the only one that escaped. Even before the monster raid, Victor was a regular at the police station for thefts and fights. He has been recounted as a irrational and volatile individual. Although he was said to be different before the start of this era. Before the apocalypse, he was an art student on his last year of school and was considered to be calm and quiet by his peers. After the tutorial ended, he could only cause trouble. After his parent's deaths, he only caused more trouble until 7 months ago when he vanished."

"What could have caused his change?" Kalvin wondered.

"The great expansion changed many people..." Erin said quietly.

"Well whatever happened, we know that in the period before his disappearance, he was very active in the prison cells all around Mac city. He probably made a lot of connections that way with other criminals." When Jasmine said this, Erin and the others could not help but agree. Erin turned to Linda and asked.

"General, can you see which other major criminals disappeared around that time." Linda smirked.

"Already done. Miller Vincent, Mark Paul, Travis Scott to name a few." Erin laughed lightly as he heard the last name.

"You can cross off the last guy." Linda showed a knowing look as she heard that statement.

"It is very likely the other two are also a part of this Guild since they had very similar activity." Erin and the others nodded as they heard Linda say this.

"We should go back to what's left of the eastern station then." Jasmine nodded.

"Are you sure they haven't wrecked the place enough?" Erin asked. Kalvin scratched his head and shrugged.

"Well we can't be sure but that is where the investigation team is and that is who they were originally targeting anyway." Kalvin could only comment this as he was not sure where the guild would go next. Erin sighed.

"Lets go there and see what will happen then." Everyone agreed to this idea. Linda was quick to warn the team and bodyguards to look out for any unusual activity. From what she heard about the first bombing and the riots later that day, officers where not to be trusted.

The four arrived back at the station in little time. Linda had already told her people of her arrival and so they were waiting to greet her again. Headchief only lightly twitched when he saw Kalvin come along as well.

"I see you have met up with some of our other officers. They are a part of our investigations department." Linda nodded lightly.

"I know. The more people the merrier is what I say."

"I-I see." Gaten could only give Kalvin some cold glares before leading the team back at one of the bombing sights. Kalvin could only sigh. Luckily the station would be closed for a good few days which will give Kalvin an excuse to move stations.

Linda looked at the area which used to belong to the bombing department. Linda could see the faint lighter markings of a human body.

"What would posses these people to end their lives so miserably?" Linda asked sadly. Milferd came up to the women calmly.

"Well, General we don't know yet if this is truly a human or a puppet. We would still need to run some tests..." Linda turned to the man.

"Can't you tell by the lighter shades in these pieces of the building? Puppets would not leave such obvious imprinting. I also doubt that some local thugs would be able to do this, no matter how infamous they were. The puppeteer class is much too rare to be assigned to a thug." Milferd was about to apologize for his lapses of judgment when he heard the thugs part.

"General, you know who did this?" Linda nodded quickly as she began to move to the next sight.

"These bright police officers led me to the right direction in this case. Milferd, you should take notes." Headchief Gaten was surprised at the General's comment. It was too shocking for him to hear one of his subordinates get praised, especially from such a high official. He had great hopes for Jasmine and was ready to praise her a lot after the case was done. Kalvin on the other hand was still a sour spot in his eyes. Suddenly Gaten looked at the last man who was hiding his face from him. He could not tell who this man was.

"Young man wh-" Before he could even finish the sentence, a thunderous sound came rushing towards their directions. Linda turned serious as she saw this.

"Damn it, their already here!" Kalvin screamed.

"What?!" Gaten asked in confusion.

"Everyone assemble. Make sure to capture everyone alive or dead." Linda yelled which cause the investigation team and the body guards to scream,

"Yes Ma'am!" In unison. Gaten felt perplexed by the situation as he saw the teams go in formation. Jasmine, and Kalvin also seemed to have gotten their weapons out without an order. Gaten looked to see that his men were all looking at each other not knowing what to do.

Gaten was quick to realize that another attack was upon them so he quickly gathered his combat men for battle.

Erin took out his spear as he saw the storms of people coming his directions with an assortment of weapons and magic spells readied. He looked down at his pocket to see the little fairy popping out to watch the battle.

"Hey Meve, If you have some combat abilities under your sleeve, this would be a good time to use them." Mevern only nodded slowly as she watched the horde of criminals getting closer.

Headchief suddenly turned to Kalvin.

"Officer Soo, in this sort of situation, You are allowed to go all out. If any citizens are injured, you will not be reliable." Kalvin smiled devilishly as he heard this. Suddenly He exploded in yellow aura as lightning bolts were beginning to compress into a large ball of volatile energy. Erin secretly snickered to himself as he saw this.

"Now that's a Warlock!" He said happily as he also let his Grey aura seep out in a controlled manner.

Jasmine got out her sword and large shield and most of the others had already gotten their weapons out. Since most of the officers were either patrolling the area or in the hospital, it was a 15 to 1000 battle.

Erin quickly made a huge dent in the other side's number as he ran up to them in huge speeds and took off heads like cutting onions. No one could really sense his actual location, all they could see was heads flying from their bodies. Oddly enough, this did not stop the men from charging at the station as arms continued to flail and their war screams could be heard from miles.

The other's did not delay as they began to attack the criminals. Kalvin sent out lighting bombs in quick successions as large amounts of people were fried to death. Jasmine protected Kalvin from any distractions as she created a lighting force field and smashed people's heads in with her shield. Linda was only slower than Erin as she wielded her Saber with precision. Every swing would kill dozens. The investigation team and Gaurds could only stay behind this women as they tried to block anyone who dared to attack her from the back.

The headchief and the Combat team were left in disarray as they tried not to die.

"Weren't we going to take some alive!? Why is everyone one shot killing theses dudes!?" Gaten could only cry internally as he faced off a group of low leveled thugs.

Erin at this point had already drove his way through the crowed as he tried to get to the leader. been surprised when he had spotted a figure familiar to the appearance of Victor Macdavids among the faces. Sadly, he only saw him for a second before he disappeared into the crowed. Erin had gotten sick of these thugs relentless attacking.

"Damnit can't you all just drop dead!" Erin continued to hack away blindly until he heard his little friend say something.

"Erin! Go closer there were the trees are!" Erin could not even be distracted for a second, but he knew that the squeaky voice belonged to Mevern and so he quickly ran past all the rioters to get close to a patch of trees that survived the explosion.

Erin continued to hack and slash the floods of people as Mevern flew out of the chest pocket and closer to the trees. Once she touched one of the branches, the trees began to curls and grow and crack unnaturally. Erin could not help but turn around in astonishment.

One by one, two by two, these branches began to curl around the rioters legs and and twirl around their body. As they began to struggle, their bodies only became more tangled until they were covered in tree branches. Erin smiled as he saw the branches taking over the battle field.

"Good job Meve!" Erin said quickly as he walked over the tangled men who were unable to stand anymore. It did not take long to see the man he had thought was dethroned being protected by his men.

Erin easily killed off these men though, and grabbed Victor's wrist tightly.

"Well look at this, I caught the villain first." Erin said this happily as he confronted the men's cold gaze. Suddenly, Erin froze.

He blinked again to make sure he was not dreaming.

"Purple eyes..."

"Examine!" Erin could not even waste time thinking properly and said his skill out loud.

Vic%!~7 Ma&@vid Species:!*@#7 Level: !*!@**

Description: Hi Erin

"You..." Victor smirked coldly as he heard Erin say this. In the next second, time stopped.