Counting sheep

Erin turned around to see that the world had suddenly gone into a standstill. To be more accurate, it had frozen again. He could see the struggling faces of the combat men as they were being overwhelmed by the rioters. He could see the stoic face of Linda as she was half way from slicing a man's head off. Jasmine and Kalvin were back to back as they were close to using up their last bit of mana.

Erin also could now clearly see the eyes of the rioters. They were white, signs of Necromancy. Their odd uniform movements and lack of shaken moral. It all made sense suddenly.

"Where are you?" Erin suddenly asked coldly. Victor gave him a ridiculing glare.

"Now if I told you, it would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?" Erin breathed in cold breaths as he glared through the man's eyes.

"What the fuck did you do?" Victor looked offended as he heard this.

"What? Lil old me? I only struck a deal. This man wanted revenge so I gave him power. I allowed him to gain control of the many top criminals in Mac City. All I wanted was for him to create chaos and what does he do? Well, even you can come up with a better evil plan than this fool." Erin only stared coldly at the man as he said this.

"I was just going to kill him after playing with him a bit until you arrived. Isn't it crazy how fate keeps pulling us together?" Victor said happily. Erin looked at him with disgust.

"What fate? You planned this didn't you?" Victor frowned as he heard this.

"Well don't ruin the fun just yet. Can't we catch up huh? It has already been 2 years since we last met." Erin's aura grew more murderous as he heard this.

"Oh Erinpoo don't be so scary looking. Your going to give me nightmares with those stares." Victor acted frightened as he saw Erin's face grow even darker.

"If you aren't going to say shit then leave." Victor pouted as he saw this.

"Well aren't you going to attack me or something? Get out some of that Erin rage. It's no fun if you act this way" Erin laughed coldly.

"Your only a consciousness. Even if I hack you into a millions pieces, it won't matter. But don't think I won't find your real body one day. I know you were also thrown into this plane as well. You can't escape." Victor's playful face suddenly faded away.

"That fairy bitch told you, didn't she." Erin suddenly grabbed Victor's collar as he said this.

"Don't you dare!" Erin yelled. Victor suddenly began to laugh mockingly.

"Dare do what? What if I call the old maid a bitch? Is she here to get offended? Hahah oh right, I killed her." Erin brought his hands to Victor's neck as he began to squeeze it tightly.

"Die." Victor continued to mock Erin as he did this.

"HAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAHA. Die!? Now this is Erin I know and love. Oh little Erin, You still don't learn. How could she have seen potential in you. You are nothing but a fragile human no matter how much potential you may hold." Erin tightened his grip. Victor's smile twisted suddenly as he observed a little fairy using all her force to restrain his rioters.

"I see you found yourself another fairy." Erin's face turned red as he heard this. Victor's smile only twisted more.

"What? You think I will do something to that fledgling? I am not a monster you know? That one is only a baby fairy if you did not know. Did you think she would be like that wise bitch? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA. The only thing that will be similar between them and all the others who ever follow you is this, their blood will be stained by my hands." Victor only whispered the last sentence as he gave Erin a knowing smile.

Suddenly the world began to move again. Victor's eyes turned into a normal shade of brown as it rolled to the back of his scull. He body started to shake as he shivered at twitched.

"Please... don't... kill..." That was all Victor could say before his body stopped moving. Erin dropped the man to the floor as he saw this.

"You contradicted yourself again you dipshit." Once Victor dropped, the rest of the rioters suddenly fell in unison.

Jasmine and the others looked around in confusion. Kalvin kicked some of the bodies in order to make sure they were dead. Linda was surprised by the sudden death of the rioters. She examined the bodies and as she guessed, none of them were puppets.

"Why did they act so viciously? " As Linda was in her thoughts, she turned to the direction of Erin. Her mind turned blank as she saw the scene in front of her.

A man standing emotionless as piles of bodies circled around him almost intentionally. The moonlight highlighted the blood that had splattered over his body. The police uniform had been died red and his eyes seemed to pierce right through Her. Linda could not help but get an eerie vibe when she saw this man.

As the other officer's saw this scene, they also were mesmerized by the image. Erin was still mindlessly staring at body of Victor when Mevern lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Erin? You have been staring at this man for a long time. Is he the perpetrator?" Erin took a second to get back to reality. He turned slowly to Mevern, his eyes turned sad as he suddenly remembered another fairy that always followed him around. Mevern tilted her head when she saw him like this.

"Erin, are you crying?" She asked innocently. Erin blinked a few times before turning away from the girl.

"No, I just got blood in my eyes."

"I see well-Hide!" Mevern quickly went back into Erin's chest pocket as Jasmine and the others arrived.

"Erin, what happened?" Jasmine asked as she saw Victor's contorted face.

"The manipulator died and so everyone else died as well." Kalvin was shocked by Erin's calm statement.

"hundreds of people just dropped dead cause of this guy?" Kalvin exclaimed. Erin nodded casually before turning to Linda.

"Necromancy." Linda was completely surprised by this statement.

"But...but Victor was a fighter." Erin gave a half smile as he heard that.

"Not everything is so simple General." Erin began to leave the area as he said this.

"Wait! Where are you going!?" Linda screamed.

"Don't you know what time it is? Yo Jaz, Kal we had a deal. I do some stuff I get some stuff." Linda raised her eyebrow as she turned to the two.

"He meant a bed- to sleep in and food." Kalvin laughed nervously as he quickly explained. The two quickly met up with Erin before he said something too inappropriate to their General.

Linda could only watch the three leave as she brought out her phone. She had a lot of things to do before she could even think of sleeping tonight.

Kalvin led Erin to a average sized apartment near what was their station. The investigations department had shared an apartment so there was now 2 vacant rooms. Erin saw that their residence was neat and well furnished which was huge change to Erin's usual bed. (The ground)

"There is food in the fridge and since Daniel and Abby...are not here anymore, you can take on of their rooms. By the way, how long are you planning to stay in Mac City?" Jasmine asked casually. Erin looked at the two rooms before picking Daniels room.

"Only tonight. I am heading out tomorrow." The two were shocked by this.

"So soon? We just wrapped up case... Don't you want to be here for the aftermath?" Kalvin asked. Erin shook his head without hesitation.

"Nah. I already know how this will go. General is going to send some higher ranking Investigations people to take care of the incident, the station will be built again in like a week by class engineers, you two will probably get promoted or may even be drafted into the military and no one outside of the station will know a thing. They will have you guys bound to a legal spell and some hush money." The two could only stare blankly at Erin when he said this.

"You have done this before huh?" Jasmine blurted as she looked at Erin differently. Erin just shrugged.

"I get around."

"Well, do you want something to eat? Its been a long day." Erin just shook his head at Jasmine's suggestion.

"Nah, I lost my appetite." Erin was quick to leave the conversation and go to bed. Sadly, no matter what he did, he could not shake the mocking laughter out of his head. Erin groaned as he tossed and turned.

"Are you ok, Erin?" Mevern suddenly asked. Erin sighed as he stared at the ceiling.

"Do I look ok?" Mevern examined Erin's face.

"I would say no."

"Good, then leave me alone."

"But, I haven't told you what-"

"Just tell me already." Erin blurted. At this point nothing could make me anymore irritated. Mevern smiled when she heard this. Mevern collected her thoughts before speaking.

"Thank you for letting me finish. As I was saying, almost all the promises you have made, you have broken over the years accept for one. You will avenge your family. You can break all the other promises but please don't break this one. I don't want to have to collect this promise. Even if everyone one else may leave, I will stay. I have also made a promise to myself which I will keep. I will accompany you on your journey. Journey's are much more fun with others." Erin was caught by surprise by this speech. He did not even know what to say. It took him a while to finally form words.

"Thanks." Erin only said one thing but he truly meant it. Mevern nodded as she heard this.

"You are very welcomed. I look forward to being your companion." The fairy raised her hand out as she said this. Erin tried to shake her small hands but found it to be too small.

"How about we just hold a thumbs up instead?" Mevern agreed to this suggestion. Mevern put both off her thumbs high in the air as she brought out another bright smile. Erin also smiled lightly too.

As Erin laid back down on the bed, he felt like the laugh that was giving him a headache had suddenly faded a little.