Walmart haul

Erin looked around him only to see stranger's faces passing him by. Suddenly the laughter that had faded began to appear again in a thundering beat. He pushed people away as he tried to find the little fairy. The unfamiliar faces began to turn at him as if taunting him.

He ran around the plaza frantically and began calling the girls name.

"Mevern! Meve! Meve, where did you go god dammit." He tried to breath in slowly but all he could hear was a sinister echo.

"Who ever follows you, their blood will be stained by my hands." Erin started to breath even faster as the world turned around in circles. Suddenly,

"Erin?" Erin looked down to see a little Mevern looking at him with concern.

"Your sweating, and your hands are cold." Erin did not bother about these things and went down on his knee to look around Mevern to see if anything was wrong. He finally looked at her clear green eyes before sighing in relief.

"Your not gone." Mevern tilted her head when she heard this.

"Where would I go?" Erin turned to Mevern with a annoyed expression.

"Where did you go?"

"I saw that there were a lot of people and so I thought two people asking would be quicker than one." Erin's palmed his face as he heard this.

"You do realize that you are supposed to be 11 years old right?"

"Isn't it normal for kids to be curious?"

"Ok what did you say?"

"Excuse me human, do you happen to have a moment to spare with me? I have a few questions to inquire about this City. Would you mind answering them."


"That is as far as I would usually get before they walked away with odd expression on their faces." Erin felt a vein ready to pop

"Yeah, that's because kids don't talk like that. They talk like kids." Mevern felt upset by this statement.

"I was very kiddish. I practiced the speech more than 10 times before going to someone to make sure my pronunciation was very human and childish."

"Yeah, but the words coming out if your mouth is anything but that." Mevern only pouted when she heard this.

"This is why I said you should not talk." Erin grumbled before grabbing her hand.

"Where are we going?" Mevern asked.

"It's getting late. We are going to find a place to sleep." Erin stated. Mevern looked around the congested area.

"There are many buildings to pick from."

"Nah, we are going to an inn. I rather not be sent to the police station again. The politics here is already really complicated. Its better if we don't get involved." Mevern agreed to that statement. They began their search. It did not take long for Erin to realize that the city was much too big. It would take them a long time to find a proper inn before night time.

Luckily, before Erin would need to ask someone for help, he spotted a Walmart. With their low prices, many people ended up stocking up after the tutorial ended. Places like Walmart and Target ended being one of the largest stores that sold Adventure gear, tools and merchandises. Erin and Mevern went in quickly. It was later in the day so the store was not packed anymore. Erin and Mevern had their hoods on and avoided the cameras as they went to the Raid section.

Erin grabbed a map of North Grove city that pin pointed all the current dungeons. There was a huge star pointed at the S rank dungeon saying 'World's first' on it. Erin rolled his eyes. As Erin was scanning the inns around their area, Mevern was mesmerized by a carved model of an old oak tree.

"Its so pretty." Mevern said as her eyes twinkled. Erin could not help but laugh when he saw this.

"Home sweet oak. It's an tree house. You set it on the ground and say the required chant and it turns into a large oak. You go inside to find a large indoor space in which you can live in." Mevern was even more excited when she heard this. She quickly put the oak on the ground.

"What is the chant?" Erin scratched his head when he saw this.

"We would have to buy it first." Erin answered. Mevern looked sadly at Erin.

"Can we?" Erin paused as he saw this. He started to sweat as he realized that he was attacked by cuteness. Erin tried to resist but he was double attacked by a tilt of the head and puppy dog eyes at maximum power. Erin sighed and grabbed the Oak tree only to put it in their cart.

"You win." Mevern quickly changed her expression into one of gratitude.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" Erin just rolled his eyes as he began to grab some necessities.

"You should be focusing on things you actually need, like this." Erin brought out a green storage ring.

"That is a storage ring?" Erin nodded.

"Yep, and as a human child, you need one. You can put everything you want and need in there including this." Mevern saw as Erin brought out two well made daggers.

"Why would I need that?" Mevern asked.

"Protection. You need to learn how to fight."

"But training is for older fairies, I am much to young to-"

"To bad, you will just be a early bloomer then." Mevern could not say anything as Erin dropped the dagger inside. Other then dagger's, Erin also grabbed a bunch of children's cloths from the kids clothing aisle.

All Erin had was random cloth's he had gotten gotten from raids which was not really acceptable for a kid. Luckily Mevern had been wearing one of Erin's many hoods.

After they had finished their shopping spree, they went to the counter were a cashier was waiting for them. As the cashier scanned their item's he began to get nervous. B ranked storage ring, Home sweet oak, A C ranked dagger. All these items were very expensive. The man in front of him seemed young and not on the rich side.

There have been many robbings as of late so, the man was prepared to call security.

"...That will be 58 silvers...." He said slowly. Erin nodded and gave him a gold. The man's eyes popped when he saw Erin casually bring out a gold coin. As he was calculating the change he began to sneak some glances at the two.

He could not see their faces under the hood but he now guessed that they belonged to some of the more prominent families in the city. He gave them their things which Erin grabbed and put in his storage ring. The cashier assisted them out of the store and bowed respectfully when they left. After he came back to his spot, another group of people were waiting for him.

He apologized and quickly scanned their thing. The man was not surprised by the group's quality of gear. He had seen this gang before and they were notorious for speed clearing dungeons.

"Are you guys headed for a raid?" The man in front of the group nodded as he picked his teeth and observed the surroundings. The man had dyed red hair in a Mohawk style and red shades to match. The man turned to the cashier casually.

"Do you know who the two in front were?" The cashier shook his head.

"That's the first time I have seen them." The man nodded.

"That will be... 26 silvers." The man turned cold when he heard this.

"25 silvers." He announced. The cashier felt a shiver down his spine.

"Y-yes sir." The man set down 25 silvers and walked away while his men gathered the gear. The leader of this gang was also known for his eccentric behavior which included his love for number 25.The cashier sighed as he gathered the money. His pay would be deducted again.

The man lit a cigarette as he left the store. He looked out and spotted two shadowy figures holding a map. The man smirked as he saw the two and gestured his men to follow them.

Erin noticed the people following them almost instantly. He felt more annoyed then scared due to their presence. He patted Mevern's shoulder and told her what was happening.

"Hey Mevern, how about we start the first lesson now." Erin and Mevern stopped around an empty park. It was dark so there was barely anyone but them and the people following them.

The Mohawk man raised his eyebrow when he saw that they had stopped moving. Gestured his men to bring out their weapons.

As he approached the two, he could see some of their features better. Sadly, their faces were still hidden underneath a hood.

"Why don't you take off that hood of yours. It must be hard to see." The Mohawk man said as he smirked.

"Why don't you take off that shade of yours. It must be hard to not look stupid." The Mohawk man looked furious when he heard this.

"I wanted to start on good terms but it seems like I should just get right to my business here."

"I hope that involves you leaving." Erin said coldly as he crossed his hands. The Mohawk man came closer as his men surrounded the two.

"Yeah, I will leave..." The Mohawk man began to smirk.

"If you hand over that girl of yours." Erin's mood began to sour.

"You dare?" Erin roared. The man brought out his flame printed sword out of his ring. He looked around him at his men who surrounded the two.

"hmm lets see. A level 14 and a level 5. Yes, I think I do dare."