You are surrounded

Erin curved his lips slowly when he heard this.

"Ah, the bliss of ignorance." Erin took out the 2 daggers he had just bought and gave them to Mevern. He then brought out two daggers of his own.

"Now look, this is how you hold a dagger. Spread your feet wide and always make sure your senses are on high alert." Mevern nodded and copied whatever Erin did. The Mohawk man face twitched as he heard this.

"Are you belittling ME?" Erin turned to the man lazily. This only made the man more angry.

"Men, kill him but keep the girl alive." All 8 men closed the circle and began to attack. One of the Swordsmen smirked as he aimed for his heart only for it to be blocked. Erin deflected their attacks which caused a rebound which pushed them all backwards and to the ground.

As they struggled to get up, Erin used this as a teaching opportunity.

"A opponent faces behind you. Forget honor bullshit, go for the neck." As he said this, he slashed the only mage's neck right off.

"It would be best to kill off the area attackers and healers first." The men were shocked at his ruthlessness. But more then scared, they were angered by the lose of a dear comrade. The 7 got back up and faced Erin once again.

Erin faced them with a stoic smile as he slashed them one by one. He made sure his attacks were slow enough for Mevern to observe but, fast enough to leave a critical wound on the enemy.

The Mohawk man was surprised to say the least. He stepped back clumsily as he saw the massacre take place.

"Is-is he a 2 ranker?" The man was suddenly felt regretful. He had never bothered to level up his [Examine] skill properly which led to this grave mistake.

"Damn it!" The man quickly ran away before Erin finished off his goons. Mevern spotted him though. She was about to chase after him but was stopped by Erin's command.

"Let him go." Erin shouted as he stab the last person in the gut.

"Why?" Mevern asked.

"People are starting to head over here, we should leave." Mevern nodded and the two slipped away before a crowd formed. Once they saw the bloody scene, the cops were quickly called.

It did not take long for the homicide department to show up. The headchief of the North station Christopher, also showed up when it was discovered that the men were part of a notorious gang turned guild in the area.

At first, he thought that it was just a scrummage between two gangs but the more he observed the markings, the more he realized what had happened. One man took down 8 mid to high first rankers. The fact that no blood other than the 8 were found in the area showed that the culprit left the place unscratched.

Christopher had a bad feeling when he realized this. He called the captain of homicide over.

"Mark, make sure this area is completely analysed. Get investigations to interrogate everyone in the scene. I believe we have a new 2 ranker in town and he may have some connections with the Techno gang." Captain Mark nodded as he heard this and got to work.

Mark scanned the area closely. He looked at the crowd that was only growing bigger. He wondered if the person responsible was in this crowd.

Miles away from the scene, Erin and Mevern had changed out of their hoods and had gotten into more casual wear. Mevern was wearing a pretty green dress with frills while Erin wore some baggy shorts and a black t-shirt. They had finally found an inn. Megan's dine inn and Drink. Erin had payed for 3 nights in a 2 bedroom chamber.

When they went in the room, Erin continued to teach Mevern what he knew about dagger's. It was one of the first weapons he ever used so he new a bit of the basics. After they were done practicing, Mevern could not help but sigh.

"We should have just killed the man."

"...You see, that is not what a 11 year old child would say." Mevern pouted.

"Well I am not 11, I am 115 years old." Erin choked when he heard that number.

"Yeah don't say that in public either. Don't worry about that guy any way. He will come back, like a roach, they always come back." Mevern nodded.

"But why did they want me?" She asked. Erin paused.

"Hmm, that's a good question. But since I don't have an answer to it, It would be better if we just sleep it off."


"Answers will come when we are patient." Erin had already wrapped himself warmly in his bed. Mevern huffed. She tried to think it through but in the end, sleep got the better of her as well.

In a dark alley way, the Mohawk man went down on his knees with an apologetic tone.

"Sorry sir...I failed." The person in front of the men was a masked individual in all black.

"You fool, How did you fail at such a simple task. Find the girl with the druid class and kidnap her. What was so difficult about that?" The Mohawk man lowered his head in fear as the masked man's voice became colder.

"I apologize. I did not realize she would have such a strong person protecting her. He is a level 14 2 ranker." The masked man paused when he heard this.

"Another 2 ranker Adventurer has it may be good that you did not succeed in kidnapping her....If she and her protector were to willingly come to our side, wouldn't that be just perfect?" The Mohawke man nodded quickly.

"Yes it would. There are only 3 great guilds in Grove city and by far, yours is the best." The masked man smirked as he heard this.

"Indeed. If I had a druid member, there would be no need for my great guild to lower myself and form an alliance with the other two." The man seemed annoyed just thinking about it.

"Now, I just need to figure out a way to get them to willingly join my guild. Go back for now Techno, I will call you when I am ready." Techno, the Mohawk man nodded to this and quickly left the man's presence. Once he knew he was alone, his face of obedience turned into one of annoyance. He spat on the ground before lighting a cigarette.

"Damn that fucker. I lost 8 good underlings and he says it was good? Fucking adventurers and their damn egos. Do you think your all high and mighty just because your one of 3 represented guilds in Grove city? If you were really something, you would have suppressed the mayor and the other 2 guilds a long time ago. And if you were as strong as you think you were you wouldn't be using short cuts to get a head start. And they call me a thug." Techno then spat on the floor again before he shuffled his way out of the area with his hands in his pockets. His mood had already reached the bottom and all he wanted now was to kick someone's ass.

The next morning, Erin and Mevern talked to the locals in the inn for more information surrounding the dungeon. Apparently was not only a S ranked dungeon but was also Earth elemental. This put many at a disadvantage since, Earth was stronger against Lighting types which was a high precentage of people in North america. The Dungeon was also very foresty which left many raider's lost in the maze like dungeon.

Unlike many other dungeons, the monsters that needed to be faced was the environment in itself. The trees and the other plants were sentient beings that moved and killed at will.

When Erin learned of this, it all clicked. Mevern was classed as a druid, guardians of the forests. With Mevern there, it would be much easier for a raiding team to passes the moving forest maze. Once he realized he also started to suspect the groups he had seen the other day. He felt like he may have unintentionally gotten tangled up with them.

Erin pulled Mevern closer to his side as he suspiciously looked around. You could never know who is plotting your death at every corner.

After their little investigation, Erin took Mevern to a public training area nearby which had a large amount of space for practicing. If Mevern was going to learn how to fight, she would need to fight with people around her level. This was were the problem lies between different species.

The way fairies gained stats was completely different from humans. Although her strength and agility was consistent for a kid her age, her other skills were far to overpowered. That is why in the end, Erin could be her only challenger.

He started with some general martial skills. Getting the right amount of twist before spinning for a kick. Erin could not have the heart to act as if she was doing well when he observed her performance. He could only tell himself that practice made perfect.

After a few hours of practice they decided to go back home. As they were heading home, Erin could not help but smirk.

"Lo and behold, the roach comes just a day later." The two turned around to see Techno with atleast a hundred men of varying strengths.

He took off his shades as he looked at Erin with vengeance ingrained in his eyes.

"I came prepared today." He announced coldly. Civilian passing the area saw this and quickly ran away. Erin could only cross his arms when he saw the mass of people.

"Welp, lets get this started I guess. But before I kill you in cold blood, could you tell me which group you work for? Is it Epic troopers? Lighting warriors? Power Rangers? Or did you go all in and gave your soul to the government?" Oddly enough, Techno's face only became more nervous the more he talked.

"I don't answer questions from dead people. Men!" Suddenly, the massive collections of men began to run towards him. Eric brought out his bow and arrows when he saw this. He placed one arrow in his bow and aimed it right in the center of the thugs mass. He quickly condensed it with grey mana as he squinted his eyes. Just as he was about to let go of the arrow. A women suddenly showed up from behind him.

"Hey! Are you in trouble? Don't worry I will help." Erin turned to see that it was Carlin who represented the Power Rangers. She had her ice bow ready to fire.

Suddenly another voice came from his left.

"I see you heard the noise as well Carlin." It was now Cara from Epic troopers with her staff raised high.

"I have come to assist as well....What an odd coincidence." Alfred said coolly as he walked out of the shadows.

Erin looked at the three a little confused. 'Why are you all 'coincidentally' here?' Erin thought.

Suddenly another person showed up behind the thugs.

"This is chief of police Christopher! You are all arrested for disturbance of public space and use of magic in a magic free zone!"