Potions Book

It was the next day and Ravenclaw's first class was Potions with Hufflepuff. Chris, Hermione, and Kristine reluctantly went down to the dungeon that was creepy even for Chris.

'No matter how many times I see it in the movie, seeing it myself makes it really different,' Chris thought while noticing the walls which seemed like it would collapse at any minute.

Inside the classroom was the depressing Professor Snape who everyone could tell hated his job. When everyone sat down, he started class.

"As it is mandatory, I shall introduce myself. I am Professor Snape, your Potions Professor. You are here to learn the art of potion making and the science behind it. There is little wand waving here so I already know that many of you will think that this class is not useful. Therefore, I don't expect you to love this subject. However, by the time you graduate, I'll make sure that the ones who pay attention know how to brew well as long as you aren't the usual dunderheads that I have to teach most of the time," Professor Snape said coldly.

"Mr. Evergreen. What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked Chris.

"It will make an extremely powerful sleeping potion called the Draught of Living Death," Chris answered.

"It seems that you might not be one of the dunderheads Mr. Evergreen. Miss Bones, where would you find a bezoar?"

Susan Bones, a Hufflepuff girl, stayed silent for a few seconds and truthfully answered Snape.

"I do not know Professor," Susan said.

"Well it seems that you are one of the dunderheads Miss Bones. You should've at least skimmed the book before coming here. -5 points from Hufflepuff," Snape said. Susan's face turned red, but she did not say anything and only looked down. Hermione raised her hand.

"Hmph, Miss Alder what is your answer," Snape asked ignoring Hermione.

"Bezoar comes from the stomach of a goat," Kristine said. After she answered Chris quickly warned Hermione.

"You shouldn't keep on raising your hand. Other teachers love it, but I heard from one of the seniors that Snape absolutely hated the ones who raises their hand," He whispered quickly so Snape wouldn't notice. Hermione nodded.

"What a pleasant surprise. It looks like the number of idiots I have to teach decreased by two," Snape commented sarcastically before moving on. "Mr. Hopkins, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Wayne Hopkins, another Hufflepuff student, was also unable to answer the question.

"Just like Miss Bones, you should've skimmed the book. -5 points again from Hufflepuff," Snape said. "Miss Granger, what is the difference between wolfsbane and monkshood?"

"They're the same plant and can also be called aconite," Hermione said.

"Correct. I'm glad that I don't have to waste too much of my time explaining easy questions such as those. We're going to move on. I'm going to teach you how to brew Cure for Boils. Take notes while I talk," Snape said. The lecture was for around 20 minutes while the rest of the class time was spent on making the potion. Chris was paired up with Hermione while Kristine was paired up with Padma Patil. For rest of class time, nothing too significant happened. Hermione, Chris, and Kristine's potions were all relatively well made while the rest were all criticized one way or another by Snape. Chris even got EXP for creating the potion.

-You have learned how to brew Cure for Boils. 80 EXP and 11 Knuts has been given. 131 more EXP is needed to level up. You now have 1 G 1 S 0 K. Congratulations! You have unlocked the Potions Book. This Book will keep track of the potions Host can brew. You will gain a certain amount of mastery points for every successful attempt at brewing a potion. Of course, the chances of you successfully brewing the potion increase as well the more mastery points you have with it. Futhermore, EXP and money will also be given every success. After gaining a certain amount of mastery points, you'll be able to create a better version of the potion as you are able to put in extra effects, elongate the effect of the potion, or just overall strengthen the effect of the potion. Furthermore, you can now practice brewing the potion in the Practice Room with virtual ingredients so you cannot earn any money and you will not be able to take the potion outside of the Practice Room.-

Chris was pleasantly surprised by the new function of the System.

'I can't use the Practice Room to practice making Potions for now, but later when I have more time, I'll be able to brew potions. And it looks like I'll benefit a lot since I can create a better version of the potion. If I sell a couple, I can earn a lot of Galleons,' Chris thought.

When Potions was over and the three left the class pretty happy.

"You know I heard Snape was a terrible and mean teacher, but I think he's alright," Hermione said.

"Yeah as long as you don't show off too much, but answer all his questions when he calls on you, he's quite calm," Chris said. "Like he said, he doesn't want to deal with 'idiots',"

"Well, I hope this can continue. I don't want a mean teacher for the rest of my time at Hogwarts. I do like the idea of brewing potions. Maybe I can even dress up like a Muggle's version of a witch during Halloween and cackle while brewing a potion," Kristine said.

Chris chuckled at the thought of Kristine in a witch costume.

The day continued with the three of them doing relatively well in all of their classes. Herbology wasn't too difficult as it was mostly memorizing the herbs in the textbook and the other two classes for the day which were Charms and Transfiguration also weren't all that difficult as both were review from the previous day.

Chris spent the rest of the day in the Practice Room and in the library with Hermione and Kristine reading about new spells and pieces of history to discuss with Hermione and Kristine. Chris even learned a new spell, the Softening Charm, which earned him a good amount of EXP.


Over the next 2 days, Chris, Hermione, and Kristine became favorites of a lot of the professors especially Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. The contents Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick went over for 2 days were basic review for the three of them and so they won a lot of points for Ravenclaw which were met with a lot of praise in the Ravenclaw Common Room.

Even Snape who Chris thought would at most be neutral towards them was actually quite kind in his own way, guiding the three of them calmly whenever they made a slight mistake rather than harshly criticizing them for their errors.

It was now Friday, the end of the week and the day Chris was looking forward to: flying lessons. Ravenclaw was once again with Hufflepuff in the morning so during breakfast, Hermione nervously started reading Quidditch Through the Ages to get tips on flying. Kristine also seemed quite nervous as Chris noticed that she was sweating a little and started asking more questions to Chris than she asked the entire week they were in Hogwarts.

"So umm... have you flied before?" Kristine asked.

"No, I haven't flown before," Chris said. It was quite strange to him. His parents had never allowed him to go flying even though he knew that a lot of wizard families allowed their kids to ride brooms when they were children to play some Quidditch. Even Ron was allowed to ride on one.

"Are you nervous?" Kristine asked.

"Not really," Chris said.

"Are you-"

"Kristine, I'm doing fine," Chris said with a smile.

At first, Chris wasn't nervous, but when he got to the grounds where the Flying Class took place, he also became quite nervous not because he was afraid of falling, but because he got a quest.

-A quest has been given. You must do as well as Harry Potter and get in the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team.-

Quest: Get into Ravenclaw Quidditch Team

Getting into the team: 0/1

Reward: 5 Sickles and 150 EXP

'Damn, the rewards are much higher than any other missions,' Chris thought. 'With this I should finally be able to level up,'

The three of them nervously stood next to each other to now start the Flying Lesson.