To the Statue of Liberty

"Father, Mother, is it alright if I can have a bit of time alone. I just want to think about stuff and rest a little more," Chris said.

"Alright. I'm sure that you do want some alone time. We'll leave you be for a little bit. We'll make sure to bring you something good to eat," Lorraine said.

"Yes, because who knows how bad food here is going to be. When I was at Mungo's, just looking at their food made me want to retch," Bradley said as he shivered from the thought.

"Bradley no need to say rude things like that," Lorraine scolded.

"Alright thank you," Chris said. Bradley and Lorraine said their goodbyes before leaving the room.

As soon as they left, Chris got a notification from the System.

[Congratulations for the Host completing the Emergency Quest. Rewards Protego Diabolica )with restrictions), Fianto Duri, 1500 EXP, and 10 Galleons have been given. With 10% additional income from the wand, you have gotten 11 Galleons. You now need 4500 more EXP to level up. You now have 19G, 6S, 8K.]

'Alright let's look at Protego Diabolica and the restrictions,' Chris thought as the information for the spell popped up.

Protego Diabolica: creates a ring of azure flames that incinerates all with ill intent, but does not harm allies. With enough experience, you may use the fire as a weapon. Protego must be level 8 for this spell to be used without restrictions.

Restrictions: Creates a small ring of fire that is only able to encircle 3 people at a time including yourself. Cannot use flames as weapon no matter how much experience points you have. Only moderately burns all with ill intent while allies are slightly burned.

'Overall, it's not a bad spell,' Chris thought. 'Now let's take a look at Fianto Duri,'

Fianto Duri: Makes Protego Maxima 3x more effective. However, it can be used to slightly empower a regular Shield Charm.

'I can't really use this spell to its fullest extent right now since all I have is the Regular Shield Charm, but this is a useful spell,' Chris thought.


It was now the next day and Chris was ready to be discharged.

'Goodness, hospital beds are just terrible. Also, am I hated? Only my parents and Uncle Allen visited me yesterday. Hermione, Kristine, and their family never came once,' Chris thought as he dressed up and left the hospital room with Bradley and Lorraine.

When he left the hospital, he saw Hermione and Kristine waiting for him in front of the door.

"Hermione! Kristine! Why haven't you visited me while I was in the hospital. I was extremely bored you know," Chris said.

"We didn't want to disturb your rest time," Kristine said while looking away from him. "Sorry Chris that I was such a dead weight. If it wasn't for me, you would've been able to fight him better. I was just a burden,"

"Yeah, in the fight, all I could do was just cast Knockback Jinxes. We almost got you killed because you were trying to protect us," Hermione said while looking down and tearing up.

"Hey don't say that," Chris said patting both of their heads. "The Kristine and Hermione I know wouldn't feel down for such a small reason. If anything, I should be the one crying because I couldn't even damage him aside from the sneak attack at the beginning. Besides don't count yourself out. If it weren't for those spells you two cast to distract that Servant, I would've probably died,"

Hermione and Kristine both looked at him with teary faces. Chris tried to console them to no avail. It looked like the two were going to start crying at any minute.

"Alright, girls let's not cry," Lorraine said. "Look at our Chris, he doesn't know what to do right now,"

Kristine and Hermione saw Chris' panicking face and started to laugh. They wiped their tears and Chris heaved a sigh of relief.

"Alright kids, let's get in the car, we have plans to go to the Statue of Liberty today," Bradley said. There was a limousine waiting for them and inside was Martin, the Granger couple, and the Alder couple.

"Hello Chris, I'm glad that you're doing much better," Mr. Granger said. "Sorry for not visiting. We thought it was a bit inappropriate seeing how we wanted you to bond with Bradley and Lorraine a bit more. They were extremely worried and thought they were going to lose you. No parents should ever have to go through that. After that I think that they deserve some alone time with you. However, all of us here would like to thank you for protecting us,"

Mrs. Granger and the Alder couple nodded.

"Yes Chris, if it wasn't for you, not only we would have perished, our kids would most likely not have survived as well," Mr. Alder said. "Thank you for protecting us,"

"No need to thank me," Chris said. "It was only the natural thing to do. However, more surprisingly, I'm very surprised that all of you will continue staying here,"

"Well your father told us that the Magical Congress is sending over 20 people to help protect us," Mr. Granger said. "So we won't be in much danger any time soon,"

"Yes, it will be a little nerve-wracking to know that there is an evil cult out there, but in the Muggle world, there's also many terrorists out there as well. That doesn't stop people from traveling to where they are. We have it better than them with all the protection we're getting," Mr. Alder said.

"Alright now that we all clarified to Chris what's happening, let's go to the Statue of Liberty, our first stop for the day," Martin said. "And yes for the same reason as them I didn't visit. I don't have a child, but I'm certain that the feeling of almost losing your child deserves at least a day of bonding and while I am extremely close to your parents, I think it's only right to not interfere,"

Knowing that everyone just wanted him to spend some time with his parents, Chris felt glad that there was nothing wrong with their relationship. With that out of his head, he turned to Hermione and Kristine.

"Hermione. Kristine. Did one of you two bring the diary?" Chris asked with a soft voice.

"I did," Hermione said. "I'll take it out when we get there,"

It took around 40 minutes to get to the port. When they left the car, there was a chubby man with almost no hair that approached them.

"Hello Mr. Allen it's a pleasure to meet you," The man said as he shook Martin's hand.

"Hello Mr. Schwartz. Thank you for taking us to Liberty Island today. My friends here were all looking forward to it," Martin said.

"Oh no problem," Mr. Schwartz said. "We are giving you full access to all the parts in the Statue today. Would you like a tour or would you like to go on your own?"

"We would like to go on our own," Martin said.

"Alright then. I believe that there were 33 people that were supposed to be with us. I only see 13 people," Mr. Schwarz said as Xander and three other men walked besides Bradley.

"Yes, they're on their way," Martin said. Soon there were 5 red cars with a horse logo that looked very familiar to Chris.

'Oi oi, 5 Ferraris? I would've killed to have just one of them and the Magical Congress is sending out 5 of these bad boys?' Chris thought. 10 men and 10 women came out of the 5 cars.

"I believe that's 33," Martin said.

Mr. Schwarz was shocked by the appearance of 5 Ferraris and couldn't speak. However, he quickly regained his composure.

"I'm sorry. It was just a little surprising for me. Yes, 33 people are now here. I shall guide you to the boat. You are going to be the first people to enter," Mr. Schwartz said. He started walking and everyone else followed.

"I'm sorry to be so behind Mr. Allen and Mr and Mrs. Evergreen," One of the women said as she approached Bradley, Lorraine, and Martin. "My name is Sherry Brown and I am the head of the people here to guard you in case those terrorists appear again,"

"Hello Miss Brown," Bradley said. "Thank you for bringing all these people to help guard us. I'm sure it was a hard task to bring this many people,"

"No, no after seeing what those Servants did, it's only right that we send this many people just in case the Servants attack again," Sherry said.

"Well thank the President for me," Bradley said.

"I shall do just that Mr. Evergreen," Sherry said. "I'm sure that the President would be glad to hear this,"
