Mysterious Statue

When they took a look at what was on the other side, the three were extremely surprised.

"What is this?" Hermione asked.

The room was pitch black and the three were hesitant to go inside.

"What if this is a hole?" Kristine asked. "We're going to die from the fall,"

"I don't think we have a choice," Chris said. "This is the only door we found since we've been stuck here,"

The two were still reluctant to go inside.

"I'll go inside," Chris said. "If I fall then I fall. If we don't go in, we'll eventually go crazy from just walking without a set destination,"

Before the girls could say anything, Chris went inside the room.

"It's not a hole," Chris said. "Just come inside,"

Hermione and Kristine looked at each other and slowly went inside the room. The door quickly closed behind them and when Hermione and Kristine both went to find the door, they couldn't. The three now were surrounded in complete darkness.

"Great! The door disappeared and we have no light as well," Kristine said. "See if we can use mag-"

Before Kristine could finish, the room started to change. Torches started to appear from the sides which started to illuminate the room.

There was now a marble floor with limestone round pillars around the three. In front of the three was a huge limestone statue of a naked middle-aged man being held up by chains.

"Whoa, what is all this?" Chris asked as he started to walk around the room. Aside from the torches, statue, and pillars, there was nothing else in the room.

Suddenly the diary in Hermione's arm started to vibrate.

"Chris! Kristine! The diary is reacting to something," Hermione said.

"Quickly open the diary," Chris said. Hermione opened the diary and on the page after the riddle, words started to form.

Release the chains of the one that saved humanity. Give freedom to the one that has suffered never-ending pain for millenniums. Shout his name loudly to free him. However, do it fast as today will be the last for this great hero of fire.

"Great hero of fire?" Kristine asked. "That could mean anyone. There were many figures in both history and mythology that discovered or created fire,"

"The work looks very familiar," Hermione said. "Not the statue itself, but the material and the looks of it look very similar,"

"Greek statues!" Chris shouted. "This looks like something the Greeks would make. Limestone is also material that ancient Greek used to use a lot,"

"So is this supposed to be a king or an important historical figure?" Kristine asked.

"No, Greeks usually made statues of their gods so I think we're dealing with Greek mythology here," Hermione said. "However, there's so much mythology and I don't know that much about it. All I know are only the names of the big Gods and some stories like Pandora, King Midas, and Hercules,"

"Then this might be Hephaestus. He's the god of fire I believe," Chris said. "I'll shout his name,"

Chris walked to the front of the statue and was now only a couple feet away.

"Hephaestus!" Chris shouted. However, nothing happened.

"It was wrong?!" Chris exclaimed confusedly as he went back to where Hermione and Kristine was. "But there's no other god of fire,"

"Chris I don't think it's as simple of just a god of fire," Hermione said. "There has to be more to this man's story. Otherwise, it would just say god instead of hero,"

"I don't know anyone heroes in Greek mythology that could control fire. Do you know any Kristine?"

"I think I've heard of one," Kristine said. "Mother once told me about Hercules and his 12 quests. She didn't tell me much because she said a lot of it was too scary for me, but she told about a story where there was a titan named Atlas who held up the sky without any help. Hercules asked Atlas to get him a golden apple which was his quest and told Atlas that he would hold up the sky for him. Well blah blah blah, the story ends with Hercules tricking Atlas. Well when my mother used to tell me some stories like this, she would sometimes say random facts and in this case, she had a random fact for me. She said that Atlas had a brother named Prometheus who had something to do with fire, but I don't remember if that's him,"

"Prometheus..." Chris mumbled as he went deep into thought.

'System can I buy a book on Greek mythology from the store?' Chris asked.

[As this is part of the Diary's riddle, you can only buy it for 15% of your Galleon. Would you like to purchase it?]

'Of course not, you scammer!' Chris exclaimed as he immediately pushed the thought aside. 'Alright I guess I'll have to try remembering,'

"Oh yes! I remember Prometheus!" Hermione exclaimed.

"You do?!" Chris shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, it was something I read for a bit of fun. I forgot about him since I read it so long ago. Prometheus was also a titan who was good at tricking people. He also made humans on Zeus' order and started to like humans since he didn't really even like the gods in the first place. Well basically, he tricked every gods and goddesses and stole Hephaestus' fire and gave it to man. He was punished by Zeus and was chained to a rock while eagles ate up his insides. I stopped reading after that," Hermione said.

"He gave humanity fire which is the best technology mankind had. This should count as being a hero," Chris said. "Alright I'll shout Prometheus,"