New Riddle

"We're back?" Hermione asked.

"I suppose so," Chris said.

"Looks like I brought you back," Prometheus said. However, when the three turned their heads around, he was nowhere in sight.

"I'm in the diary right now," Prometheus said. "Before I brought you guys out, it was able to imprint the way for me to go inside the diary. So now I'm inside the diary speaking directly to your minds. All you have to do if you want to talk to me is to think it rather than saying it out loud and you'll be able to contact me. Of course, I can't just snoop into your mind so you don't have to worry about that,"

"Alright that's good to know," Chris said. "So do you know what this diary is or who made it?"

"While I have information about most things under Mount Olympus, this diary is something I do not know about. It might be a secret weapon created by a titan or even one of the primal deities in which case, it's out of my league. For now, all I know is that this diary is not here to harm you or any mortals for that matter," Prometheus said.

"So wait, there is a question I'm dying to ask," Kristine said. "You're part of Greek mythology and you're obviously very real. So I'm guessing everything from Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and etc. are not real?"

"The answer is not one of those black or white answers. It's a pretty complicated system that will need a bit of time to explain," Prometheus said. "I'm sure that you'll find the answer soon on your own. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that no time has passed since you were transferred into the space I was trapped in,"

"So why did the diary call you the "piece of hope"?" Hermione asked. "I thought that they'd be talking about a magical weapon or an ancient wand?

"I'm not too sure. Everything that has been happening for the past couple of centuries have been quite chaotic to say the least. I assume that due to the information that I have within me, I'm considered the "piece of hope" that the diary describes," Prometheus said. "However, what I can currently tell you is that I'm almost out of power due to bringing everyone out of that horrible space. Oh yes, I also forgot to mention that no time has passed since you went inside the space. So with that said, I'm going to sleep. I won't wake up for a while longer so only when there's an emergency should you call me. Well, I don't know how much help I'll be, but if it's information that you need, I'll be able to help you,"

Chris saw the diary shake once more.

"Guys, I think it's a new riddle,"

Hermione opened the diary to the next page and sure enough there was a new riddle.

In the 4 statues lies great powers. In the figure of the mightiest lies absolute power. In the figure of the smartest lies immense intelligence. In the figure of desire lies absolute darkness. In the figure of kindness lies the warm power of mercy. Only with the tool of immortality will the powers activate.

Before they could properly discuss what the diary said, Bradley went up to them.

"Kids, we have a lot more places to go!" Bradley said.

The three nodded and followed Bradley.


The trip went by quickly without anymore attacks and soon it was time for school again.

"Vacation went by so quickly. I'm already missing New York," Kristine said. "Well except that whole attack and everything,"

"Well there probably won't be anyone who would miss fighting terrorists to the death," Chris said. "That fight really was a close call. I was lucky to only be let off with a cool-looking scar on my chest,"

"Chris that scar does not look cool," Kristine said. "It looks like an attempt of someone who's desperate to get some sort of attention,"

"Alright, let's not insult my scar," Chris said. "It's a battle scar that I'm proud to have alright,"

The girls both shrugged making Chris sigh.

"One day, you'll understand how cool having this kind of scar is. It looks much better than some random cuts," Chris said.

"So what do you think was the diary talking about in the new riddle?" Kristine asked.

"It seems like the founders to me," Chris said.

"I agree," Hermione said. "I don't think it's coincidence that it's 4 people with the same traits as the four founders. The only reason I'm doubting myself a little is because of the desire portion. If power is Gryffindor, wisdom is Ravenclaw, and kindness is Hufflepuff, desire should be Slytherin. However, Slytherin is known to be cunning not desiring. Also, absolute darkness is also something that doesn't completely describe all Slytherin students. I'm sure that there are some good people in there,"

"Also, with tool of immortality doesn't really make sense to me either," Kristine said. "No one is immortal except for probably Prometheus and those other deities,"

"Well we have some time to figure things out," Chris said. "For now, let's concentrate on school and finish up whatever we have to do before trying things out,"

"You're right. Exams are coming soon as well," Hermione said. "We better study or else we'll be miles behind everybody else in the House,"
