Dining Hall Talk

Soon weeks passed and it was now early May. With Gryffindor winning against Hufflepuff, it was Ravenclaw and Gryffindor fighting for the Quidditch Cup. However, even with this rivalry, Chris, Hermione, and Kristine started to get much more friendly with Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon talking about magic, how bad Snape was to Harry, and the exams.

However, recently, Harry and Se-yeon had gotten in trouble with Professor McGonagall for being outside late in the night.

'It must have been Norberta,' Chris thought. 'Since Hermione wasn't there, it was Se-yeon that had to go with Harry since Ron was still bitten by her,'

During one of the Dueling Club meetings, Harry and Se-yeon looked dispirited.

"I shouldn't have come here," Harry said 5 minutes before the club started. "I have everyone in Gryffindor hate me already. I don't think I can handle being here right now,"

"You're going to be fine," Chris said. "This will all pass. Who knows maybe you'll get a chance of getting more points later on,"

"Yeah," Ron said. "Fred and George lost so many points for Gryffindor and I think they're probably the most popular kids within Gryffindor,"

"At least Fred and George are extroverted and funny," Harry said. "Quidditch is the only chance I got to redeem myself, but with my team hating me, I feel like quitting every day. It's going to be 7 years of Hell here,"

While Chris and Ron were trying his best to comfort Harry, Hermione and Kristine were trying to calm Se-yeon down who was about to cry.

"Even when I was back at home, I never got in trouble," Se-yeon said as tears started to roll down from her cheeks. "Once my parents learn that I got in huge trouble, they'll be so disappointed in me,"

"Hey, it's impossible for kids like us to be trouble-free. You're doing a great job and just by being in this club alone shows that you're a top student. Your parents won't be disappointed," Kristine said.

Se-yeon started to cry and Hermione hugged her. Chris, Ron, Hermione, and Kristine all looked at each other and nodded. They left the classroom and discussed what to do next.

"We have a bit more than an hour left before curfew. Before we're forced to split up, we can go to the Dining Hall to talk a bit more," Chris said.

"That's good," Ron said.

"Alright I'll go tell the Professors that we can't make it to the meetings today since we're extremely tired and that we can't be productive while in that state," Hermione said. She quickly separated from the group to tell the Professors of their absence.

"Let's go. We'll just sit down and talk," Chris said. Both Harry and Se-yeon nodded and the group headed towards the Dining Hall.

Once they got to the Dining Hall, Chris noticed that there were a couple of unfriendly stares towards both Harry and Se-yeon although it seemed that majority of them were targeted at Harry due to his fame.

"Why in the world would you two even go out? I wouldn't be too surprised if Harry did it, but Se-yeon, I really didn't expect you to do it," Kristine said.

"It's kind of complicated," Ron said. "Our friend Hagrid had some problems that we had to fix as fast as possible. If we didn't, Malfoy would've gotten him fired,"

"Malfoy again?" Kristine asked. "That kid is asking for a beating. One day, I'll make sure that he gets what's coming to him,"

"When that day comes, take me with you so I can call him a piece of my mind. Just because his family has a lot of Galleons, he looks down on everyone around him. Look at Chris. He's richer and his personality doesn't stink. Malfoy stinks so much even Stinksap can't compare to him," Ron said.

"Of course, but I have to hit him first. Then you can do whatever you want," Kristine said with a wink.

"Sure. Harry and we'll give you the front row seat for the whole performance," Ron said smiling at the thought of Draco being hit repeatedly.

Harry smiled a little as well.

"Well looks like we cheered you up a bit," Chris said.

"A bit. Thank you guys," Harry said. "But I decided that I'm never going to interfere in something ever again. If it wasn't for that stupid Philosopher's Stone, we would've-"

"Harry quiet," Ron said. "There are people around. We have to keep it a secret,"

Harry covered his mouth.

"Sorry," He said.

"What's a Philosopher's Stone?" Kristine asked. "I feel like I heard of it before, but I just can't put my fingers on it," As she was pondering about the Philosopher's Stone, Hermione also arrived at the Dining Hall.

"Hermione we're here," Kristine said while waving. Hermione came over and saw the face of Harry who cheered up a bit and Se-yeon who was still crying.

"So I see that Harry at least cheered up a bit," Hermione said.

"Yeah we were just discussing about something else. So Ron what is the Philosopher's Stone?" Kristine asked.

"It's a magical item that can turn any metal into gold," Ron said.

"Oh wow, goblins would love that," Kristine said.

"Well, there's a bit more to it than that though," Ron said. "Not only does it produce gold, it also makes an elixir that can let one never die. We've researched about it and found Nicholas Flamel who's now more than 600 years old!"

"What?!" Hermione and Kristine said. They looked at Chris with shocked faces.

"That's quite the number," Chris said.

"More than surprising. Chris, this means that Flamel is immortal," Hermione said emphasizing "immortal".

"Not quite," Ron said. "Once your supply of the Elixir is gone, you're back to being a mortal once more. It's only if you can get a consistent amount of Elixir,"

"But still, that's quite surprising," Kristine said. "So why were you even looking for it anyways at the dead of night. At least look for it before curfew,"

"Well we weren't looking for that. This and the Stone are two completely different situations. Well as for why we're looking for the Stone..." Ron said looking at Harry.

"It's alright. I trust them and I'm sure that they'll believe us," Harry said. "It's a bit confusing for me to explain everything, but what I can say for sure is that Voldemort is coming for the Stone and he's using Snape to do so,"
