
Weeks passed once more and Chris started to see Quirrell's failing health.

"Professor are you doing alright? You look quite pale," Chris said one day after Defense Against Dark Arts class.

"Yes... I'm doing fairly well. I'm just waiting for summer vacation to come. This year has been a bit tiring for me," Professor Quirrell said.

"Alright I hope you do get better Professor. Sicknesses do sneak up on you and become nasty little things since they're going to be constantly in your head," Chris said. Quirrell's expression changed a bit, but he immediately put up a smile. .

"Alright do move along. I know that you don't want to spend all your break with me," Quirrell said.

"Of course. Have a nice day Professor," Chris said as he quickly left to go to Hermione and Kristine who were both waiting for him.

"What took you so long? We have to study. The test is in like 2 weeks. If we don't do well, we might have to repeat our first year! Repeat! Our! First! Year! I'd rather leave Hogwarts permanently and go to some other school before I get humiliated for repeating first year," Hermione shouted as the three started walking to the library.

'Goodness I knew that she was study freak, but to think she would freak out this much for staying behind 2-3 minutes late,' Chris thought. 'But I guess Quirrell's physical and mental health is hitting its peak. I suppose regardless of whether or not the results are going to be like the book or the movie, he's going to die,'


Test days finally came with Hermione being more nervous than ever.

"Oh guys what if there's something we haven't studied on in the test? I can't get a single question wrong. I-"

"Hermione, you have to relax," Kristine said as she rubbed her eyes. Chris noticed that she had a small dark circles under her eyes. "We've talked about this all night. We basically read all the textbooks for the past 2 months and if Harry, Ron, or Se-yeon were here, they'd basically say the same thing. Remember when even Se-yeon told us that we had to rest a bit, but you said that we couldn't and we studied for the next 2 hours?"

"Yeah yeah," Hermione said as she took a deep breath. "Alright I'm ready. Let's go,"

As Chris was walking down to his first class, he heard a sound that he hasn't heard in a while.

-You have a new Quest. Get over 100% on all your tests. All the tests given today has a chance of giving extra credit. Even the History of Magic class can give you extra credit on some of the questions where you can write extra for more points.-

Quest: Get over 100% on all exams 0/7 (Will show results for each test after they are finished)

Reward: 15,000 EXP, 3 Galleon, and 1 bottle of fire-repelling potion/Recipe

Failure: Reduction in 2 levels and 2 Galleons

'Hmm?' Chris took a look at the potion that was in the rewards.

-Fire Repelling Potion: An advanced potion that helps repel all fire for 30 seconds after consumption.-

'This is nice. With this, I don't have to worry about buying more of Snape's potion when it comes to the riddles,' Chris thought. 'But it also seems like I don't have any room for error or else I'm going to lose 20% of my wealth,'

The three went to their first class for the exam: Herbology. When they went inside the classroom for Herbology, the room that were usually full with various plants had only tables with a quill and ink bottle for all the Ravenclaw students.

"Alright students," Professor Sprout said. "Your exam will be a written test to show how much you have learned in the course of the year. You'll have the hour to finish all the questions that I have given you. I do know that this exam can be hard for some so I have sprinkled extra credit chances in the test. If you are stuck on a question just skip it and move on to the next problem. Also, let me remind you that the quills that are enchanted with the best Anti-Cheating Spell so if you get caught cheating, there will be a lot of trouble for you,"

Professor Sprout flicked her wand and an exam landed in front of every student.

"Please start now and good luck," Professor Sprout said.

Chris flipped over the paper and scanned the questions. Most of them were extremely easy questions as they were all in the textbook. For example, a question was, "What is the plant that you may cast the Fire-Making Spell at, but must do so at a safe distance due to its needles?"

However, there were some of the bit more problems such as naming 5 of the 7 uses of Dittany and the other two for extra credit. Due to the quest, Chris tried naming all 7, but was only sure of 5.

The hour passed by quickly and everyone turned in their test. Chris nervously looked the progress on his Quest and he breathed a sigh in relief as he saw that the 0 became a 1.

"So how was it?" Kristine asked after they left Herbology class.

"It was alright," Hermione said. "I'm a bit worried about the Dittany question and a couple of other questions, but as for the rest I think I did alright. What about you Chris?"

"Well, it's almost the same as you. I had a bit of trouble in Dittany and Venomous Tentacula," Chris said.

"Knowing you two, you two are probably exaggerating," Kristine said. She shrugged and the three moved onto the next test.
