Going down the Puzzles

Chris, Hermione, and Kristine left the Common Room and was on their way to the 3rd floor. However, on the second floor, they saw Peeves panicking.

"Did I just offend Sir Baron. Is he going to find a way to get rid of me. No! I don't want to be gone!" Peeves said as he was continuously moving around.

The three looked at each other and quietly chuckled. After seeing just how annoying Peeves was, it was a nice change of pace to see him panic.

'Well it seems that Harry's group is just a bit ahead of us. Hopefully, they just got past Fluffy and we'll be able to catch up,' Chris thought as he motioned Hermione and Kristine to quickly move forward.

They did not have any more distractions and safely made it to the third floor. They opened the door and saw Fluffy for the first time. The Cerberus was much more frightening than what Chris saw in the movies and even he was intimidated seeing this huge dog that can potentially rip his head in seconds. Hermione and Kristine was even more terrified than Chris was.

"Uh, Chris," Kristine said with a shaking voice. "How are we going to get past this huge dog,"

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice that has not spoken in a long time.

"Oh, what's Hades' dog doing here?" Prometheus asked.

"Woah we haven't talked to you in a while," Kristine said out loud getting the dog's attention.

"Use your mind to speak to me. Both of your friends can hear and talk to you with their minds as long as I'm facilitating the conversation," Prometheus said. "Unless you want to be eaten by the dog,"

Kristine covered her mouth immediately.

"She is right though," Chris said. "You haven't spoken to us in forever,"

"That's because there was no reason to. You three had nothing going on ever since we got out of that cave," Prometheus said. "The space inside this diary is huge and very comfortable, but if necessary I wouldn't want to come out. I've only felt pain for the past couple thousand years so I do deserve some break don't I?" Prometheus said. "Well in any case, now that I have a better look at it, that's not Hades' dog. It's more like its great-great grandchild that barely has any of its blood. Alright I'm going back to sleep,"

Prometheus stopped talking and the three looked at each other.

"Why did he come out?" Kristine whispered learning her lesson from speaking too loudly earlier.

"I don't know," Chris said. "I think he just wanted to talk to someone after staying inside that diary for months,"

"Fair enough, I would go crazy being in there for as long as he did," Kristine said.

"Guys pay attention. We have to get past this monster," Hermione said. "How are we going to get past this,"

"There's a harp near it," Kristine said. "We probably have to play music to it,"

'System let me buy a harmonica' Chris said.

[A harmonica similar to a model from your previous world will cost 5 Sickles.]

'Alright I'll pay for it,' Chris said immediately.

[Thank you for your purchase. Please hold out your hand and think about the harmonica in your hand.]

Chris let out his hand and a small harmonica appeared in his hand.

"Guys I have an instrument right now," Chris said.

"Where did you get that?" Hermione asked.

"I just had it in my pocket since it's really small. I think I forgot to take it out," Chris said. "Well I had it, but I never played it before. So let's hope that I can somehow do something with it,"

Chris put the harmonica in his mouth and started playing it.

The sound was horrible and Chris saw Hermione and Kristine wince when he started to play.

'Well this is why I never played any instruments in my previous world,' Chris thought. However, even with the terrible sounds, Fluffy's eyes started to droop and like in the movies, it fell asleep.

"Well that was easy," Hermione said. "Chris stop playing, my ears hurt,"

"Yeah, well I guess it was worth it seeing that we now know that even you're bad at something," Kristine said.

Chris stopped playing to quickly explain it to both Hermione and Kristine.

"If I start playing-"

Fluffy suddenly growled and it seemed like it was about to wake up.

"That'll happen," Chris said as he quickly started to play again.

Hermione and Kristine both had annoyed faces, but they found the trapdoor near Fluffy. They quickly opened it and saw that there was no ladder and only pure darkness.

"Hey Chris. Is this a trap? Can we really fall down there?" Kristine asked.

Chris nodded and stuck his hand to give them the thumbs up.

"Alright I'll trust you," Kristine said. She closed her eyes and jumped inside.

Hermione struggled and looked like she did not want to jump inside. However, she closed her eyes and jumped in the hole.

Chris quickly followed going inside the hole. He heard Fluffy barking, but he was calm as he landed on the soft Devil's Snare. He saw both Hermione and Kristine panicking.

"What are you two doing?" Chris asked.

"The plant is sucking us in!" Kristine said.

"This is the Devil's Snare," Hermione suddenly said. "We need fire to get away from it,"

She quickly took out her wand and cast the Fire-Making Spell causing the three of them to fall down further.

"Come to think of it, where is Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon?" Kristine said. "We haven't seen them anywhere,"

"I think they're a bit more ahead of us," Chris said. "I don't think they got that far ahead of us since even you two struggled a bit at the Devil's Snare part,"

"Alright," Kristine said.

"Wait guys," Hermione said. "I think I hear voices in that passageway. I think it's Harry, Ron, and Se-yeon,"

"Then let's go," Kristine said running down the passageway.