Slytherin's Test

When Chris opened his eyes, he could not see anything as he was in a dark room with nothing in sight. He quickly took out his wand and tried to cast the Wand Lighting Charm, but nothing happened.

'Does magic not work here?' Chris thought.

'This is the waiting room so of course you can't use magic,' Prometheus' voice suddenly said in his head.

Chris was startled to suddenly hear Prometheus, but was interested at the same time.

'Oh, waiting room? What am I waiting for?'

'The test is currently being made right now and you'll have to wait for a bit before you can take the test. Once the test is done being made, I'll have to explain what your goal is in order to pass the test,' Prometheus said.

'Oh, I see,' Chris said. Suddenly, he heard a familiar noise. He had received a quest.

-Quest has been given. Pass the 4 Founders' Test. These series of test will be extremely difficult. All the System can say is good luck.-

Quest: Pass all four tests

Tests passed 0/4

Reward 15 Galleon, 25,000 EXP, Recipe for Potion of Strength, A month's supply of top-grade pet food

Punishment for Quest Failure: Death through being the sacrifice.


Chris was extremely surprised by what he saw.

'System, is this mission that difficult? You always have some sort of witty comment,'

-This mission is the hardest mission you have ever received throughout your time in the Wizarding World. The System will not make any other comment aside from wishing you good luck.-

Chris suddenly became a bit afraid. During some of his other missions, the System had never wished him luck even if those missions had chances of him dying. Chris realized that his probability of survival was low with this mission.

'At least, the amount of EXP and galleon soothes me a bit,' Chris thought. 'Well let's see what this potion of strength is,'

-Potion of Strength: An extremely advanced potion created by mixing very rare magical ingredients. It gives the drinker a 10% Magical Power boost for 2 minutes no matter how high their Magical Power is. After a day of it wearing off, the drinker's magical power is permanently boosted by 0.1%. The effectiveness of this potion will stay the same no matter how many times the drinker drank the potion in the past. However, only 1 Potion of Strength can be drunk every 24 hours or else the drinker will immediately start to disintegrate after 5 minutes of the second potion being drunk.-


'Wait, then if I have this, doesn't that mean that Dumbledore can defeat Voldemort very easily? If someone with 5,000,000 Magical Power drink this, then they will gain 500,000 Magical Power temporarily and 5000 Magical Power permanently. That's a huge power boost even if the 500,000 Magical Power is just for 2 minutes! Dumbledore's Magical Power is beyond 5,000,000 so even Voldemort shouldn't be able to even scratch him. System can I purchase this potion?'

-You may buy 1 for 10,000 Galleons. Another detail that the System wants to add is that the chance of you succeeding in brewing the potion is less than 5% and to purchase the ingredient from the outside world cost 5,000 Galleons in total.-

'Damn it. It's way out of my league. I need to somehow make money myself fast. I'm missing out on way too much!' Chris thought. 'But to think that I could even get something so big out of this is insane. I suppose I can give brewing it a try later. As for the pet food, I guess I'll open the pet roulette once I get out of school. It would be a bit weird for me to suddenly have a pet,'

"The test has been successfully created. Are you ready?" Prometheus asked.

"Course I am," Chris said.

"Alright then. I'll explain the condition to pass. The first test shall be the Slytherin test. Become the top 1% in terms of wealth using any means you got," Prometheus said.

Chris was quite surprised by the mission, but he quickly nodded.

Good luck. I really do hope that one of you three pass," Prometheus said.

The dark room suddenly started to morph into a small room that Chris was rather familiar with.

'This is... my room back when I was still living at home?!,' Chris thought.

As Chris was looking through his old room, back in the throne room, the Four Founders were looking at 3 mirrors. Each mirror had one of the three test takers.

Suddenly Gryffindor laughed.

"Salazar my old friend, it seems that your test was deemed the easiest. For how prestigious you make your house seem, I suppose that it's very simple to get in once you get rid of the whole blood purity requirement," Godric said.

"Yes I suppose it's much easier to be smarter than be a bonehead," Salazar said.

"Well if that was the case then Rowena's should have been first. I suppose that with human nature, it is the easiest to be a snake. Please do not compare the intelligence Rowena seeks with cunningness. Even the most moronic can be a good snake," Godric said.

Salazar seemed as if he wanted to say something, but decided to stay silent.