Planning for the Next Battle

"Hello Mr. Potter," Cassia said. "It's an honor to finally meet you,"

"Pleasure to meet you too Miss Elks," Harry said.

"I am glad that you made it here safely," Cassia said. "We definitely were all a bit nervous to hear of the plan,"

"Well yes it was risky and we have sacrificed a lot," Harry said.

"Well as you know, you are the most important person for this battle. You have to make sure that you survive until the end. Even if majority of us perish in this battle, you have to survive as you are the only one who can win us this war," Cassia said.

"I understand," Harry said.

"Good," Cassia said. Then she turned to Chris. "Mr. Evergreen, we will engage in minor skirmishes and diminish the Dark Lord's forces until the final battle. Since you were all able to make it here, I'm assuming that most of if not all the students that came with you are somewhat experienced in battle yes?"

"They might not be the best forces here, but I am sure that we all can hold our own in battle. Even if a higher ranking Death Eater comes, I'm sure we can win," Chris said confidently.

"Then we shall have you all battle as well. Obviously, if this were normal times, we would never allow any of you to risk your lives to fight, but this battle is too important. Too many can die if the Dark Lord gains more power than he already does now," Cassia said. "Well then we shall discuss the battle plan with you later today. Please have some rest before that so that everyone will be in their best shape for later,"

Chris and Harry left the office and went back into their room. In there was Ron, Hermione, Kristine, and Se-yeon who were all waiting for them.

"So was it the usual?" Ron asked.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"You know the typical 'I'm glad to meet the Boy Who Lived. It's an honor to meet you,' shtick that everyone uses when they meet you for the first time," Ron said.

"Well if you put it that way then yes," Harry said. "I think she wanted to talk to Chris more than me though. I felt like Chris' decoration while in the room,"

"I mean Chris is our leader this time around and he has always gotten a lot of attention at Hogwarts as well," Ron said.

"Well we all kind of have," Chris said. "We're all in the shadow of the boy who lived after all,"

Harry groaned.

"Not you too Chris," He said with an annoyed tone.

"Alright guys let's stop teasing Harry," Kristine said. "We can't afford to anger the Boy who lived,"

"Harry groaned which made everyone chuckle a little.

"Alright let's get serious here," Hermione said. "Chris what did Miss Elks say to you?"

"She asked if we were ready for battle. I explained that we could hold our own to which she replied that she's going to put us in battle and talk about strategies later today,"

"We're going to battle already?" Kristine asked. "It hasn't even been a day since we successfully ran away,"

"Well it's understandable," Se-yeon said. "While we are on the verge of defeating the Dark Lord, we're running out of time. If things stay as it is, over half the resistance will be destroyed and when that happens even this huge base we have here will not win us the battle even if we have Harry,"

"Se-yeon is right," Chris said. "For now, we have to reduce the Dark Lord's forces or else we're going to have too many casualties. For every Death Eater killed, multiple lives will be saved. Since we have the capability to reduce the enemy force, why not take the chance to do so? Besides Miss Elks won't send us to our deaths by making us fight high level Death Eaters that can easily kill us. She'll most likely send us to a place that has a relatively low amount of high ranking Death Eaters and only some low tier ones that we can defeat,"

A couple hours later, Chris was summoned into the office. In the room was 5 other people gathered around Cassia's desk. They made space for Chris as he tried to see the map.

"We have intel that there is a 30 man force in this area," Cassia said as she pointed a red spot on the map. "We have an ally that has a vanishing cabinet there for us. The opponents are a mid tier force so we'll transport 20 adults and 10 students there so that the students can get some experience while being safe. The adults will take care of the higher leveled opponents while the kids will take care of the weaker ones. Since the adults will know the faces of most of the relatively strong Death Eaters, they'll immediately attack them so that the students don't mistake the stronger opponents for a weak one. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone including Chris nodded.

"Alright I'll decide the adults later. You guys can leave. Mr. Evergreen stay here, you'll tell me who's going tomorrow," Cassia said.

Everyone but Chris left the room.
