Start of the Trial

It didn't take too long before Chris was discharged from the hospital. As the time for his judgement is coming soon, he didn't go home but to a nearby building that Bradley told him to go to for lodging.

As it wasn't far from the hospital, Chris opted to walk. After only around 15 minutes of walking, Chris arrived in front of a luxury apartment.

'It's impressive just how luxurious Father's buildings are. I'm sure that this building alone will earn him a bucket of Galleons every month,' Chris thought as he entered the apartment with the key that Bradley gave him.

Inside the building was a spacious lobby with marble flooring and white walls. Comfortable chairs and tables were alongside the walls of the room to allow for rest. In the center of the lobby was the front desk where a man around the age of 50 wearing a suit was sitting down.

"Greetings Mr. Evergreen. I have been expecting you," The man said with a bow.

"Hello Mr.-"

"You may just call me Sebastian. I am a friend of your father's. He entrusted me this building years ago so that I can peacefully work as a manager. Of course, when You-Know-Who came for the second time, I armed myself to battle once again. I really do apologize for not being able to help your father when he needed me," Sebastian said.

"No, I am sure that my father as well. He is fine now," Chris said politely.

"I am glad this is the case. I've heard he has woken up recently and I plan on visiting him a little bit later," Sebastian said. "Your father has already sent me the message. There is always an empty room available in case your father needs it for himself or for someone he knows. I will lead you to your room,"

Sebastian led Chris to an elevator. There were numbers from 1-7. While 1-6 had buttons next to it, 7 had a key hole. Sebastian took out a key and put it in the key hole. He turned in making the elevator move.

"This building was one that your father acquired when he was very young even before he married your mother. He said to me that when he acquired the building, he wanted a whole floor to himself. So every single room on the 7th floor is for you to use," Sebastian said handing him the key. "That's for you to keep. Do you also want to have meals sent to you?"

"Yes please," Chris said.

"Excellent, there should be a phone in every single room. Just dial 555 and when someone picks up, you just need to say what meal you want," The elevator made a ding sound and the door opened. Chris left the elevator.

"Then I hope you enjoy the stay," Sebastian said as the door closed and the sound of the elevator going down was soon heard.

Chris opened the door closest to the door and entered the room. The living room was massive with white walls, white floor, sofas, and tables that had books on top of it. The dining room had table for 6 people. There were 3 bedrooms that reminded Chris of the luxury hotel rooms he stayed during his vacation with his family with king sized beds and a beautiful view outside.

"I suppose there's nothing else for me do to," Chris muttered as he laid down on one of the king sized bed quickly falling asleep afterwards.


A couple of days passed with Chris living in comfort while changing rooms occasionally. Every room had a different design with different color walls and furnishing. There was even a room solely for entertainment with both wizard and muggle entertainment.

While Chris was sitting down, he heard the phone ring. He picked it up and heard Sebastian's voice.

"A messenger from the Ministry of Magic is here to talk to you," Sebastian said.

"I'll come down right away," Chris said. He quickly got dressed and went downstairs to meet the messenger.

Even though the weather was hot, the messenger wore a black coat that covered his entire body. Topped with his black hat, Chris was surprised that he was not on the floor having a heat stroke.

"Hello Mr. Evergreen. I will be escorting you to the Ministry of Magic today," The man said softly.

Chris nodded. Sebastian led them a room where Chris and the messenger both apparated to the atrium.

Inside the atrium, the messenger once again led Chris to an elevator where they rapidly went down to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They soon arrived in front of a wooden door. The messenger opened it and signaled Chris to go inside.

The room was bare except for a table with 4 chairs, 3 of them occupied by the Malfoy family who were all wearing striped prison uniforms. The other chair was on the other side of the table and Chris sat down.

The messenger alongside 2 others wearing the same black coats and hat also went inside.

The messenger stood behind Chris while the other two stood behind the Malfoy family as they took out their wand.

"Well now that we're ready, let the trial of the Malfoy family begin," The messenger declared.