chapter 13

Lucas is really looking forward to see Sonia. After all it's a first time any girl has not taken his shit. Usually girls are ready to take his shit and moreover ready to do whatever he says. Let's see Miss Sonia how far you can go Lucas thought.

Sonia quickly change her expression and put on a gentle facade even though she is burning in rage from inside.

"Hello Miss summer's please take a seat we are going to start with the interview. Let me introduce you myself first my name is Miss Diana Pattison I'm the head of PR team of Colleen enterprise". Then she pointed to her right "you must know him ....he is elder master and CEO Mr Louis Colleen" and then she pointed to her left "and he is young master Colleen and he look after IT department, advertisement and several other branches of Colleen enterprise. Now we shall start with our interview..... So Miss Colleen tell me about yourself"

Sonia introduce herself .She have kept it short .

Miss Diana asked several other questions and Sonia one by one given her answer. It seems Miss Diana is impressed but it's difficult to understand what's going on Mr Louis and Mr Lucas head both of them kept a poker face through out interview.

Suddenly Lucas asked "why do you think you are fit to be the face our new product range name change. There are other beautiful women before you who have good experience of this line of work"

"He____-_-" calm down Sonia he is trying to provoke you calm down. " well sir every woman is beautiful irrespective of their size, colour but this a competition and to answer your question I think I fit because I'm have the spirit not to give up ...even if I don't get selected I will try again I have been struggling for 2 years but I won't lose hope"

The three of them didn't say anything.

Miss Diana broke the silence "OK Miss Summer's we will get in touch with you with in 3 days and tell you about our decision. Thanks for your time. You may go now"

With the polite smile Sonia leave the room.


Inside the interview room.

Louis broke the silence So brother what's your decision. Louis know his brother for the first time is really interested in a woman apart from having fun and indeed Sonia impressed him as well so he could understand his brother fascination .

"Take her" Lucas replied.