chapter 14

Mira is done with her work and getting really late. So she wrapped up her work and leave the office.

Today Mira didn't have her car apparently it break down in middle of road. Mira is standing at the entrance of office booking a cab. Suddenly a black BMW appear infornt of her. The widow roll down. "Get in" Louis said.

"No it's okay ... I have already booked a cab"

"Cancel it and get inside.... or will take you inside and trust me I will..... So you choose"

Mira day by day getting annoyed by him in past life he never taken interest in her but this couldn't able to understand his behaviour and situation why every time she wants to run away but it's seems like even nature wants them together. She sign and get inside the passenger seat.

It's been 10 minutes and no one said anything

But the silence is comfortable between them. Suddenly Mira's phone rings.... she looks at the caller ID it's her mom ....she pick up the call.


"Mira did you get the cab or should I sent someone to get you"

" it's alright ... Mr Louis is giving the ride" why does this sound dirty ....I look with corner of my eyes ..Louis lips is tilted at one side.... this guy and his pervert mind....even yours is no less said my conscious mind.

"shut up brain" Mira shouted at her brain.

"Oh that's good tell him to join us for dinner" mom said

"but mom he must be bus---"

"I'm not" Louis cut me off suddenly.

"OK " I said to my mom .It's not like she were to listen even I said he is busy .

We reached my home.

My dad and mom welcome Louis . Why does it seems like they are welcoming their son in law. *Gosh! brain stop thinking stupid stuff*

We sat for the dinner

My dad broke the silence "So Louis does my daughter giving you trouble ..... she can difficult at times"

Gosh my dad is embarrassing me right now... my face flushed ..... "Dad!!!! I'm not a kid anymore and you never asked me if my boss is giving me a hard time or not "

Dad chuckle "well boss are meant to give hard time.... then only you will learn"

"well Mr Robertson she is not giving me any hard time but I agree she can get difficult sometimes" Louis said while chuckling.

Damn you Louis Mira cursed ..

Ira is silently sitting there and observing her sister and Louis ...she observe the way Louis looking at her sister. They look like a romance between wolf and lamb ...

Mira is unaware about the thoughts of her parents and sister going inside their head.

Mr and Mrs Robertson already charmed by Louis personality and thinking of making their son in law.

Suddenly Mrs Robertson wanted to know is he dating anyone. So she asked "Louis are you dating anyone"

"Well .....I'm single right now ... actually I'm trying to persuade someone" Louis said looking over Mira .

His glance caught both Mr and Mrs Robertson and they gave meaningful glance to each other.

And here the mission of making Louis their son in law starts.