Chapter 24

Mira was flabbergasted by Louis action. Everyone gaze was fixed on the couple. Some in envy, some in amaze, some in shock. But no one could deny that they look perfect together.




Louis took the hand of Mira and they go towards where their family gather. "You punk what do you think of yourself touching my daughter like that" Arthur literally want to smash Louis face even though he approves of Louis that doesn't mean he liked his action. Louis turn very serious taking hold of Mira hand "Sir...I understand your concern but I'm serious for her and wishes to marry her in future"

Mira's mother grab Arthur shoulder said something in his ear "Darling you are forgetting your days..... Louis is not playboy type he is good for our daughter"

"Never pull that stunt you did today" Arthur suddenly become so over protective that he is right now having second thoughts on Louis.



Suddenly a woman grab Mira and hugged her "Welcome to family sister in law" laura said Louis and Lucas sister.

"Control yourself lora you are pregnant" someone said from behind. It was lora husband Xavier who is also a current mayor.

"Sorry...sorry I got excited knowing my brother finally got a girl.... unlike my twin who knows how to fuck around" giving dagger look towards Lucas.

Lucas cough and excuse himself.

Mira sweetly smile at lora "It's nice to meet you"

"You don't have to be so formal now we are sisters now" lora grin.

Louis getting impatient he wanted Mira's whole attention towards him. Xavier control your wife I'm taking Mira I needed to introduce to some people.

lora giving death glare to Louis but he ignored her and pull Mira towards him.


Louis wanted to leave the party and want to spend time with Mira. But before he could his dad call him "Son.....come here"

"Yes father" ...Louis said in cold tone. It's the only tone he use with everyone except Mira.

"Son...I want to introduce to Cole Romani and Samira Romani . Cole Romani is one of the influential businessman of city z . He came to our city and wishes to work with us by collaborating on our perfume business."

"It's pleasure to meet you Mr Louis Colleen. I have heard a lot about you" Cole Romani said and take his hand out for formal shake.

"Pleasure is all mine Mr Cole Romani" he matched the same grip equally both looking intensely to each other. Cole lips twitch "I'm really looking forward to our collaboration"

Cole hold Samira hand and introduce her "let me introduce her she is my sister who will be working with you on this project. As I have some work that needed my concern in city z. So she will be leading this project with you"

"Pleasure to meet you " Samira said. She have a strong aura around her. A kind of aura that attracts everyone's attention toward her. She dressed beautiful looking elegant and sophisticated.

Mira heart beating really fastly "This is the time where Louis forget about her. He will only have Samira in his heart" this thoughts which is running inside her head.





Louis grab Mira waist "let me introduce you to my girlfriend Mira...She is currently handling many of Colleen's project. We will meet you tomorrow for the discussion of about our collaboration.... We shall now take our leave. Please enjoy the party.




Mira got surprised by Louis action. She didn't expect this. Suddenly this change of event making her confused and afraid at same time. ....


Louis villa

Louis pressed Mira to the wall and took hold of her lips. He is kissing her passionately " Your lips are so sweet Mira....I dying to kiss you....hold you... ravish you when I saw you at the party " before Mira could say anything he took her lips again.

Louis lips enter her mouth. They are fighting for dominance. He after kissing her ....he carry Mira towards his bedroom.

Mira's heart trembled "I'm not ready for this" ...."I'm not going to force you Mira but that doesn't mean there are no other ways to pleasure you without penetration" Louis huskily said.

Mira blushed "Other ways I didn't get" ....Louis smirked his girl is too innocent "let me show you"

Louis kissed Mira again . He move his hand backwards and open her zip of dress. Suddenly her dress falls down from shoulder....Mira tries to cover herself.. Louis grab her hand "don't try to hide yourself from me...Your body belong to me"

Louis started to kiss Mira collarbone ...he is moving downward .. He took the hold of her bra's hook and unhook the bra. He look at Mira's breast lust filled his eyes "So beautiful are perfect Mira fits perfectly on my hand" Mira's body flushed ....she Couldn't able to control herself. She lost herself with the pleasure Louis is giving her.