Chapter 25

Mira is totally lost in the pleasure that Louis giving her. Louis squeeze her both breast. He started to play with nipple "Ahhh...Louis" Mira moan.

Louis took right breast in his mouth and started to suck her boob....twirling his tongue around her nipple. He continued for some minutes. Then he took her other breast and paid the same attention did. Mira moaning loudly "Louis...Ahhh"

Mira grab Louis hair and push him further towards her breast. They again started kissing this time softly...... Mira started to open his shirt button one by one. During their kissing session "Your are wearing too much clothes" Mira pouted while complaining. Louis chuckle and remove his shirt. Mira throat dried seeing Louis well sculpted body, he is not bulky but have firm biceps, chest and Six packs. Mira's mouth hang up "This ...real" Mira shudder looking at his abs.

Louis laugh loudly " touch it all you want .....I'm yours baby" Louis huskily said looking intensely at Mira. He took her hand and make her touch his chest moving down to his abs then slowly down to his erection which is cover with boxer "see Mira how hard you have made me ...I'm losing my mind with you"

Suddenly Louis remove her dress . Mira is only in her panties. He slowly remove her panty Mira took his hand to stop him...."Louis we are going too fast" .

"Shh.....Mira....I won't do something you are not ready for" Louis said looking at Mira eyes. "Do you trust me" ....Mira heart is beating really fast ....she is captivate by Louis dark eyes and nodded.

Louis remove her panty. He then put his one finger on her clitoris and started rubbing it. Mira's body shock with sudden touch. Louis put one inside her vagina and started to pull out and in. Then he add second finger and to thrust in and out. Mira's whole body trembling "Something happening to my body Louis ...Ahhh...Louis" Mira moaning loudly.



"Mira are getting orgasm baby...say my name my name" Louis said sucking Mira's neck while thrusting his finger faster. "Ahhh....aahhh..Louis.....Louis"

" are going to cum"

"ahhhhh.....Louis" Mira shouted loudly suddenly a milky liquid come out of her vagina. Mira is breathing became fast. She is suddenly feeling tired. She doesn't know when she fall sleep. Louis clean her thighs and then went inside the blanket. Soon they are sleeping soundly with arms on each other.





Inside the party.

Both the family trying to find Mira and Louis. But they were nowhere to be found.



Arthur is getting annoyed minute by minute "I'm going to kill your son if he makes my daughter pregnant before marriage " he said giving death glare to jack.




Jack chuckle "well I can't wait to be grandpa" he said grinning towards his best friend.