Chapter 29

Inside Louis office

"So did you get the result" Louis asked his brother

"Yes seems like a chip is install inside the skin at the back of ear. Someone must have track him due to the chip that was install in him when we were interrogating him. And because of that before he could answer someone must have activated the chip to release the poison. We cannot take this lightly" a cold look appear in locus eyes.

"It seems someone big is after the formula. We need to first tighten the security. And most of all find the person who had made this kind of chip. " Louis said.

"already started brother" Lucas replied.....Suddenly Lucas smirked "it seems after a long time got something interesting. Their enemy is indeed interesting. For how long you will hide"


It's been one week since Sonia started with shot. Many people got aback with how graceful a d beautiful Sonia look in her costume as if it meant to be made just for her.

Sonia was glad that she didn't get to see Lucas face. But poor girl unaware that Lucas from the day one watching her every shoot. With every beautiful shot Lucas obsession to conquer her is intensify. An animalistic instinct desire stir up inside his heart to claim her.

Sonia is inside her vanity room to change her outfit. She is done with her last shoot. As she is trying to open the zip of her dress a hand came and help her to unzip her dress. Sonia look at mirror to see the person. It's non other than Lucas

"You....what the hell are you doing..... how dare you to come inside" Sonia said giving death glare to Lucas.

Lucas grin he turn Sonia towards him so that he could see her face..... "baby doll you are so cruel don't you miss me. I missed you so much"

Sonia tries to push Lucas with all her strength but fails. "Damn you ....leave me you brute....stop manhandling me" Sonia shouted.

Lucas suddenly give a forceful kiss to Sonia. How much Sonia tries to push he didn't budge. Rather he tighten his hold on her hand and pressed her to her dressing table.

Lucas break the kiss after not getting response from Sonia "let me tell you one thing baby doll you are mine" Lucas look intensely at Sonia.

"I'm not a property to be owned"

"oh darling that's where you wrong" Lucas smirked. And with that he left the vanity room.

"Damn you.....damn you....damn you Lucas Colleen" Sonia growl.