chapter 30

Lucas is sitting inside his office he called his brother just few minutes ago to come to his cabin. There is a man standing infornt of his desk. He is kai both Lucas and Louis right hand man. Suddenly Lucas office door open with bang Louis enter and sit beside his brother.

"So find something" Lucas demanded.

"Actually there is a problem there is no clue who invented that chip. It seems like the person doesn't exist. It can be he is death or his identity is kept hidden. But with my research I'm sure it is someone from underworld but which group that's it's difficult to find" kai said.

"How are you sure it's from underworld" Louis asked.

"Because this incident has been happened before through my investigation there are few people who died this way. And all of them have some connection to underworld. But which group I'm still investigating"

"It's not done by any small group..... kai find out how many strong and powerful groups are there in underworld" Louis said.

"Even I have some connection to underworld..... I know few people who own me" Lucas said there is a killing intent in his eyes.

kai suddenly shudder with the coldness that is evading from the two brothers. He is working for them for very long but even he couldn't get habituated with the coldness that this two brothers have around them.

Louis look towards his watch "it seems meeting is over I shall take my leave"

"Hey....where are you leaving who said meeting is over" Lucas shouted feeling bewilder.

"wife" Louis said with poker face.

"YOU...we are discussing the plan here" Lucas couldn't believe his brother since his brother fell in love he is acting weirdly.

Kai on the other side puked blood since when did Louis have a wife.

"I trust you Lucas.....bye" and with that Louis left the room.


Mira is in her house. After she started working in Colleen enterprise she started to live separately from her parents. It was not easy for her to convinced her parents but after lots of begging and convincing they agreed. The problem with her dad is even though he like Louis he couldn't fathom the fact that his daughter grown up and giving importance to another man in her life other than him.

Mira is wearing a pyjama and hello kitty top. She is in the kitchen and baking muffins. She is in a lot of stress lately because of Samira so in order to keep her mind busy she thought of baking after all baking is a therapy for Mira.

Suddenly her door bell rings. She goes out to open the door. Before she could see who's the person a pair of lips fall on her lips at first she panicked but after smelling Louis cologne Mira relaxed.

Behind them a voice come " God!!! seriously I didn't came here to see this...argh!!!!!! my eyes"

Both of them break apart. Mira shocked seeing the person.
