chapter 36


Louis move towards his prize. It's look like lion catching his prey. Mira panics seeing Louis moving towards her. Louis caught Mira waist. His expression become dark touching Mira naked back...."What the hell Mira....what are you wearing.... how dare you to show so much of skin to another man " he whisper yelled.

"Louis you are creating a scene here ...leave me" Mira tries to push him away.

Louis nostril snarl .... his grip on her waist tighten "Fuck Mira dare you to say you are single.... you are mine Mira" .

The audience is aback seeing Louis like this. They never in their dreams thought he will be so effected by a woman. Women hatrate regarding Mira intensify.

Host tries to calm Louis even though he has no guts and sweating really badly... "Mr Louis... please calm down... you can't force a woman"

"Fuck off....she is my girlfriend" Louis snarl at the host.

"Stop it Louis" Mira tries to calm Louis. Trying to push him away.

Louis jealousy got him so badly he carry her on his shoulder like a potato sack.

Mira face burn with embarrassment.... "LOUIS YOU BRUTE HOW DARE YOU TO MANHANDLE ME PUT ME DOWN.....RIGHT NOW"

Louis ignore her and carried her to his car....Everyone of them aback with the whole situation. Louis take her inside his car "Sit Mira quietly or I will take you right her right choose"

Mira bite her cheeks and sit quietly refuse to talk with him.


On the other side Sonia complaining to Lucas "Look at your brother how dare he manhandling my best friend" Sonia tries to get out from Lucas grasp to knock some senses in Louis mind. Lucas chuckle "That's their relationship Sonia let them be .... Louis is jealous it's a first time for him me ...he loves her ...he won't harm her"

Sonia cursed him in her mind and look towards Lucas "As you say". Lucas grip her waist and move her body towards him..... " Now baby doll tell me how to court you so that you can say yes " Lucas whispers hugging her from behind. Sonia body became red....she is blushing really badly....she clear her throat "Court me for one month I will tell you my answer"

Lucas grins "Be ready to be my woman Sonia"

Sonia gave a cute smile to him ...."I'm ready Lucas Colleen "


Inside Louis house.

Mira struggling a lot to break free from him. But Louis refuse to let go of him. He move her to his office. he blocked me to his office desk and made me sit on it and he is on top of me.

"I said leave me. what are you trying to do." my heart is thumping so loudly that I could hear it myself. I'm trying to push him but my hands are becoming weak.

Louis holds both of my hands on top of desk. His mouth near my ear I literally could feel his breath " I will never leave you. Mira you have make so possessive so obsessive over you that I can't able to think anything beside you being in my arms ravished and trembling. You are Mine Mira ... Mine"

God why I'm becoming this weak this time I don't want to do anything with him but this time he is not letting me go... Mira glare at him "Is Samira isn't enough for you...after all both of you are Nation's ideal couple" Mira sarcastically replied.

She doesn't want to sound so jealous but damn it's hurts really hurts ... she loves him. But now she doesn't have any energy to break her heart even more. A tear fell from her eyes.

Louis jealousy vanish suddenly seeing Mira's tear..... "I'm sorry Mira ....I shouldn't treat you like this....but I'm afraid of losing you.... I love only you one else.....nothing is going on between me and Samira" he said hugging her. He desperately want her to believe him. He shows her the project they are working on. "We only have professional relationship nothing else" ...Louis desperately look at Mira.