Chapter 37


Mira sign she look towards Louis and cup his face "Louis ...if you really want to break up with me tell me before courting anyone....I will leave you without making any commotion"

Louis give a cold look to Mira. Mira shudder from getting such a cold look. Louis grab her chin forcefully and pull her face towards him..."How dare you Mira to say I will leave you think my love for you is weak....just because of a mere rumour you are questioning my love ...this is what you think of me ....TELL ME MIRA " Louis shouted.

Mira terrifies seeing Louis like this ..... "I ....I..." her throat dries she suddenly lost her voice to speak.

Louis coldly look at her his expression become dark "this what you think of me Mira then there is no point continuing this relationship.... I won't force you Mira ...just leave before I can't control myself"

Suddenly a fear prevails inside her heart .....Mira knows Louis is very serious this time. She is not ready to lose him over a rumour.... whatever he said it make sense how can she let her fear overpower her. She saw Louis moving towards the door. Her fear increases by each step Louis is taking. She runs after Louis and hugs his back... "I'm sorry Louis don't leave me like this" Mira tears starts to fall down one by one. She snob hugging his back tightly afraid of losing him.

"I got scared Louis of losing you.... I just want you to be happy with whoever you want...I let my fear ruin our relationship.... I love you Louis" Mira said in between her cries.

Louis freeze he turns to face Mira . He cups her face " say it again ...those three words ...say it Mira" he desperately ask.

"I love you Louis"


"I love you"


"I love you.... I love you.... I love you.... I love y-" before Mira could complete Louis kissed her. He kissed her roughly like a man starving for water. Louis pour all his emotion in this kiss. He carry her towards his bedroom. And place her on his bed...."this so sexy to be ripped.... damn Mira you aren't suppose to dress like for other men"

Mira smirk at him "Who said I dress up for other men ....I dress up for you show what could you lose"

Louis chuckle "such a seductress....only I allow to see you like this body...soul...heart all belong to me" Louis said intensely looking at Mira.

Louis remove both the strap of her. He started to kiss her collarbone then moving towards the neck and sucking her. Mira moan...her body become weak ..her finger tremble she started to unbuttoning Louis shirt . He broke the kiss "I can't control myself anymore Mira...say no if you are not ready ...this is your last chance"

"I want you" Mira said desire fills her eyes.

Louis rip his shirt and remove his pant. With one swipe he remove her dress. Mira fully naked ...."I'm going to make you mine Mira" and with that he kissed her. Then slowly he move towards her collarbone sucking it lightly... after that he takes her right nipple inside his mouth sucking it after that he move to another paying equal attention.

Mira grip his hair and move his face to kiss him. She come top of him and start sucking his neck. Then she move downward and bite his nipple "Ouch ... Mira" Louis groan. He want to stop her but curious what will his wildcat will do. Mira move towards his abs and give a lick .Louis breath sharpen ....slowly Mira move towards his dick and take it inside her mouth...."Baby you don't have to do that " but Mira ignore him and continue giving him blowjob. Louis moan he soon going to cum...but he wants to be inside Mira. So he stop her and move his position ....Mira is lying on the bed "Such a naughty girl you have become Mira" Louis tease husking.

"baby this going to hurt....I try to be gentle as I could" and with that Louis position himself and start rubbing their intimate parts....."I couldn't wait anymore Louis... I want you inside" ....Louis slowly move his erection inside her...Mira feels a sharp pain ....her breath become fast ....Louis completely move inside her ....after few minutes Mira told him to move and slowly and gently he started to move. Soon the pain disappear and it turns to pleasure..... "Move faster Louis" Mira moan....Louis fasten his thrust. He is moving faster. Both of them grunting and moaning. The room fill with the sound of their pleasure. And with the last thrust both of them cum.

"I love you Mira"

"I love you Louis"

And with that both of them lost themselves in the passion. There is nothing between them except love.