Chapter 39

Mira is inside the kitchen cooking lunch. Louis and she decided to quit office for one day and spent the whole day together. She is only wearing Louis shirt and panty inside it. She is cutting vegetables suddenly a pair of hand wrap around her waist from behind..."Baby I'm starving for you again " Louis huskily said.

Mira blush furiously " ....pervert" she tries to wiggle out from his grip "leave me Louis how I'm going to cook....I'm hungry" she complain cutely.

"OK..OK ..should I help" Louis ask

"do you know how to cook" Mira ask raising her left eyebrow.

Louis give a helpless smile "Ummm"

Mira roll her eyes "You go wait ...let me cook...don't disturb me"

"I like it baby when you get bossy" Louis grin....."turns me on"

"Get out Louis... or else sleep on couch' Mira glare at him.

Louis pouted and left the kitchen.

Such a kid Mira sign.


They were done with the lunch and sitting in the living room cuddling and watching film. Suddenly Mira phone rings. She break away from Louis but he grumble " Who is it"


Louis expression darken he didn't like this guy one bit. ...."Who is he?"

"Client" Mira replied.

But Louis doubted that this guy consider Mira anything but client.

Mira picks up the call and sit at the other side of sofa.

"Yes Marcus how can I help you"

"Hey Mira ...I call because to know are your designs are ready... the fashion show is going to happen at the end of month"

"What! this soon"

"Yes ..due some reason dates shifted earlier"

"Oh...yes designs are ready " Mira said

"Cool.... let's met on Monday" Marcus said.

At the other side of sofa Louis getting annoyed minute by minute. He knows Marcus have alternative motive ...he is trying to take his girl away ....the hell he will allow. Suddenly he got an idea. He move towards Mira and move his hand under the shirt and squeeze her boobs.

Mira shriek from sudden action. she glare at him.

"Hello...are you OK Mira " Marcus ask

"Yes..yes ... I'm OK...let's meet on Monday"

"Cool....take care .bye"

"You too ..bye"

"what are you trying to do Louis" Mira glare at him.

"don't say another man name infornt of me Mira" Louis equally match her glare.

Mira give him an amuse look "Who's name I called ....oh right Marcus"

Louis narrow his eyes "Mira I'm warning you"

"But what I did ..Marcus is the one who called me" Mira innocently look at him.

Louis squeeze her boobs hard ...."Ouch!!... Louis don't do it so hard" Mira glare at him.

"I warn you baby" Louis smirk "You can't escape seems like I need to make you forget his name and the only name you could shout is mine" Louis eyes dangerously become dark with lust.

Mira gulp " I was kidding Louis "

But Louis ignore her and ripped the shirt and panty as well remove his clothes. He plunge inside Mira thrusting roughly.

"Ahhh....Louis ...not so roughly... I'm still sore" Mira gasp

Louis take her softly and roughly until she could shout his name loudly.


"So what's your plan Samira" the man ask circling her back. Both of them lying naked inside the blanket.

Samira smirk "You just wait and watch...we will get the formula.... but before that I need to take care of Mira"

His eyes dark dangerously "just remember that Samira you are mine and with that formula we could be powerful pair". He is for long trying to get that formula and he could almost get it but that guy screw up his plan by getting caught by Colleen brothers. It was because of that chip that he place in every person that work for him. And because of that he could able to finish him before he could give out any information.