chapter 40

Mira and Sonia were inside the shopping mall. It's been long since they have hang out. Both of them doing well in their career. After her project with Colleen enterprise Sonia is been getting many offers. They enter a shop ...both of them started looking at the dress to see if they find something of their liking. Mira saw a beautiful blue dress "Sonia look at this dress". As Mira move her hand to pick the dress another hand stop her it is Alexia one of Mira's school tormentor " look who we have here" Alexia surprise seeing Mira after so long time. She smirk inwardly wouldn't it will be a fun to make Mira face fall she thought herself.

"Long time no see Mira. How are you .....I have come with my best friend Rosie and boyfriend James...who you have come with" Alexia said behind her a man is standing in her right and on her left a girl. she look at the person behind Mira " oh...hi Sonia ...I can see you are doing well... all thanks to Mira ...isn't it" Alexia give a smug smile to Sonia.

Sonia want to rip that smug face that Alexia have. she knew who they are. They were once the so called friends of Mira. Alexia used to be the popular girl in the school and James popular guy. Because of attention Mira used to do whatever they said. She was the one who spread the rumours that Mira is a man taker. And that because Mira was overweight at that time so they find a reason that Mira doesn't fit among them. She really hate this two-faced bitch.

Mira is completely blank. All the torments, bully that she faced in her school life come one by one. She didn't contact them after her rebirth. She had saw their real face when they put all the blame that she is the one who has been stalking Louis. She is an obsessive bitch who wants to come between Louis and Samira in the media.

Mira knows what she did in her past life was wrong. But she trusted them with her secrets she consider them her friends. Sonia warn her but she never listen. Later she comes to know that all the rumours in school has been spread by Alexia and Rosie. In this life she doesn't even want to see them but damn her fate.

Mira gave them expressionless look "Who are you?"

Alexia face stiffen. This bitch how dare her to talk like this ....this bitch used to follow around her like a see her audacity. "How dare you Mira just because you become famous you forget us we used to be your friends" it was Rosie Alexia partner in crime.

James is shock to see Mira's transformation. He once hear in the news but didn't give much importance. But seeing her today he is regretting his past action. If he knows that she will become hot and heiress he wouldn't have take part in bully atleast in this way he could be able to be her good side.... he interrupted them "Ummm ladies calm down let's not make a scene.....we all are friends we sit and sort our things"

Mira look at him. James heartbeat risen a hope arose inside him. Maybe I could use my charm and lore her.

"Some friends you all are.....Do you think I don't know what you did behind my back" Mira said looking intensely at them.

Their face pale they still thinking her as naive as she used to be in school. They couldn't understand the new Mira is standing infront of them....her aura has change.

"What are you trying to say" Alexia said panic can be seen in her eyes.

"Let me then remind you.... I used to be the fat in school and you were the popular group. I just wanted to be your good friend but instead of that you make me your slave. In the name of friendship you make me your scapegoat and tries to hide all your dirty deeds. What sort of name you have not called me " pig "slut " idiot and let's not forget this one "man taker" ... is it bad to be fat...I'm not a human...don't I feel bad..... just because I wasn't like you will treat me however you guys feel like " Mira said in her strong voice she wanted to make them humiliate how they used to humiliate her.

Sonia snorted she wants to beat them for bullying Mira. she takes Mira hand and tries to leave "See guys we don't know you....stop bugging us...or else we need to call the security"

Everyone is looking at them. They know who this two ladies are after all they are all over the news recently. They have been watching the drama that has taken place. They felt sympathy for Mira . There are few of them who have been through what Mira faced they felt a rage inside them. They wanted justice for Mira.

"Stop bugging them" one of them said "Yes...just because they are famous now you want to act like a good friend" another one said from the crowd and just like that people were glaring at the three people.

Alexia, Rosie and James gulp at same time. They are regretting messing with Mira. She no longer a weak girl they used to know and just like that they vanish from the shop.

Both Mira and Sonia look at each other smirking.