Chapter 59

It's midnight now, there is no trace of Louis. Mira trying calling his number but everytime he reject his call. She called everyone to know Louis whereabouts but nobody knows where is he. As time goes on Mira heart trembles from fear 'Oh God..I hope he is alright... where is he?...why hasn't he return?' this type of questions is circulating inside her head.

Suddenly the door bell rings. Mira rush to open the door. She opens the door and gasp seeing his disheveled appearance. His hair is messy, his shirt is out of the pant, tie loosely hanging "What happened Louis!!"

Louis didn't said anything. He is looking at Mira face blankly. Seeing him like this Mira heart trembles "Come inside Louis, why are you standing outside!" Mira said.

Louis slowly walk inside and move towards to sit on the sofa. He is blankly staring at the TV .

Seeing him acting so strangely Mira don't know what to say. But she can't see him like this. He never behaved like this before. She goes to kitchen to get a glass of water for him and offer to Louis.

Louis look at the glass of water. He takes it from her hand and keep it on the table. He then took her hand and gently pull her towards him, making her sit on his lap. He move his head in between her bossom. Mira put her finger in his hair, gently caressing his hair, trying to release some of his stress. Both of them hug for some time.

"What happen?" Mira asked softly

"Mira.. I don't know what's happening. My mind is in chaos. Weird images or rather flashback appearing inside my mind. It feels so real Mira. It's..It's feel like I have given a second chance in life." Louis said, vulnerability apparent in his eyes.

Mira heart skipped hearing him 'It seems like he is also a reborn like her'. She look at his eyes who looks so vulnerable, as if he is trying to make her believe. Mira cup his face gently "What did you saw Louis?"

Louis turn his head, looking blankly at the corner "I saw you, Samira ...gunshot... baby"

Mira could make out what he is trying to say but she wants to listen his story through his lenses "Tell me properly"

Louis look at Mira emotionless and then suddenly laugh void of emotions "Would you believe me if I say that I saw that I reject you for Samira. That I loved her. She was going to have my baby. We are going to get married"

Mira heart leaps in fear. She never know her worst nightmare would come like this 'he will go back to her, I don't deserve his love, I shouldn't have done this' tears fall from her eyes. She move away from his grasp and sit at the corner of sofa.

She place her hand on her tummy thinking about her unborn child "I'm sorry Louis. I shouldn't had done what I did. I am selfish for your love Louis. If...if you want me to go away from your life I will. I will never appear infornt of you again. About this baby, I could manage myself. Wha you said I believe it because even I have those memories. Just like me you are a reborn Louis. I shouldn't have try to kill her" Mira said in between hiccup. Fat tears rolling down her cheeks, she couldn't able to face him "I turned blind and crazy for your love. But Louis those movements I have with you, I will always cherish it. I ...I will lea- leave" Mira said looking at his eyes. She try to stand up.

"Sit. down. Mira" a cold voice said behind her.

Mira sit down on the sofa and look at him. The temperature of the room turns cold. Louis coldly look at Mira, he stood up and block Mira with both of his hand "My story isn't complete yet" he said looking intensely at her eyes.

"Reborn or not, through those memories one thing I'm sure I never loved her the way I love you Mira. Yes I reject you for her but" his expression turns to sarcastic smile "that bitch never loved me. What a cunning bitch, she drugged me, Show me the false pregnancy report to get near me, frame you for my murder. You know why she did all this"

"What!!!!" Mira said in loud voice. She never in her life imagine that it was Samira who killed Louis 'She could be this vicious'

"She killed you....But why?... she loved you after all and it's me who try to ruin both of your relationship" Mira said bewilder. She still couldn't digest what Louis said.

Louis click her tongue "Tsk ...tsk ...My Mira is such a naive woman.... You never ruin anything, You just fall into her schemes. Even I was such a fool....And for why...simple.. she wants the formula" Louis said in deep thoughts "But what I don't understand is there is no records of her past when I investigate. How did she get to know about such confidential information. There must be someone behind her. It's not that simple as it appears"

Something click inside her mind, Mira look at Louis "If you and I remembers everything then it must be that Samira also remembers everything"

Louis nodded "It could be" said deep in his thoughts. He look at Mira putting his finger inside her chin and pulling towards him, looking at her eyes "Never ever think about leaving me. The child you are carrying is mine as well and YOU ARE MINE MIRA" Louis growl and take her lips roughly, kissing her hard as if punishing her. Mira with her close eyes takes whatever he is giving in this kiss.

"I need you Mira" Louis said huskily.

"Take me then Louis, I'm already yours, reborn or not" Mira said giving into the carnal desire.