Chapter 58

The unknown woman smile turns to sign, she click her tongue "Stupid human! can she love him so madly", She remembers how much Mira's heart call out for him, all she felt is pity for her. She is the goddess of fate, but being a deity she have no right to tamper with wheel of time. Every couple where tied with red string, which means they are destine to be together; but nowadays the meaning of true love is vanishing due to which the two people who are meant to be together where committed to someone else or, in some cases never get the chance to meet.

That what happened with Mira and Louis red string, there string get broken, that's because of the entry of Samira. The goddess of fate never felt such an agony and longing from the anyone until Mira. The deity did something against the nature by giving Mira a chance because of which there will be a consequences. Alas, their destiny now depends on them. Life will bring choices to them and it's depend on them which gate(choice) they want to open, which ultimately decided their destiny.


Inside Louis office.

Louis is on a video call with Mira.

Mira roll her eyes "this is the fourth time in 4 hours Louis!"

Louis pouted "but Mira I'm making sure that you are fine. It makes my heart in peace"

"You already hire a babysitter whenever I go out, you don't let me do anything in the house, I'm doing work from home, now every hour you are calling me, just to see my face" Mira grumble.

Louis roll his eyes this time "It's bodyguard not babysitter, and moreover I can't take another risk, child or no child you are important to me"

Mira face flushed from embarrassment "I'm hungry, I'm going, bye" with this, she ends the call.

Louis chuckle. He loves seeing Mira fluster because of him.

Suddenly a clicking sound of stiletto is heard. Louis move his eyes to see the intruder who came in without his permission, even his secretary didn't inform him.

Samira is standing infront of Louis. There is a seductive smile on her red lips. She is wearing a long jacket. She seductively move her legs and walk towards him. She sit on the table just with a little distance away from him.

Louis glare at her "What the fuck are you doing here? Who allowed you?"

Samira smile widen, she bent forward towards him, her face close to him "I invited myself. There was no one outside. And your receptionist seems to like me" she huskily said, then place her index finger on his chest slowly moving it down. But Louis grab her hand and forcefully push her away from him, throwing her on the floor.

Samira eyes turn fills with anger 'Damn this bastard ruining her plan. But failure is not something she can accept. I must complete my plan' she thought. She stand up on her feet. And glare at Louis "why Louis... why!!. Why so cruel to me. The moment I met you there has been a connection between us. What does she have that I don't. I love you Louis. I never been desperate for anyone until I met you" Suddenly Samira open her jacket, left with only black lingerie. Before Louis could do anything, she jumped on him and shut him with her lips.

Louis eyes turns red with anger. With all his strength he harshly pushed her away from him. Samira hissed from the pain on her kneecap and elbow because of the hard push.

Samira back is facing Louis. Before he could scream his eyes fall on the mole that he saw in his dreams. A pain shoot in his brain, he takes out his gun from the drawer that he keeps for safety and pointed on her head.

Samira who is brimming with anger suddenly felt something cold on her back of head. She turns her hand and gasp seeing Louis pointing gun towards her and looking at her murderously. Fear spread inside her, she come with the plan of seducing him and blackmailing him just like she did in her previous. But never in her wildest dream she thought something like this would happen with life.

Louis mind is in lot of pain. A flashback or some hidden memory in subconscious seems to forcefully trying to pass through the filter to his conscious mind. Seeing the mole which is haunting his dreams, he wants to remove it completely from his dreams. The pain is becoming unbearable and a sudden will to kill is clouding his mind "I will count till 5 if you didn't disappear I will shoot your brain"



Samira gulped, before she could think of anything. She ran away for her life just in her lingerie. She never face such embarrassment in her life. The employees give her a weird look. Some look at her disgustingly some with lust. But without getting bother she ran to car and get inside. 'I will make you pay' she took the oath looking last time at the building.





Louis fell down on the floor. Flashes of images emerging one by one, with it pain becoming unbearable. His office fills with his loud scream.