Boxing Day

Changying woke up alone and wondered why Wang hadn't woken her when he had risen. She stretched her aching body smiling at the long night she had endured and the exquisite highs of the painful pleasure he showered on her once they had arrived home. She lay there for a long moment feeling the ache of her body and letting herself enjoy the moment, knowing that this was possibly the last morning she would feel it for a long time.

Her mind went to the farm and the man who awaited her return. True to his word Joseph had allowed Wang and Changying to enjoy their holiday together unhindered by any restrictions inherent in the contract she had signed. He had taken them aside on Boxing Day to speak about plans he had for the following weeks that would affect them both. As a concession to Wang, he would allow her to return to this city with him a day early and return at midnight as the new year began.

Boxing day had been celebrated with historical tradition, and all the staff were given gift boxes containing a bonus for their services. Again Changying had been surprised by the women and men who served the family and their gratitude for their place in the household, and she was glad to have been there for the giving of these gifts before leaving.

Eager to have time alone with her before the start of her trial Wang and Changying had left the farm quickly following their discussion with Joseph. Dante had been unimpressed with her choice not to return with him declaring that he could reach Wang's house before they could fly back and then drive from the airport to his home. His plan to race them, however, was curtailed by Joseph, who asked both him and Emilio to stay and meet with him that afternoon. They would return to the city the following day.

The last four days had been a whirlwind of activity as she spent time with Chunhua and Robin, went into the auction house to pack up the books and download all of the data she would need to continue her research onto the hard drives she had been given. She caught up with her friends and told them she had job researching for a family biography that meant she would be travelling for some time but would try to post on facebook to keep them updated.

Chunhua would let Wang deal with any of her mail and or bills until she returned and she transferred money into her mother's mortgage account to ensure that she wouldn't struggle unnecessarily in Changying's absence. Her mind continued to wander over all that she had done trying to find something she has missed as she sat up and slipped from the bed to the bathroom.

They had arrived at the vineyards of Zachariah and Marisol yesterday afternoon and had spent time with the older couple. Changying enjoyed being able to see the winery and cellars as they took her on a full tour of their home and the surrounding grounds in a small golf cart type vehicle. They had stayed for dinner but not lingered long enough for dessert as Wang eagerly took her back to the chalet they had shared on their first weekend away together.

Changying smiled remembering that weekend here and lifted a hand to her throat where that necklace lay once again. It wasn't necessary now, she admitted, but she understood the symbolism of it far better now than she ever had at the time. She would exchange it for a collar of a different kind tonight. Feeling nervous and oddly vulnerable she sought out Wang, checking the deck and exterior of the small chalet.

Confused and disappointed by his absence, Changying went to find some breakfast and sit on the small deck to wait for him to return.