Send Her Away To Find A Normal Life

"You need to know that being an outsider her trial will be much different to that of your sisters. She hasn't grown up with the knowledge and respect for traditions and the old ways," Zachariah said gently watching his nephew carefully. "They will seek to break her and build her back up in the image of the perfect dutiful wife.

"She's already perfect for me," Wang said considering what the man was telling him. "Are you sure about this?" he asked trying to sort out the jumble of emotions that assailed him.

"Yes, your father and I have been contacting the international tables, to find precedents because it seems that even if an outsider became a wife here, she had already gone through the ordeals as a slave before being elevated to a status that meant she could marry. Had your father already named a successor it wouldn't matter as much, I don't believe," Zachariah explained.

"I have seven older brothers, and, at least, four of them have sons," Wang laughed. "I am a long way from the chair."

"Perhaps, but should that girl survive this ordeal and give you sons, then my bet would be on you to inherit the family. Particularly given her knowledge of, and interest in, the family history," Zachariah pushed his view.

"So what's the alternative?" Wang pushed his hand through his hair and sat back to look at his Uncle. "Is there an alternative?"

"Let her go, send her away to find a normal life with a normal man. You couldn't leave the family Wang even if you tried. It would be like losing the part of yourself that makes you the man you are," Zachariah gave him the hard truth.

"If I send her to this trial I may lose her anyway, even if I could get passed what she would have to do and endure, how could she ever forgive me?" Wang asked.

"If her love for you is such that she endured it all, how could you not embrace that and love her all the more for it? You disappoint me, Wang," Zachariah' voice was full of disapproval.

"I have shared everything I have ever had with the family. Changying is mine. Why shouldn't I hate the thought of her giving herself to anyone else? I am the one she has promised to love and obey, me, not my entire extended family," Wang said angrily.

"Then choose to let her go, send her away if that is how you feel. Because if you want any future life with her, then your love for each other has to be strong enough to overcome this and use it to strengthen your bond and position within the family. She will be a formidable woman if she can endure it all and only add to your reputation. You have been on the path to greatness since you were born. You have never put a foot out of place despite your sisters constant meddling in your life. This woman may bring you far more than love and happiness; she may bring you power and prestige."