Wang Has Taught You Well

"Come and stand beside me," he said picking up the papers before him and tapping them on the desk to form a neat pile before replacing them as she came to stand beside him. "What I saw of your responses has been quite illuminating, I believe I will enjoy our time together." He reached up and pulled the material of her toga to reveal her right breast bunching the material that hung from her left shoulder. Clicking his tongue loudly, he stood and stepped behind her to release the strapless bra she wore beneath the toga.

"If you must wear underwear to your other sessions with the Marshalls you will remove it on entry to this room," he pulled the bra free leaving her breasts to bounce back into their natural shape. "Panties too," he held out his hand for them. He watched as she took them off immediately and handed them to him. "Obedience is a desirable attribute, so too is your obvious heat and excitement at being here with me," he smiled as his thumb smoothed over the damp crotch of her panties.

Changying blushed deeply at his words and watched as his thumb moved over the evidence that she was aroused. She knew though that her arousal came from memories of Wang introducing her to those fetishes she had marked that she enjoyed, but she said nothing.

"It shouldn't surprise me that a Donati has introduced you to the painful pleasure of true submission," he began to play with her exposed nipple, but I will admit I was not expecting that or your reaction to this talk," he pinched the hard pink nub between his fingers. His eyes bored into hers as she gasped. "Widen your stance," he instructed as his other hand reached under her toga to run along her wet slit. His fingers delved deeper rubbing over her clit roughly as the fingers of his other hand continued to play with her nipple.

Changying's body reacted to this man even if her conscious mind didn't, and she found her breathing shorten to panting, and the tell-tale tremors in her thighs begin. He continued to play with her body until she finally begged in a weak breathless voice, "May I come please, Marshall?"

"You may," she smiled impressed that she had known he would require her to ask for a release before coming or be punished for her lack of respect. He watched as she arched unsteadily, her body tensing like a strung bow before crying out in loud whimpers as she crashed over the edge. He moved his hand from her breast to her back to support her and slowly removed the fingers that were now coated with her cum. Once she had regained some focus to her eyes, he lifted his hand and fed her those fingers to clean.

"Donati has taught you well," he said finally. "You may take your underwear and return to your cell. You may have your phone privileges tonight. You will not discuss the details of your trial, but you may reassure your family that you are well cared for here."

"Thank you, Marshall," Changying said quietly taking her underwear from the desk and walking toward the door.