Love You Always & Forever

The two brothers went to look in on BJ, who was fast asleep. Then Ben indicated they should walk back through the house. He led Dante out to the back patio before saying what was on his mind.

"So how long have you been in love with Changying?" Ben asked pulling no punches.

"I'm not!" Dante immediately denied the accusation. "It's just a bad situation. They should have been told and given a chance to think about what they agreed to."

"How long?" Ben asked again.

"I'm not in love with her. I care about her. She's tough and smart and sassy, and if Wang ever threw her away, I would consider her as more than a sister, but I don't. I am jealous that Wang found a girl that loved him enough to become part of this fucked up family," he admitted, "but it's not love, its affection." Ben gave him a sceptical look. "Look I know what happened to Lucy at the Battaglia facility. I wouldn't wish that on anyone I care about, not even Baozhai though there was no other choice."

Ben was startled. Even he didn't know the details of why Lucy had been sent or what had happened to her. He considered Dante again. He had suspicions about Dante's feelings for Changying before this, though. His mood had brightened considerably since she had gone to work for him and over the holidays, he had been overly protective of her when Wang wasn't close by.

"You can fool the others, you can even fool yourself, but I know you better than most D. They are committed and devoted to each other. Don't set yourself up for more heartache, you feel that jealousy for a reason." Ben said gently. "Let's go and see how that phone call went," he said deciding not to push Dante any further.

They walked slowly back to the study in silence. Dante considered his brothers words. He would have to be crazy not to feel affection for Changying. They were friends and worked together. He treated her like a sister or, at least, he tried to. He may be jealous of Wang, but he would never step over that line regardless of his feelings. He wasn't in love with her he told himself again but now that the idea had been voiced he worried that maybe he did care more than he should about what was happening to her

"I didn't call," Wang announced as they reentered the study."I have to trust that Papa has the family's best interest in mind in agreeing to this. What if this is like a trial for me as it is for Changying. I need to show I can be a loyal family man and obey the rules of the trial. She agreed to this for me, and I don't want to be the one to mess it up by being a whiny child in Papa's eyes. He said he would keep me informed, and when he does I will ask the questions then if I still need to."

"Okay," Ben said slowly looking to Lio for an explanation.

"Wang just needed someone to listen to him instead of rushing in to fix things their way," Lio shrugged. "Did either of you ask him what he wanted to do?"

"Don't go down there on my behalf," Wang said even though he would love some information on how she was from his brothers. "Let Papa handle it, he promised he would watch over her. I have to believe she loves me enough to endure it."

"But you don't know what it's like down there," Dante said in a pained voice.

"No, but Lucy does," Wang patted the large envelope holding her manuscript that he had brought with him absently. "I'll go and see her again tomorrow." He gave a half smile. "It's getting late, and I have meetings in the morning as do you, so I'm gonna head off."

He stood and embraced his older brother but as he was leaving his phone came to life singing a familiar tune. Fishing the phone out of his pocket, he looked at for a moment before answering it in an alarmed voice, "Changying?"

"Yes, I miss you so much already," she said happily hearing the alarm in his voice and wanting to reassure him. "I have my phone and will get to make a call occasionally at night. Have I interrupted anything?"

"No! It's so good to hear your voice. I was worried when you left the way you did," he wanted to reach down the phone and hold her close.

"I'm fine honestly. There is no need to be concerned. I am well cared for here. I just miss you already and wanted to hear your voice," she said keeping her voice cheerful because of the worry she could hear in his. "Tell me you love me," she said smiling into the phone.

"Always and forever," Wang responded smiling with the relief of hearing her voice