Accidents Will Happen When You Play Rough

Baozhai smiled down on the man who had his lips wrapped around the big strap-on cock she wore. Men were so easy, they thought with their dicks and if you could give them their fantasy, you could mould them to your will. It hadn't taken her long to realise that her guard at the facility had been chosen because of his homosexual tendencies. They probably thought he was a safe bet to resist any form of seduction she might try. It took her even less time to exploit his weaknesses and his need for punishment for not living up to family standards.

Now he had the best of both worlds, a disciplinarian who would punish him for not towing the family line and getting married to a baby making machine and a cock to worship and fuck his ass. She would miss him in a strange way she thought as she thrust her hips making him choke on the soft rubbery cock. Of course, he had opted for a life-like cock, the shaft all veiny with a swollen darkly shaded and mushroomed head. Still it did the job and who was she to complain when it rubbed her clit so vigorously when she fucked him.

"Such a greedy little cock sucker, you can't get enough can you," she grabbed his head and bucked her hips cutting off his air supply until he flailed around in his urgency to breathe. She held him tight a moment longer making him strain for the precious air before releasing him to fall back on the floor at her feet.

She'd planned this night from the moment she had arrived at the facility. All of the pieces of the puzzle falling into place a week ago with the arrival of that stupid, fat cow, Changying. Her revenge would be sweet, and she looked at the clock on the far wall considering how much longer she could play with her prey. She looked disgustedly around the small office that belonged to the man who even now crawled back to her and took the cock once again between his lips sucking on it like it held the water of life.

"Desk," she instructed, and he immediately jumped up and leant over the desk reaching back to spread his ass cheeks for her. The handcuffs made it difficult for him, but such was the price he paid to live out this little fantasy. Of course, she had made him pay handsomely for every session in which she let him worship the cock of his dreams. She wondered who it was that fucked him in his mind as she stood and pressed the unlubed cock against his asshole. Her bet was on some Hollywood superstar that wasn't even gay, someone big and muscled like Schwarzenegger.

Without warning, she thrust forward making him cry out softly muffling the sound by bending his head, so his mouth rested against his shoulder. She didn't care as she began to ride him feeling the hard nubs on the inside of the harness rub over her clit. She felt her arousal rising rapidly, and she took off the belt that held her toga high and away from the strap-on cock but still hid her breasts for him.

"Giddyup, wild stallion," she groaned threading the belt around his neck and holding it like a pair of reins. Feeling the edge of her climax, she crossed the reins over in her hands and began to thrust harder and faster pulling tightly on the belt, revelling in his struggle as he became aware of what was happening. She gritted her teeth and bit at the inside of her cheek to stop from crying out as her climax finally slammed into her and she fell back into the chair trembling with its force.

She watched dispassionately as the body of her guard slid lifelessly to the floor, and she murmured softly, "Oh dear. Accidents will happen when you play rough." Feeling the energy born of adrenaline she shoved the body under the desk and removed the strap-on shoving it into his mouth for good measure. She then retied her belt and quietly left the room. She stepped through the door to the mess hall taking her seat with the two other family outcasts.

Baozhai ate ravenously; she was starving after all that exercise. She chatted normally to the other two girls and shrugged when asked where her guard was. "Gone to the bathroom, I think," she smiled sweetly as she always did here. Since her arrival here she hadn't put a foot wrong in the eyes of anyone except her guard and that was the way she wanted it to stay until the last possible moment. She waited until the guards went to talk with those guarding the other tables as they always did during mealtimes.

She stood with her tray and walked past Changying absently dropping a note onto her tray before disposing of her own tray and walking through the side door to the library. Over the past week, she had smiled and apologised and told Changying that she had seen the error of her ways now that she was drug-free. She made overtures about being one big happy family and how much she was looking forward to the wedding and her hope that Changying would be able to forgive enough to let her be part of the special day.

She'd had to play a lot on the fact that as Wang's twin and the special bond she had with him and she hoped Changying could understand that, and they could be friends. She had gone out of her way to help the girl and introduce her to the friends she had made within the facility. To the point where she believed, Changying thought of her has a friend now.

"The stupid, fat cow as so trusting," Baozhai thought to herself, "This would be easier than anything else she had planned for tonight.