Liquid Realm

The ongoing two versus one fight was raging around Shin Sumi.

Her entire arm had now coalesced into wax, the greyish substance slowly taking over her entire body.

The sound of metal clashing against metal was defeaning, and the thunder from above still roared but Shin Sumi was oblivious to it all.

"My dantian..."

Shin Sumi was floating in a void. The space around her was empty, silent and dark, yet she only felt a reassuring feeling, a connexion stronger than anything she ever experienced.

She was within herself, floating inside her dantian, in tune with her body and mind.

Contrary to when she delved deep into a meditative state, this time she wasn't concentrating on anything else like the flow of Shinsoo, the energy of nature. She wasn't trying to comprehend a technique or applying a skill.

She was simply folded upon herself, her spiritual presence invading her energy points.

At the speed of thought, Shin Sumi travelled through the void. There was no sense of space and no air to blow her long hair away but she knew she was moving even though she didn't know how or why.

In the distance, what seemed like lightyears away, a fuzzy warmness came into view, like a cloud.

The cloud had no edges, no physical limitations. The space in her dantian simply went from dark and emptiness to golden warmth.

"This is my Shinsoo, the Shinsoo I have gathered continuously in the last couple years."

Inside her own energy space, a single glance told her all the information she needed.

"All the energy I have refined again and again to open all Sixty-Four Shinsoo Doors. Even the energy from the Veins!"

Amidst the golden plasma, a few regions varied slightly in color. Red, blue, green, purple and white were the colors of the five Veins of Hell Fire she had used to get to this state.

The colors only made a portion of the overall cloud but their shine was significant. The five colors outruled all the tiny specks of glowing dust that floated here and there.

Had Shin Sumi seen the small individual specks she would have realized that they each represented a spirit stone or a spirit beast core she had used to cultivate.

Shin Sumi was still advancing quite fast towards the cloud. In the void where no sense of scale was provided, the cloud seemed either close and tiny or far and immensely big.

"It is all turning to gold... Is it because I have opened all the existing Shinsoo Doors?"

No answer was given to her but her own mind felt like it was true.

The approaching plasma was now radiating an intense golden glow. Shin Sumi had no idea how long she had been moving for and if what she was experiencing now was very slow or faster than light.

Subconsciously, Shin Sumi extended a hand towards the plasma cloud which started rotating.

With each rotation it gained more speed and a stronger glow, to the point where Shin Sumi couldn't see her fingers because of the light behind them. Or in front of them, it didn't make sense anyway.

From a gaseous volatile substance, the Shinsoo inside her dantian was condensing into a drop of golden liquid.

"Liquid Realm" she now knew what it meant. Had all the cultivators in history since time immemorial experienced the same scene?

The process of her energy coalescing from nothing into a liquid droplet. It was even the third step from the Shinsoo Gathering Manual!

The vortex in her palm had turned into a drop and now it was being flattened, forming a golden mirror like a puddle or a small lake.

Shin Sumi looked around her at the immensity of emptiness. How many clouds would it take to form enough drops to fill an entire ocean in there?!


Tribulation lightning was not something ever to appear during a low level breakthrough. Reaching the Liquid Realm was considered the first real step into cultivation and was not enough to provoke the Heavens themselves!

But Shin Sumi's case was special. Due to the little nut refining the Shinsoo Gathering Manual into its complete form, Shin Sumi's cultivation had strayed from what could be called the normal path.

It was more than enough to incur the wrath of nature itself, seeing Shin Sumi as a defyiance to the laws in place.

Bolts formed one after the other in the dark oppressive clouds that seemed to cover the entire world.

They were raining down in succession towards the yellow robed figure sitting down, already half encased in magical wax.

Xiao Yue, Chu Erlong and Jun Qian were still fighting to the death, the latter two trying to get to Shin Sumi and Xiao Yue ensuring they couldn't.

They, too, had never heard of Liquid Realm Tribulations. But the simple fact that Heavenly Lightning was trying to get rid of that Bai Fulong was proof enough for his enemies that he couldn't be allowed to live.

If he succeeded, then his level of power would be devastating to them. They had to put an end to it. Now.

In much the opposite way, Xiao Yue had decreted that she had to protect Bai Fulong. She was currently fighting two of the most promiscing Honorary Disciples of the Dark Sky Starry Sect, making enemies out of dangerous people.

Protecting Bai Fulong during his breakthrough was also a way to make a useful friend for the future. A friend that would be able to crush anything on their path.

In the midst of the fight, none of the protagonists really had time to spare to pay attention to the silver and purple lightning crackling neverendingly above their heads.

Tribulation only came for one person after all so they were safe themselves, which was fortunate. In order to eradicate Shin Sumi's law-defying cultivation, each bolt contained enough power to kill any disciple effortlessly.

But Shin Sumi was not alone. In the skies above, seemingly battling the clouds themselves, a white slender crane was fighting.

The bird's cry was drowned by the rumble of the Heavenly storm but its magic still pierced through them, dissipating the lightning right before they could hit Shin Sumi.

Even the dark clouds were sensing that Shin Sumi was close to finishing her last step in the breakthrough, the intensity of the tribulation reaching a climax.

Sixty three silvery bolts had rained down so far when a massive black mist coalesced into the shape of a giant hand. The hand was as big as a building and concealed in the tribulation clouds, only the white crane could see it.

Before the sixty fourth lightning bolt was formed, the white crane was already in the grasp of the hand. The hand represented another level of Heavenly Laws and even the white crane had to use all its power to protect itself.

The white eyes devoid of emotions looked down intensely as a last single bolt took shape above Shin Sumi. The crackling lightning was red like blood and contained a completely new level of power. The silvery purple attacks previously unleashed were like ants compared to a mountain in front of it.


The storm was stronger than ever. Xiao Yue and the others had even stopped fighting because of the pressure. They had been forced to sit down in order to simply resist the pressure trying to crush their bones into dust.

Grinding their teeth, they were looking at the massive red bolt taking shape, too puzzled by the scale of what was happening to comprehend it.

Too fast for their eyes to follow, the red lightning descended from the dark clouds, piercing the atmosphere and suddenly more brilliant than anything.

The last hope of the white crane was dying quickly but suddenly a golden blur rose from the ground.

It didn't look as brilliant or as powerful as the lightning bolt, but it was at least quicker. The golden afterimages in its wake tore the sky into two, a long straight line opposing the trajectory of the red lightning.

"The eleventh refinement", the white crane's eyes were reflecting the golden line, another strange glow suddenly burning deeply behind its pupils.

The Gold Tyrant Flying Sword had flown out of Shin Sumi's bag of holding out of its own volition.

The spherical energy barrier made of Shinsoo Threads that was wrapped around it clashed first with the red lightning, not impeding its power but instead burning away instantly.

The tip of the Gold Tyrant Flying Sword hit the heavenly strike the next instant. After the fifth Vein of Hell Fire, the blade of the weapon almost didn't look like gold anymore.

It was so thin and concentrated that it almost appeared like there was no blade at all. Just a handle and a slight distorsion in the air above it.

The massive blood-colored bolt crashed into the golden glow like a tsunami would into a boat, the sword completely submerged.

But then the impossible happened. Faced by the golden sword, the lightning strike dissipated. Too fast to see, even for the white crane, the blade had cut through the lightning again and again, tearing it to shreds.

Sixty four bolts in total but none of them had impacted Shin Sumi.

The dark clouds were slowly receding when the Gold Tyrant Flying Sword descended, spinning in circles around her.

The situation had happened so fast that Xiao Yue and the others were still in shock. As strong as they were, they were nothing compared to Heavenly Tribulation and what had happened.

Nothing could seemingly stop Shin Sumi's breakthrough now.

Once again, Jun Qian was the first to react. Opening his arms wide and swearing loudly, he bolstered his spirit candles with more power.

Xiao Yue tried to get back up on her feet only to fall down again. Both her legs were encased in wax and her flesh was torn in multiple places. Fighting against both Jun Qian's technique and Chu Erlong's strikes was a lot.

The spirit wax was still taking over Bai Fulong's body, right until Jun Qian suddenly started coughing, blood flowing wildly from his mouth.

Bai Fulong suddenly blasted a wave of Shinsoo from all the pores in his skin. All three other disciples were pushed back, their senses almost being stolen from them for a breath of time.

When they opened their eyes again, Bai Fulong was gone. Shin Sumi was standing in his place, a beautiful green dress adorning her.

Her face was the color of jade, her cheeks with a subtle hint of color. Her blue eyes radiated a strong might and her black hair flew without wind.

With the Gold Tyrant Flying Sword circling around her she looked like a goddess of war and beauty.

When she finally completed her breakthrough, fully stepping into the Liquid Realm, the Shinsoo blast had ruptured the Copper Bell's powers, revealing her true appearance. It had also completely destroyed the yellow robes she had been wearing, the ones she had stolen from Tai Bu.

In a flash she had doned the only robes she could find, the ones she had always been too lacking in confidence to wear.

"Sumi" cried Xiao Yue.

Without a word, Shin Sumi waved her arm, her sleeves dancing in front of her. The first wax candle with Bai Fulong's face had already been destroyed and now the one representing Xiao Yue shattered like glass.

The Black Devil Maiden Xiao Yue's eyes teared up instantly as she rushed and held Shin Sumi in her arms. The latter's smile was warm and Shin Sumi took her sister in her embrace, enjoying the moment of pure bliss.

Chu Erlong's mind went blank, unable to accept what had happened and was still happening. How could Shin Sumi be there?! Was she... Bai Fulong this whole time?! And that she was never even close to killing her? And worst of all, now it was too late.

"Yue I am so sorry for not telling you anything. I swear I will make everything clear once we get out of here. For now just stand back to treat your wounds and let me finish this."

Shin Sumi softly pushed Xiao Yue away. Xiao Yue nodded and followed her order, knowing that the fight was not over yet.

Although the fight wasn't finished, the outcome was clear as day. Shin Sumi was in the Liquid Realm whereas her opponents were not.

Even though they could use magic and they were geniuses in their own rights, the difference between them was so big that no amount of talent could amount to it. Moreover Shin Sumi was already giving them trouble before and she hadn't broken through yet.

"How ... How did you succeed?! It was supposed to be impossible before the last part of the mountain! How the hell are you to conjure Heavenly Tribulations ?!"

Jun Qian was on one knee, blood spurting from his mouth due to the backlash of having his magic destroyed by one wave of her hand. His entire cultivation was messed up and flowing all around his meridians having been dispersed forcefully.

Shin Sumi's senses had undergone such a change that she could now sense the disarray in his flow of energy. Her eyes, sharper than ever, could see every tiny crease in his dirty robes and the pale complexion of his face.

Jun Qian was no threat anymore. Shin Sumi turned to the orange robed girl.

"Chu Erlong. You wanted me, right? I'll let you attack once."

Shin Sumi had never truly understood the reason Chu Erlong was after her. She had never intentionaly wronged her and yet the girl had tried to kill her multiples times by now, even going to the length of hurting Lan Hui to get to her.

Chu Erlong screamed with rage and started running towards her. She had a sword in her hand, focusing all her power on one strike although her mind was all over the place.

She was one step away from piercing Shin Sumi's throat when the latter reacted.


A single slap to Chu Erlong's face sent her tumbling to the ground a few meters away. Chu Erlong passed out instantly from the shock.

Having rendered her opponent unconscious, Shin Sumi felt the sense of rejection coming from the monolith. She had passed the arena trial.

But contrary to before, this time it was much easier to resist the urge of teleporting outside the sub-dimension.

With her new level of cultivation, Shin Sumi's link to the Shinsoo of nature was stronger but also implied that she was more resistant to it.

In order to advance further into the Liquid Realm, the amount of energy she needed to absorb was insanely higher. The Shinsoo she had felt being so pure and crisp in this place had now become rather normal if not a bit low quality for her new affinity to it.

Done with Chu Erlong, Shin Sumi rushed back to Xiao Yue, condensing a soft light from her palm and helping her friend mend her wounds.

With the Liquid Realm came a whole array of magical possibilities that Shin Sumi naturally felt were possible. Curing someone was such thing that became normal once you left the Shinsoo Gathering Realm.

One's divine sense was also much bigger and stronger, allowing to control and physically impact things to a certain extent in a large radius.

By that means, controling a flying sword was another natural ability that one gained spontaneously. It wasn't the time to try it now, but Shin Sumi was definitely impatient to take her Gold Tyrant Flying Sword for a spin.

"Are you alright?" Shin Sumi asked Xiao Yue. She had asked without thinking even though she could feel perfectly the condition of the orange robed girl by using her divine sense.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Sumi... thanks. I still need to beat that ugly dog and pass the trial but seeing how his legs are shaking and how much blood he's lost it is going to be easy."

Now that she had rested a bit, and with Shin Sumi's help, Xiao Yue's condition was almost back to normal already.

Grinning, she advanced towards Jun Qian and ruthlessly hit his head with the pole of her Black Devil Spear.

"Done" she exclaimed right before teleporting out of the arena.

Shin Sumi smiled with a little bit of fear. Xiao Yue was strong but the simplicity in her ruthlessness was terrifying.

Before leaving the arena herself, Shin Sumi stopped in place and looked up into the sky before bowing at a right angle. Her newly developped divine sense had picked up the presence of a creature she was somewhat familiar with, hidden by magic.

Shin Sumi teleported out of the arena, leaving the white crane to think out loud.

"That girl... She is already perfectly acclimated to the Liquid Realm, so unusual..."

Even the old white crane who had discerned that she was a girl with the appearance of a young man at first glance couldn't see through her cultivation clearly. He had been as surprised as anyone when Tribulation Lightning descended.

The first bolt had even very nearly hit her when he succeeded in reducing its power to only one percent of the original.

"This is a very interesting development. Is it related in any way with the Eleventh Refinement? Is this really the way of the Gold Tyrant?"

Even for someone who had lived as old as him, the idea of a Perfect Shinsoo Gathering didn't cross his mind. It was evident that Shin Sumi had opened a large amount of Shinsoo Doors but the technique to break through them all had been lost in time immemorial.

Blurring out of the twelfth arena, the invisible massive puzzled bird went on to continue his cryptic plans with the poor unaware disciples. It was time to pay a visit to Fu Xue and Sui Lin's arena.