Unrivaled And Unprecedented

"Newly accepted disciples, come tomorrow at the first hour. As for the others, you can always try again next year."

Xiao Yue, in charge of the selection process for the Star-Sword Pavilion, bidded everybody farewell, her and the other Sword disciples disappearing inside the grand building.

Her new disciple badge in hand, Shin Sumi immediately sent her sister a message to thank her and ask about the teachings of the Sword branch.

To the divine sense message, Xiao Yue responded that she was glad Bai Fulung had done okay, placing amongst the best in the selection. She also added that while she was the direct disciple of Master Sword, she had only joined a few days before and still didn't know much about how the Pavilion worked.

"We'll both have to see how it is tomorrow morning... I am joining you too, as a student this time."

Xiao Yue then reminded Shin Sumi to hurry, although it was unnecessary. Shin Sumi had not forgotten that the other branches' trials were taking place as they spoke.

"Next up is the Cloud-Formation Pavilion... That's where Jun Qian is enrolled, maybe Chu Erlong too. Yan Yan is definitely the only face I can use there."

Of course Shin Sumi was not afraid of Jun Qian and Chu Erlong recognizing her. Laughing wryly, she assumed that the scar she had left in them was too deep to be washed away yet. But for the sake of the Dark Sky Starry Sect as a whole, she didn't want the two to be affected by her simple presence.

Especially Jun Qian. After their last encounter, the previously number one changed entirely after a simple glance at her.

Even more so since he had become Master Cloud's direct disciple, Shin Sumi could actually attract his master's anger if she inadvertently bullied him into submission while they were cultivating in the same branch.

This was the reason Shin Sumi had chosen to present herself as Yan Yan. Using the spirit formations she had learnt during the week to hide herself from the passerbyes in the sect, she effortlessly assumed the market seller's appearance.

"Welcome to the Cloud Formation Pavilion entry trial. The number of places for new disciples isn't defined yet as we are only interested in your capacity to control and use Shinsoo."

When Shin Sumi arrived, Jun Qian was already addressing the rules of the selection process.

"Hm, it seems like the direct disciple is always in charge of recruitment, no matter the branch. First Xiao Yue and now Jun Qian."

Ignoring the looks given to Yan Yan by the male disciples around, Shin Sumi focused on the rules explained by Jun Qian.

The selection process was in two steps. The first one was to activate a spirit formation, right here and there on the surface of the platform they were standing on. Only those who would be able to succeed in less than two hours would move on to the second step.

"This is simple in and of itself. I already know three of them and ten minutes would definitely be enough. The important matter is that most of the disciples here come directly from the Rising Star Tournament. Some haven't been in the Liquid Realm for more than two days. Spirit formations are too hard to produce for Shinsoo Gathering, so this part of the trial serves as a filter to keep only those able to learn one quickly..."

Looking to the side at two other particular contestants, Shin Sumi added "and those who come from cultivation families with access to such techniques already."

Fu Xue, the female cultivator with the impressively large stone sword was there, eyes wide open like a little girl, taking in all the rules dictated by Jun Qian. Almost next to her was Chu Erlong, whose presence didn't surprise Shin Sumi in the slightest.

But what was Fu Xue doing there?! Her Fu Clan was dedicated to spirit formations, but only the ones enhancing the cultivator's body!

Becoming one with the huge sword they carried around, that was the whole thing about their techniques. Fu Xue was definitely made for the Light-Breaker Pavilion!

And even then, with her strength that had been almost on par with Shin Sumi's, she could have easily made it to the Star-Sword Pavilion as well.

"Nevermind what she is doing here for now. I'll probably get the chance to talk to her later if we are both accepted here. She left a good impression on me during the tournament, I hope we can become friends in the future!"

Jun Qian had finished his explanations by the time Shin Sumi was looking at Fu Xue. The second step of the trial was still a mystery, only the passing disciples would get to know them.

As the time of evaluation started, Shin Sumi started working on her light transmission formation. From the three she knew, it was the one she had practiced the less, but also the less impressive one. Because of the selection process, she wasn't aiming to place first or anything, in fact she wanted to do quite the opposite. Get accepted as a nobody, that was the key for Shin Sumi.

"Because there are no limitations on the number of applicants, the Cloud-Formation Pavilion is staying open, even for those in the Rising Star Tournament that have yet to reach the Liquid Realm. Two months from now, there will still be people getting recruited. It also means that disciples who fail today can practice and try again later."

At least the first step of the selection, anyone could potentially do. Disciples simply needed to know of a single working formation.

Shin Sumi was wondering how the judging of the formation would work while she was only sixty percent done with hers when the answer suddenly came in the form of a halo of light under Chu Erlong.

"The platform-", how could Shin Sumi have missed that? The platform on which they were standing was the testing device!

Very reminiscent of the stele used to determine an Honorary Disciple's Shinsoo affinity, the materials forming the platform were made to react strongly when met with a working spirit formation.

"Once the formation is complete, the platform will glow and you will have passed the first step of the trial to enter the Cloud-Formation Pavilion" synthesized Jun Qian for the crowd.

Since the matter of him and Chu Erlong becoming dual cultivation partners was a known fact by now, everybody present could attest to the gleam of pride in his eyes. The woman that was promised to him had succeeded before anyone else. How fitting for him, the direct disciple of Master Cloud.

An older disciple completed his formation a few seconds after Chu Erlong, received by looks of envy from a few other disciples who were struggling with their own.

Fu Xue was third in completing the first step of the entry trial. By the time five or six halos of light had spawned from the platform, it was Shin Sumi's turn to shine.

A disciple next to her complimented Yan Yan on her success, having given up the trial a few seconds prior. He was probably intent on making friends with the talented and good looking Yan Yan, before Shin Sumi cut short his aspirations by not even replying.

Instead, she sat cross legged on the ground, simply waiting for the first examination to end.

The result was clear soon after. Crafting a spirit formation was not an easy task, and it could even be called downright impossible if one hadn't trained in such arts before.

As expected no disciple could create a working formation out of nothing, and so the examination ended after thirty minutes of wait.

After reminding them that they could try again whenever they were ready, Jun Qian quickly dispersed the failing individuals before gathering the twenty or so people who had passed.

Each of the remaining disciples was soon handed a sealed scroll on which the words 'trial of aptitude' were written.

The moment the scrolls were passed around, Shin Sumi had already more or less guessed the content of the second trial.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Jun Qian gave the signal to open the scroll and explained the rule.

"You have to complete the formation that was assigned to you. These are low level techniques that were created for the sole purpose of this assignment. The only time limit is two days."

Jun Qian's voice was low and steady. If Shin Sumi didn't know better and hadn't caught a glimpse of his viciousness and cunningness, she could have sworn that he was the perfect knowledgeable big brother made for the job.

"If in two days time from the moment you opened the scroll, you haven't drawn your assigned formation on the platform in front of the Pavilion, then you will have failed the trial and will be forced to wait a year to try again."

The purpose of this 'trial of aptitude' was evidently to see one's capacity to understand a spirit formation. In short, the faster you could get the low level formation to work the better your aptitude.

Like everybody else, Shin Sumi stopped right outside of the building, her feet still firmly planted on the testing platform.

"A low level formation, without the little nut's refining. How hard can it really be?"

The magical drawing on the scroll didn't even seem too complex.

The same thought must have crossed all of the participant's minds. All at once, the disciples spread out, already gathering Shinsoo in their fingertips.

The runes-like symbols were quickly etched on the cold ground, invisible to the eyes, relying only on the divine sense to work.

Shin Sumi's mastery of spirit formations was almost non-existent, thus she had no idea what purpose the formation in itself served. If any of the lines were significant to others, to her there were no indications as to what the result should be.

Nevertheless, as she saw the others' formations crumble apart one by one, hers seemed to hold quite well.

Even Fu Xue had to abandon at some point, unable to gather more Shinsoo for the time being, forced to take a rest and retry before the two days had passed.

After the time it takes a stick of incense to burn, only Chu Erlong and Shin Sumi were left. Not even Jun Qian had stayed to observe.

A few drops of sweat had accumulated between Shin Sumi's brows. Her concentration was intense, like her consumption of Shinsoo.

Because of the precision needed to perform a spirit formation, cultivators had to constantly adjust the Shinsoo output in accordance to the pattern. A bit too much Shinsoo in the wrong place and the formation would burst. A bit too little and it would crumble, incapable of holding the mounting power.

Both girls were immersed completely in their respective processes, cut from the outside world, not paying attention to one another. In fact, they were not even aware that the others had all left.

In a stroke of luck, Chu Erlong and Yan Yan both traced their last lines at the same time.

A small blue tornado of wind rose from the middle of Chu Erlong's circular pattern, while a block of ice condensed in front of Yan Yan.

Suddenly realizing about the presence of the other, Yan Yan's eyes met with Chu Erlong's.

Ecstatic about their success and the pressure finally relieved, both girls couldn't help but smile.

"Chu Erlong doesn't seem that bad in the end. Maybe it was some sort of miscommunication before" Shin Sumi found herself thinking, "but maybe as Yan Yan I can befriend her?"

She was about to praise her, in the bliss of their success, and had stepped closer to her, when Chu Erlong's eyes pierced her soul with coldness.

"I know who you are. I don't know how you've remained incognito, you must have a powerful cultivation family behind your back. Because of that I am willing to let go of the grudge between us, Shin Sumi. I won't reveal who you are if you let me, Jun Qian and my followers, alone."

Shin Sumi was stunned. How could she have expected that Chu Erlong had pierced her disguise long ago thanks to Liu Qing's spying in the lower valley?

Taking a second to think things through and calculate Chu Erlong's motives, Shin Sumi finally nodded.

"I have no interest in you and your man. I never had any, to be honest" she responded, closing her eyes while sensing the arrival of Jun Qian, alerted by the testing platform a few seconds beforehand.

Chu Erlong too masked her surprise, half relieved to hear that her powerful nemesis had no further plan, and half shocked to hear the contempt in Shin Sumi's voice.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Chu Erlong thought about the possibility of Shin Sumi never even considering the grudge between them.

Using her divine sense to communicate without words before Jun Qian could perceive her message from a distance, Shin Sumi added:

"But if you dare touch another one of my friends to get to me again, I will make sure to resolve any of your grudges towards me in a bath of blood."

For a second, Shin Sumi's eyelid lifted right enough to reveal an iris full of madness and the flames of a devil. Chu Erlong shivered, unable to react for a short time, taken by fear while Jun Qian stood in front of them. The next instant, Yan Yan's eyes opened fully, suddenly jovial and respectfully bowing to Jun Qian.

"Congratulations, you two have succeeded on your first try?! Here are your insignias. Wear them proudly, you have earned them."

Jun Qian's face translated his surprise and good impression clearly.

"I can feel that with the three of us, the Cloud-Formation Pavilion will have a complete renewal in strength!"

Shin Sumi's lip almost twitched, "don't tell me that he wants to make another 'Big three' with us?!"

Feigning a sudden fatigue due to the use of too much Shinsoo, Yan Yan quickly excused herself to go rest.

"I will see you soon, Brother Jun, Sister Chu! I am so glad to have made it into the Formation branch!"

Shin Sumi almost wanted to turn around just to see the face of Chu Erlong who for sure wanted to vomit after hearing her last words.

But she definitely didn't want to stay there for too long. She had more to do, and spending time with Jun Qian and his companion was not on her list.

"First things first, I need to refill my energy. Crafting spirit formations... it's so intense, I still can't believe I managed to do it in one go!"

Despite her insane amount of Shinsoo in her dantian, Shin Sumi still felt exhausted like never before.

Upon arriving at her forest house and activating the protection formations that were still in place, she finally relaxed a little bit.

Using the nut's powers to rest efficiently while immersed in water, Shin Sumi only took thirty minutes to replenish her energy levels.

"Where do I go next? I still need to find a branch for myself! Bai Fulong and Yan Yan are all set, but I can still fit one more Pavilion! What do you say, little nut?

No, I haven't chosen yet. Crafting medicine is useful but with you here, I can already buy the cheapest stuff and turn it into the best resources. I think the Light-Breaking Pavilion is the strongest, but..."

Talking to herself, Shin Sumi was still unable to decide on the path to take.

Leaving it to convenience, she decided to go to whichever Pavilion was closest first, and see what the entrance trial was about.

"Divine-Beast Pavilion first then. Are you excited little nut?"

No answer. Of course.

The building that housed the Divine-Beast Pavilion, despite its name, looked more like a mortal building than any other place in the sect Shin Sumi had ever seen.

It was a little bit underwhelming after the grand trial at the Sword branch and the impressive magical platform at the Formation trial.

What's more, Shin Sumi spotted quite a number of disciples that had been excluded from the past two trials. Even the male cultivator who had been knocked out for cheating in the Star-Sword trial was there.

"Maybe it isn't for me... Let's go to the Light-Breaking Pavilion straight away."

But Shin Sumi was stopped before even turning around.

"Ouch! Little nut, are you crazy?!"

From the beginning, Shin Sumi had been trying her best to keep the existence of the nut hidden from others, but now it was directly biting her in front of many witnesses!

Holding her pain within, Shin Sumi sent a sliver of divine sense to the nut, ordering it to keep quiet.

"Aiie!" came the second bite.

This time, she definitely understood.

"Fine, I'm not leaving. But hey, maybe the trial will be too difficult and I won't get in anyway."

Exasperated but still following the nut's prompts, Shin Sumi waited patiently. Contrarily to the other trials she knew, this one seemed a bit different. Instead of a crowd occupied by a task, the disciples were waiting in line in front of the decrepit building.

But Shin Sumi knew deep within her heart that she had managed to go this far only thanks to the nut and it's unrivaled powers. It was only fair to do what it asked once in a while.

When it finally was Shin Sumi's turn, a little bit of apprehension had mounted in her stomach. The process seemed so strange, the curiosity was slowly eating at her nerves.

It even somewhat reminded her of the cruel wait she had to endure before getting the approval of the Ghosts for the secret sixth branch.

"Welcome young lady. I'm Gen She the Keeper of Beasts. I will be in charge of supervising your assessment" called out a peaceful looking old man right past the door to the Pavilion.

The man looked calm and weak, but Shin Sumi knew that appearances could be deceiving in the Immortal World.

"Is he the Beast Master of the whole Pavilion?" she asked herself while he kept talking.

"Unlike the other branches, the Divine-Beast Pavilion chooses you, not the other way around. You can even call it destiny if you will, he-he-he. Feel free to walk around. You have ten minutes, or until you feel chosen."

The words uttered by the old man were cryptic at best, but Shin Sumi simply nodded, not bothering to make sense of it.

"Destiny! Chosen! Eh. Do you hear that little nut?" she asked herself risibly, "Little nut?!"

Shin Sumi realized the absence of the nut almost too late to see it roll on the ground past a long corridor full of grey wooden shelves.

"Where are you going? Wait... are these eggs?!"