The key..

"Hmmm...Inspector James, you say?" The Lord thought for a while. "Actually, I do know him. When he has no idea of what else to speak, he starts getting rude. Offcourse you and the girl would not go and collect about dead bodies! Who would want to find a dead body in his house? It is so difficult to get rid of dead bodies. That reminds me, have been able to get rid of it yet?"

"Ahh! What do I tell you! No! It is still in the bathroom. Inspector James told that nothing had to be touched, till the time his men come in to move it out. They should be here anytime soon now. If it interests you, your Lordship, do you want to have a look at it?"

"Oh! Yes indeed! Thank you so much!" Exclaimed Lord Edward, ecstaticaly. "I would like to have a look for sure, if that does not trouble you by any means!"

"Offcourse not! Not at all." The tiny man replied kindly. His behaviour and mannerism had already convinced Lord Edward about two things. First that, no matter how harrowing the reason was, the tiny man was fully enjoying in the attention and the importance that is being directed towards him and his flat. Secondly, that Inspector James had strictly instructed him to show the body to anybody else. This point he assumed by the action of Mr. Wilson, who had halted to fetch the key of the door, from his bedroom. He said that police had the other key, but he always made sure to have in his house two keys of every door in his flat, in case of an emergency or an unwanted accident.

The bathroom inside, had nothing very striking about itself. It was pretty narrow and long. The window was situated exactly over the head of the bath.