Leech Removal and Investments

Ragnok said "Harry it was a great history lesson. Looked like the Slytherin family magic was corrupted by either by someone cursing it or by some failed experiment. Personally, I am leaning into the later as Salazar was an avid searcher of knowledge."

Harold says"So the stories about Salazar going dark was probably because of tainted family magic?"

Ragnok says "That I don't know as it is just a theory we have made but it is more likely than before, but it could also be someone else in the descendants where it happened and that Salazar still was dark. But this is more acceptable due to the fact that if the founders did not have the same ideology then there would be no way they would have been friends."

For the time being Harold put the information in the back of his mind promising himself to research more on this later.

Harold asks"is there any way to get money without coming here every time?"

Ragnok nods and takes out a wallet gives it to him"It costs 50 Galleons just put your hand in and think about the amount of money you want and the type of currency and it will automatically give it to you. There is a transfer fee for muggle money."

Harry nods and stands"Thank you for your time Director Ragnok. May your enemies feel your wrath and may your vaults be lined with gold"

Ragnok says surprised"May your blade taste your enemies blood".

After that Harry exited Gringotts went on a mini shopping spree. First immediately after coming into the alley, he felt a tug on his magic.

He decided to follow it and soon he reached eyelops owl emporium there he saw a small baby owl. He couldn't help but feel this was Hedwig.

He looked around the shop owner was still not there and he took upon himself to snoop around he looked over the counter and saw books there. He thought he still didn't test the library yet so he put his hand on the book and focused on scanning the book.

There were some more books of owl care and familiars in the shop and he focused on scanning all the books at once and waited but nothing happens so he decided to go small and tried to scan 2 books at a time.

But still, nothing happened so resigned himself that he could only one book at a time. Then he scanned all the books and returned to Hedwig and just stood there while he was in the library.

Looking over compendium on owl care and was reading it just as finished the owner came in.

He says "Oh hello there sorry for making you wait. So what do you want laddie?"

Harold says what he reads in the book for owl care"One perch for her with auto cleaning, water refilling capabilities, and Self heating capabilities and food for the next year"

He nods and gives me everything for 12 galleons and freely shrinks them before giving it to him.

The next stop was to the eye healer "Hello welcome, How can I help you?"

Harold says "A healer told me to get checked."

"Come and sit here then, young man," He says.

After he fits Harold with some spectacles. And immediately the quill writes something and the healer asks him to read the board. While Harold was reading the letters on the board the spectacles by the end of the line he was able to see with crystal clear clarity.

All this time the quill kept writing down after the healer reads through and nods and gives Harold a selection of charms applicable on the glasses. Asks for a frame he tells him just to get a similar one. Harold just asks for the standard charms since he wanted to create his own things.

After that he placed Hedwig in his hands he simply said"Potter Manor" and suddenly felt a hook-like feeling to the navel and he was whisked away.

He stood in front of a gate which did not have locks. He tried to push it open but it didn't budge then he noticed an indent the size of a ring then it clicked within his mind that it was probably like a key and he put his ring into it immediately the door opened.

After in the house, he entered into what could be a ballroom and quickly called out "All elves under my control appear"

With that so, many elves popped. He decided he would go by families. Potter elves accounted for 13. Peverell and Black 7 elves. Gryffindor and Slytherin 3 each. The remaining 127 elves were Hogwarts elves apparently he can control them due to lords of the houses of the 2 founders.

When asked how the Peverell, Gryffindor and Slytherin elves how they survived they said they were put in a deep stasis charm which would have at least 1000 years or until the new head of the house appeared.

He then asked if they could bring an item without touching it and if they could overpower human enchantments with their numbers. They said yes. So I asked the potter elves to find for an object used for storing dark objects without any leakage in the family vaults.

They brought a large chest. After that, he gave the elves the locations of the Horcruxes and told them to put into the chest. When he saw Kreacher looking helpless and frustrated.

He told them that these items contained the pieces of the dark lord's soul and thus needed to be cleansed. Then made them retrieve the fake locket from the gave it to Kreacher for Regulus memory.

After all the Horcruxes were locked up. He gave them free rein over all his properties except Hogwarts for cleaning, maintenance, and repair to them.

He told them that all the valuable items of the Gaunts in the Gaunts house must be put into the Evans vault. The remaining house had to be destroyed. If needed they can even use the house wood as mulch.

After that, he told that anybody using his should have the instruments destroyed and a house elf is to replace with his place in the Dursleys home.

During the next three months, he scoured his families libraries for all books on runes and ritual magic.

The purpose of this was to create a ritual to order all the house elves for a small of amount of time during which all the house elves would get books from all over the world to the room of requirement where he would ask the room to produces scanners of his spec.

The scanners would scan the books using magic he created. Even blood-based books like grimoires would be scanned. He created a master index for all books he currently has and it was auto-updating. If a book was already there the book would not be scanned.

All the scanned books would be stored in the form of data in a storage crystal created for this specific purpose. He created it so that even if all the libraries around the world were the size of the British library he still would have enough storage space.

He then created a moleskin lined trunk with custom runes with the help of the library where it had the land the size of Iceland.

So during his research 3 months slowly passed this time he had slowly visited all his properties. The time for ritual came. So he went to Gringotts for the ritual.

He went to sharpclaw and stood there for sharpclaw to look up.

"Greetings teller sharpclaw, I have an appointment with director Ragnok for 1:00 pm"

"Greetings Mr. Potter. Right, this way." He says and leads to the director's office

"Harry, Are you ready for the ritual," asks Ragnok as he enters the room

Harold nods and he says"Let us not waste time then"

And then they took him to a ritual room and made him lie on a bed.

Took some of his blood in a bowl and started drawing runes on his body and ritual circles around him. At the time of sunset they started. They were complex chants being chanted around him and finally they cut open his scar.

From the scar, a piece of a wood splinter was removed. It was when he saw the splinter that he had some clarity the soul was not directly attached to him just to the splinter.

The Splinter was moved to a compass-like device which he supposed were used to track the other pieces after that the ritual for the removal of soul piece was over. They did the follow-up ritual of cleansing which removed all foreign influence over a person.

During the middle of the ritual, he suddenly remembered that if it were to remove all foreign influences then the magical binding would be gone. He regretted immediately not informing them for his decision for the binding, he had wanted to use the power bindings removal backlash for the house elf temporary control ritual.

But luckily the binding was not removed the foreign influences was the influence of the personality it seems. He had to agree that after that ritual he was feeling a lot less angry and felt like a burden was lifted off of him.

After the Ritual was over he talked to Ragnok that he would not be available during the next 6 months or so, but gave him instructions to acquire another shop in Diagon Alley. Told him to buy all Buyable land in Hogsmeade to make a shopping mall and Amusement park.

He told him to find experts in amusement parks have them design a combined muggle version of both the amusement park and water park then improve upon the muggle version with the magic. He named the project The Merlins Cove.

He then gave him the rune designs for the Sword Pens as he named it for getting a patent. A rune system to make a magical fountain pen without the demerits of the non-magical cousin and also have the ability to imprint your magical signature like the quills. It had auto cleaning runes which triggered when the ink was over, Anti-clogging runes, Auto ink changing according to the type of paper or parchment, Auto-Dry runes for the ink to dry immediately after leaving the pen.

He found out previously that the reason magical's still use quills rather than at least fountain pens was because the quills imprinted your magical signature into the writing. It was also due to this he made the sword pens. He didn't want to write with quills when he goes to Hogwarts.

He also made all the versions of the pen for the quills. Like the blood quill, Dicta quill, quick notes quill.

He also wrote a book on magical festival rituals and traditions. He had come across many books and it formed a heaven compiled book(Hereby by known as HCB version). He copied the book down and asked the goblins to contact a Publishing House to print it.

He also asked the Goblins to search for magical children in orphanages and abused homes in the English islands.

He then took out another book about Runes useful for furniture, architecture, utensils, accessory runes and had it also published.

On the Non-Magical world, he told them to buy Intel, Seagate, Nvidia, Logitech, and Sony.

After that, he said farewell and went into muggle London then he bought some plain contact lenses and went home.

The reason he brought plain contacts was that he wanted to make his own super contacts. He brought the contacts home and starting etching runes into it.

But if you are wondering how he is doing it then the answer would be house-elf. That is because in a normal sense a wizards engorgio spell doesn't last long enough to etch runes. But the house elf version can be maintained by other elves.

Thus he started etching the runes he needed. He made the runes with auto adjusting for changes In eyesight, auto cleaning, auto maintaining, then he took inspiration from moody made them be able to see through any surface, invisibility cloaks, anti summoning if an enemy finds out about them, the ability to see magical auras.

He even recreated the smartwatch using runes. Including a planner, weather updates, alarms, etc