Computers,Lycanthropy and Weasleys

As he returns to the magical world from this one year of absence due to his required presence in the Non-Magical world in which he had been only returning for eating and exercise. He was astonished to see a lot of people looking absolutely stunning, like beauty models roaming the streets doing daily chores. It was absolutely amazing and stunning to watch. Even Tom the barkeeper looked, fitter.

He saw many of the recognized faces among the of witches who looked previously lot motherly with their full figures were now looking stunningly hot. The hygiene products looked like they have done their jobs many of the witches and wizards were looking a lot cleaner.

The hairstyle mirror also looked like it had been used by different people had more stylish appearances. They average witch and wizards were also looking less stress-prone. When thinking about why that would be he could only get one reason somehow the exercise has caused them to lose a lot of tension. Then he made the connection it was not the exercise per se but the joint effect of exercise and massage.

In the muggle world, this was a spa treatment. He found this funny. He saw that many of the shops were refurbished and expanded. He also noticed that these shops were all proper building and were not as he termed it wizardly wonky.

Even Gringotts Wonky Pillars have seemed to have been straightened up. He also noticed that many of the people were only using their debit cards and there weren't many who were exchanging gold coins.

He was also seeing men with pens in their pockets, some were luxuriously made with wood and etched with the family crests, others were just simply having normal pens. He also noticed that people were carrying notebooks. He knew this would not have been possible by using parchment and you cant carry parchment with you everywhere you go.

He then noticed flourish and botts and that unlike before, the books in the store looked all were made with paper. He even saw that the books he wrote were the bestseller. He saw that his changes were being fastly accepted, initially he had thought that he would have to wait at least two years before introducing computers but the new developments made him question otherwise. He had also had planned to research the cure for lycanthropy.

After thinking for a bit he decided that he would do it. First, he started with the lycanthropy cure within 2 months he found the cure he also got an idea for making potions not so disgusting tasting was to change the tastebuds feeling for the potion so he created a candy for that, then he went home and started working on commercial designs for computers. Unlike the non-magical world, there were no technology constraints in the wizarding world. Thus he made a Full-powered desktop version, A portable carrying laptop version, A tablet version and also an improved smart mirrors.

He also developed the magical internet on a magical wavelength so the internet itself was unhackable, but the devices not so much. But Harold had developed the OS so it worked like a charm was very hard to hack. He made a slightly modified OS version for the tablet and Smart Mirrors. Then he got them registered at the ICW under Dragon corporation for the computers and the lycanthropy cure under Panacea Corp.

After that, he started selling them. The next week there were many newspaper articles on it,

New Magical Computers by Dragon corp, Promise to change the lives of everyone

Lycanthropy finally cured, Panacea corp finds the cure.

Dragon corp and Panacea Corp now offering a free cure for anyone suffering from Lycanthropy.

Potions made tasty with a new invention

The magical internet a way to communicate across all magical societies without detection from Non-Magicals

ICW approves new MirrorVision channels

Thus he started passing time by visiting the Evans ancestral Home, The orphanage and the school. Each of these places was built by his architecture firms and warded by goblins but he wanted to re-ward the properties using his personal template which combined computer systems into wards.

As he was visiting he thought that he had not seen the fully built Weasley home. For the Weasley home, since he knew they had a huge amount of land not getting used, he made the house also huge enough for fitting 20 members at a time. All the land owned by Arthur was just enough for the house and Gardens but not for the small farm Harry wanted to build for the house so he brought the pond and swamp beside the House and joined it with the property as a freebie.

Next, the house itself was beautiful with three Levels, a beautiful front porch and fountain, The bottom level contained the living room, The Kitchen, and the Dining Hall and the theatre room and the elf quarters.

The second floor had the Library, one of the walls even had the family tree, a game room, and the Master bedroom and some bedrooms. The third floor was completely filled with bedrooms and their attached bathrooms.

The Back of the house had a garden and an orchard for lazing around. Next to the house was the quidditch pitch and next to it the farm which was near the house where all the food ingredients for the house were to be raised. He even made a Garage separate from the Barn.

He gifted the family 7 house elves. For the maintenance of the house and farm. He also gifted them 10 years worth of detergents and 50 years worth of maintenance agents for the house.

Also since the house was planned to be built in the start of the summer holidays and he knew Arthurs love of Non-Magic folks and Molly's ridicule of everything non-magical, So He hired a first-generation witch to take the Weasley family to tour the non-magical world to improve their understanding of the non-magical world and also show them the reality of the magical world.

He also made them visit the poorer countries to understand that they were still living a better life than others, this was especially for Ron. He also made them visit toy shops where ever they went for giving more ideas to the twins. Their last stop was Disney land for the children to enjoy.

He also gave them an option for a scholarship for their children if they were able to maintain 85% and above scores for the period of their education they would get to study under scholarship.

Since giving it all these benefits he still did not find time to scope them out for the changes in their personality. Since his invention of fit-bed because the cost of going for fit-bed for a month for even the whole family was dirt cheap as 31 galleons thus they were using the fit-bed. They even found a magical parasite attached to Ron which was making him less intelligent and more hungry.

So the entire Weasley family was very fit. He could not believe the transformation he had found, both Molly and Artur were looking beautiful and handsome like they were in their prime with all the perfect body shapes. He was visiting them as Benjamin Sterling, after using Legillimency on all the Weasleys, he had found that overall their personalities had drastically improved.

Molly now did not have any disdain for the non-magical, even though she still thought that magical were superior she now knew that the non-magical were not far behind.

Arthur was now very different after the full tour of the non-magical world. Now that he had the preliminary understanding of the non-magical world, he had lost most of his curiosity and thus stopped bugging people because of his discoveries of non-magical stuff and people.

Bill looked more interested in the Indiana Jones movies he saw and looked like he decided his future path would be a curse breaker.

Charlie liked the ideas of the zoo and wanted to open a magical one once he had saved enough money.

Percy understood that not all people in authority were good people and also found out what happens to people under bad authorities and thus lost a lot of authority worship his mother had fed him.

Fred and George (Gred and Forge) had found a lot of inspiration for their future shop, now they were interested in not only creating a joke shop but a toy shop integrated with a joke shop. They even kept notes for all the ideas they got during the trips.

Ron was the one he had found the most change in he had found himself compared to the poorer people in the countries he had visited and thus lost all his jealousy. But he still had some jealousy which was in the normal range.

Ginny was the one who changed the most, during her travels she had found that stories she had read were all fictional stories and immediately after coming home she removed all her harry potter books and asked her father to sell them. She also found books women protagonist much more interesting in her journeys and bought a lot of them. She even stood up to her mum to get to play quidditch with her brothers.

Seeing all their changes he thought that this was one of his better investments when compared to investment amount to returns ratio. Cause the amount of effort required to change the mindsets of people was huge and time taking but all it cost him was money.

Thus he planned to help them out a little more. He had been planning to set up a daycare system in the school for parents who both had work and didn't want it to be left to only house elves.

He needed a person to manage it, thus he had planned to hire Molly if he found her personality acceptable.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley thank you for taking the trouble of allowing me to visit your home." Said Harold as he entered the House. A house elf had come to take his coat.

He said, "Thank you" to the house elf who just gave a polite nod and said "It's my pleasure sir" and popped away.

Both Weasleys looked astonished that he would thank a house elf but they still replied "Oh its no trouble at all Mr. Sterling, in fact, it is an Honor to have you visit us. Please let us take seats"

Harold replied "Thank you. So how are you liking your new home after living in it for nearly a year Mr. and Mrs. Weasley"

"It is just wonderful, Arthur and I agree that our old home had the homely feel to it but it was not always the best place to raise children. This new house is everything we wanted in a home." They replied.

"Thank you for the honest reply Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, to be honest with you it was me who designed your house. Since you were one of the first costumers of the firm." Harold said.

"Oh wow, then we must thank you for that, the house is absolutely wonderful. If you would pardon my curiosity, the way you behaved with the elf was most surprising would you care to enlighten us and please call us Molly and Arthur" asked Molly.

"Absolutely, you may also call me Ben. Now Molly what do you understand about House-elves?" asked Harold.

She looked like she was thinking but after some time she said "Nothing, except that they are good at taking care of the home, cooking and have to bond to either a magical building, magical family or individual witches and wizards to survive"

Harold nodded and gave her the list of all the things he knew house elves could currently do.

"This list contains the things all house elves can do, Now tell me, Molly, how do you feel about House-elves now?"

He saw the shock on both of their faces when they saw the list. He continued

"Even though they have these many skills they still don't flaunt them and all they take from is a little bit of magic to sustain themselves. But also I have come to the feeling that my house elves are a part of my family and I treat them as such. Little things like thank you and compliments give them a lot of pleasure. When they are doing so many things for us. Can't we just bs a little bit more polite to them in return."

He got a feeling of satisfaction watching them get comprehension then they looked determined about treating the elves as family.

"Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us Ben. Now, what can we do for you?"

Thus Harold told Molly about his plan for a Daycare and needing someone to manage and thus coming to her to recruit her. Truthfully Molly had been feeling useless as now the kids were going to the primary school, and house elves taking care of cooking, cleaning of the house and maintaining the garden she had been having lots of free time.

She had even retrained her handwriting with the book she got her sons and daughter for their handwriting in the last year as a hobby. Thus now that she found the opportunity for work that she liked and also found a way to earn extra money for the family. She took the Job without hesitation but not without consulting her husband first.