Chapter 2: 5 years later

August 1, 20XX (Thursday)

In Country Z airport

5 years later,

A ravishing lady wearing a white long sleeve crop top with a black pencil skirt pair with a grey crystal high heel which further beautify the lady beauty, making her look more confident and intimidating. Her sharp and fierce black eyes which could seem to suck anyone who look into her eyes into a deep blue ocean and her plumb red lips which look so kissable making every men passing by feel like kissing her.

That lady is none other than Song Yu.

After 5 years, she was finally back from Country S, she had been flourishing her company Z.D.Y Corp for the past years. Song Yu felt that the only way for her to not experience the same thing she did, was to get stronger. By that she meant starting her own career, which will never betray her.

Under Song Yu's guidance, Z.D.Y Corp is now one of the top 5 most successful and richest company in Country S. Coming back to Country Z, Song Yu only had one goal and that was to move Z.D.Y Corp main headquarters over. So that she could set her footing here at the place she was born, it would be more convenient for her in the future too.

The other reasons were also because she wants to get back to the people who betrayed her and show them she is not to be trifled with anymore.


"You heartless wench, leaving without a goodbye and only came back after a good long 5 years!" Qiao Lin cried out as she hugged her beloved friend for dear life.

Smiling at her bestfriends over exaggerating act, she gently laughed as she use the same amount of force to hug her bestfriend. "Is that all you have to say after only seeing me now?"

Pulling back, Qiao Lin scoffed at Song Yu's teasing. "You still have time to tease me, so many things happened within 5 years. You didn't even contact me or the decency to at least tell me how long will you be gone...HMPH?!"

Smiling at the only person who truly care about her, she gently tugged the sleeves of her bestfriend. "I'm sorry, I will be sure to tell you if..."

"There's no next time...." Qiao Lin deadpanned.


Qiao Lin went to get her car while Song Yu waited at the front of the airport.

Meanwhile, a man with a extremely cold and aloof persona was seen walking towards the front of the airport with many bodyguards beside him. One look would be able to tell that he was a man of status, the man was wearing a three piece black suit. Standing tall with a height of 1.9 m tall, the straight brows and clear sharp blue eyes made all women falls in love with him at first sight.

He who loves to keep a low profile, did not know that all he did now was drawing numerous attention over to himself without needing to put in any ounce of effort. The bodyguards that were surrounding him like a human barricade could not stop the reporters that were swarming in like a hungry wolfs with dozens of questions firing at the man.

"Mr Gu, can you please tell us the reason you are back in Country Z?"

Mr Gu, what is your thoughts on BG new AI launch?"

"Mr Gu, how long are you planning to stay in Country Z?"

Gu Chen the most rich and successful man in the whole of Country Z, one of the top leading bachelor in Country Z. Gu Chen can make someone lives becomes a living hell just by flicking his fingers, people yearn for the power and status he possess.

While not bothering about the reporters, he walk out of the airport smoothly with his lean and straight legs though being crowded by the reporters.

Sadly, there were still some dumb people who wants to seek death. The people who saw Gu Chen and recognize him as the top leading man, had rushed forward and clung onto Gu Chen for dear life. Annoyed by the bees swarming around him, he turned back and glared at those peasants while continuing to walk.

Not paying attention in front, he accidentally pushed someone in front of him. But with his fast reflexes, he was able to hold the person before any accidents happened.


Because of the sudden impact Song Yu almost fell forward when a strong arm sneak around her waist and supported her from falling. The sudden fall stunned Song Yu senseless, she couldn't response to it after a few seconds. After registering what had happened, she quickly steady herself from the fall.

She stood up straight while tidying her messy hair and clothes, but she seem to feel that the hand that were supposed to let go after supporting her. Was still there, in fact the hands that were on her waist tightens.

Song yu started to feel irritated, here she thought the man that safe her from the fall was a good guy and wanted to thank him. She wanted to use her heel to step the the man foot when the man turn her around before she could react. A slightly dry and sensual lips inch close to her lips, almost kissing her.

Stunned by the sudden action, Song Yu elbowed the man on his stomach before taking a step back to take a closer look at the audacious man. "What are you trying to do, Mr?" questioning him with an eyebrow up, seeming to dare him to act impudent again.

Gu Chen who were stunned at his actions earlier on could not comprehend why he had the urge to kiss a stranger, he stared deeply into the dark brownish eyes of Song Yu's as though he could see through her soul. Not liking the feeling of being stared at by a stranger so intently, she furrowed her brows with her arms folded in front of her chest.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question!" Looking at the feisty woman and down to her round plump bosom, he gave a devilish grin. "Sir?" as though wanting to intimidate her, he took a step forward looking down at the woman who seems to be half a head shorter than him.

Not wanting to be seen as a weak woman, she decisively looked up at the daring man. "Yes Mr, you knocked into me and was trying to kiss me. What kind of boorish man would do that!" she hissed at him.

Earning a soft laugh, "Who are you?" Gu Chen find the woman to be very interesting, no one has ever been this daring as to glare and raise their voice at him.


"Piss..." Song Yu was about to talk some sense into the man when she was stopped by Qiao Lin, who had called her from a distance.

Just as Qiao Lin reach the entrance using her car she saw Song yu seeming to be arguing with a majestic looking man with many people surrounding them, thinking that something bad happened. She got out of the car, "Xiao Yu, what's happening?" she shouted at a distance before walking towards Song Yu.

"I'll take it as i'm unlucky to have been pushed by a scoundrel!" Song Yu chided before turning to go to Qiao Lin, but before she could take a step forward. She was grabbed by the wrist and the next thing she knew, she was in the arms of the scoundrel.

"You're one feisty one aren't you" Grinning at the woman in his arms, "F*ck O...MMmmm!!" Her cursed were cut of after she was forcefully kissed by the hooligan like man. The kiss came as fast as it came, before Song Yu could comprehend what had happened the man leaned next to her ear. "Remember my name, I am Gu Chen" with that he left without looking back.


"Who is that man?" Qiao Lin who was driving asked Song Yu in a puzzled tone.

"I don't know, just some strange hooligan like man??" she grudgingly said before closing her eyes not rest not wanting to explain or talk about the stranger man.