Chapter 3: Buckets of Sweat

August 3, 20XX (Saturday)

Z.D.Y Corp, Emperor Corp


Z.D.Y Corp is a jewelry and entertainment Company.

inside a meeting room, all the board of directors were sweating buckets of sweat. As one of the new actress under Z.D.Y Corp got caught having sex with one of the board of directors of the company to become the female lead of a new movie going to be film soon.

The actress name Ling ke, 21 years old wants Hong wei a 50 years old man to persuade the president and some of the board of directors to accept Ling ke as the female lead of the new movie Shackles of love.

It became the hot topic of the day, which Z.D.Y Corp hurried to use some PR to handle the reporters and public which the news got quickly taken down as though it wasn't there in the first place.

Z.D.Y Corp likes to use their own resources to promote their own jewelries, using the help of their own movies or drama to promote their jewelries as the movies or drama will be something with history or something meaningful.

Which because of what Ling Ke did will affect the companies profit and many shareholders would lose faith in them. But the good thing was Z.D.Y Corp is an international company people would not easily lose faith in them. There will still be some ignorant fools who thinks that such a small matter would affect Z.D.Y Corp very much and pull out their shares.


Song yu eyes swept through the whole board of directors and ask them who were in cahoots with Hong Wei. Though, she was still in Country Z, and that she could only talk through the screen. The board of directors were still shuddering at the intense aura emitting from the other end.

"This would have been a small matter, but you all just have to choose this time to create a scandal. When I am just gone for a few days?" she questioned those old fox who were all up to no good.

"It's fine if no one wants to own up, I'll decide for you all" with that said, Song Yu flicked her hand and the ever so fast and alert Jack, secretary of Song Yu. He without further question, knew what his boss wants him to do.

Two Burly man in grey step out and jack ordered "you know what to do."

After the command the two bodyguards got straight to their work, they understood the underlying meaning of Secretary Ho.


Meanwhile, inside a meeting room of Emperor Corp there's also a battle with the President and the board of directors.

"President Gu, you cannot do this i have a family to take care of. Please give me a chance i promise i will never do it again." Peng Li begged for forgiveness.

"Take him away." With this one command from President Gu, Ye Xun the right hand man of Gu Chen carried out his orders without a second word. He ordered 3 burly man in Black to drag Peng Li the director who tried to challenge Gu Chen authority.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the board of directors were feeling pity for Peng Li as he was being drag away so disgracefully and who knows what will President Gu do to him.

Peng Li challenge Gu Chen authority by secretly putting people of his own to slowly covet Emperor Corp. Peng Li naively thought that he could get past Gu Chen sharp and meticulous eyes and slowly get Emperor Corp but who knows that actually Gu Chen had been keeping an eye on him just that he was waiting for the perfect timing to strike him.

"Anymore who want to challenge my authority?" Gu Chen challenged.

All the directors answered in sync as though they had rehearse in it, "No one President Gu."

"Good because if there is you all can try, because the results will be just like Mr Peng. Meeting adjourned."


"President Song, I'm is all the old man's fault" Ling Ke who was dragged into the room by the burly man was crying out loud.

Song Yu who was at the side watching, could not help but furrowed her brows at the unsightly woman on the floor. Why would a woman stoop so low as to want to hook up with a man 21 years older than her, Song Yu thought to herself.

Initially she was still thinking whether should she be lenient towards her, but after thinking about it she felt it was not necessary. The lady did not have an ounce of repentance, the sight of her blaming the other person make Song Yu feel nauseous.

She felt that if she did not give a harsh punishment, the old foxes in the company will not understand her wrath. Furthermore, she was still not in the country then, she needed to set things straight or more troubles will come even before she starts to find a suitable place for Z.D.Y Corp the reside in.